So it is ZX Spectrum 48k issue 3b
The Peritel tadaaa!\o/
Inside Peritel base card
Inside Peritel real card
ZX 40 buttons keyboard matrix
Only what is necessary
last connector to solder! (the 8/rows one)
with the modulator, crappy
The RF modulator(the grey box) is disconnected from +5V & signal, thus signal(=video) into antenna!(open the box to solder signal to antenna)
the screen is really better without RF! but I've to find a better way to connect the keyboard to the motherboard...
finally resoldered with real connector inside(part of ide socket)
Picos on mainboard, parts of ide connector on keyboard side
can't LOAD :'(
and some zx poke
pas de html5 fonctionnel! il faudra se contenter de le récupérer