Introduction - Issue 5 BinaryZer0 intro, introduction, issue 5, five Issue 5 is finally released, nearly one month after issue 4. I like very much the way this magazine is headed. I owe HUGE ammounts of thanks to cube for allowing me to do this project. This project gives me something to do, as well as make another info-mediary on the Internet. Since my time on the Internet began, I always liked to find informative Web sites on the Internet. I hated all the others. Who cares what Sally's cat's name is? Give me some info I can use! Then, I began writing my own texts on various subjects, but mostly computer security (or what I knew of it then). It wasn't long before I began my first electronic journal, a news letter which was sent to subscribers via e-mail. Although myself and the group of staff didn't know much about the subjects we wrote (mostly computer security), we wrote what we knew. Many people enjoyed reading it, but a split between the staff ended career. Before I started another "e-zine", but when I left the site on which it was hosted, the zine was taken off, since I was the one keeping it up. I guess these gave me the experience I needed to begin a better zine, one I have much pride in: I am not at the point where I can say has extremely informative or valuable content, but slowly, I hope, it's getting there, with the help of many people. Thanks to those that make it work, -BinaryZer0