Abstracts from files in info-mac/info/sft as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     about-slice-watch.hqx   ****

From: Allan Udy, allan@goldenms.actrix.gen.nz
Subject: About SliceWatch Info

The attached 'postcard' application contains some detailed information, and
screen shots, of the SliceWatch time management database application. This
document is designed to enable potential SliceWatch users get a quick look
at the application, before downloading the larger full distribution archive

Golden Micro Solutions

#### TEXT       adobe-acrobat.txt   ****

Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 14:45:38 -0500
From: baim@harpo.aaec.com
Subject: Adobe Acrobat Report

attached is a report/blurb from Adobe regarding Acrobat and its place in
the Grand Scheme.  FYI.

Paul Baim

-- cut here --
From: santoro@mv.us.adobe.com
Subject:      Re: Acrobat
To: Multiple recipients of list GUTNBERG


In the last decade, personal computer users have come to depend on their
machines for a variety of tasks, nearly all of which culminate in the creation
of documents. These can range from one-page spreadsheets or simple letters to

#### TEXT       after-dark-30-bugs.txt   ****

From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@student.lut.ac.uk>
Subject: After Dark 3.0 conflicts, updates
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 94 4:48:34 BST

This document details a large number of known and suspected conflicts
between After Dark 3.0 and other software. A mailing list for 'quick fix'
updaters is being put together by Berkeley Systems - if you own After Dark
3.0, I strongly recommend getting on that list. Details below.
This document appeared in Berkeley System's forum on CompuServe
on Friday, 16 September, at the same time as the After Dark 3.0 Programming
Kit. The disclaimer at the bottom of this document suggests that it was
originally made available on Apple's eWorld.
If you own After Dark 3.0 or are planning to purchase it in the near
future, it is in your interest to download and read this textfile.

Although I maintain the Mac screensaver FAQ (currently being updated to
include details of DarkSide 4.2 and After Dark 3.0), I have not seen
After Dark 3.0. I do not own it. I am not qualified to answer questions

#### TEXT       alias-tricks.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 13:52:38 +1000
From: "Michael.Smith" <Michael.Smith@maths.anu.edu.au>
Subject: Tricks for keeping aliases connected

Warning: I waffle on a bit in this message.

This a brief account of my recent experiences with aliases. Hopefully it
will be of use to others. A simple trick allowed me to do a backup-restore
of my hard disk with only a few aliases ending up detached (some because I
forgot to unlock them before starting, others because they ended up
pointing across the new partitions).

How do aliases work?

As far as I know, an alias encodes its destination in two ways.  I won't go
into too many details, since I have only educated guesses on precisely how
it works, but experimentation can verify the following facts:

#### BINHEX     ambrosia-software-faq.hqx   ****

From: ("Cajun" David Richard) help@ambrosiasw.com
Subject: Ambrosia Software FAQ

FAQ is an acronym for Frequently Asked Questions.  This FAQ is an attempt 
to provide a comprehensive source of information about Ambrosia Software, 
Inc., and was created in response to questions that are frequently raised 
by our customers.  We hope you find it useful.

If there are any questions you have about Ambrosia that are not answered 
in this FAQ, please get in touch with us so we can include them in future 

Ambrosia Software, Inc. is a small company dedicated to bringing you 
quality software, excellent support, and innovative ideas all at a 
reasonable cost.  We give you commercial-quality software at a fraction 
of the price, with the added convenience of being able to try out the 
software before you pay for it.

Ambrosia distributes software on numerous electronic information 
services, as well as via user groups, and approved public domain 
distributors. Of course, you can always obtain our products directly from 
us as well.  You are given a 30 day free license to evaluate any of our 
software; after the 30 days have passed, you are expected to send the 
appropriate registration fee to us for processing.

#### BINHEX     ambrosia-times-34.hqx   ****

From: ("Cajun" David Richard) help@ambrosiasw.com
Subject: Ambrosia Times July '96


This is the July Ambrosia Times, Volume 3, Issue 4.

Ambrosia Software, Inc. publishes an electronic newsletter, entitled The 
Ambrosia Times, every other month. The 'Times is an interactive 
electronic newsletter that is meant to serve as an informal method of 
getting the word out about what Ambrosia is up to as a company. By 
browsing past and present issues of this newsletter, you'll obtain a 
wealth of information about our products, from previews of upcoming 
products to hints and tips about how to use our software effectively. 

In the July 1996 issue of The Ambrosia Times, you will find:

- The announcement of Ambrosia's new game, Manse.
- An interview with a new member of the Ambrosia team.
- The latest scores from the Barrack High Score contest.
- An update on the latest version of Escape Velocity and the Delta_V 
mailing list.
- Microsoft's plan for world domnation and more!

Download this free newsletter to find out more about Ambrosia's shareware 
and the people behind it.

The Ambrosia Times is being distributed electronically free of charge on 
a bi-monthly basis.  If you want The Ambrosia Times sent to your 
electronic mailbox at no charge every other month, please sign up on the 
at_list mailing list at http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Lists.html 

#### BINHEX     ambrosia-times-36.hqx   ****

From: help@ambrosiasw.com ("Cajun" David Richard)
Subject: November Ambrosia Times, Volume 3, Issue 6

This is the November Ambrosia Times, Volume 3, Issue 6.

Ambrosia Software, Inc. publishes an electronic newsletter, entitled The 
Ambrosia Times, every other month. The 'Times is an interactive 
electronic newsletter that is meant to serve as an informal method of 
getting the word out about what Ambrosia is up to as a company. By 
browsing past and present issues of this newsletter, you'll obtain a 
wealth of information about our products, from previews of upcoming 
products to hints and tips about how to use our software effectively. 

In the November 1996 issue of The Ambrosia Times, you will find:

- Hints and Tips for Ambrosia's new game, Bubble Trouble.
- An interview with the author of Manse, Brian Barnes.
- A close look at Escape Velocity Plug-ins
- News of two new products, and more...

Download this free newsletter to find out more about Ambrosia's shareware 
and the people behind it.

The Ambrosia Times is being distributed electronically free of charge on 
a bi-monthly basis.  If you want The Ambrosia Times sent to your 
electronic mailbox at no charge every other month, please sign up on the 
at_list mailing list at http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Lists.html 

#### BINHEX     ambrosia-times-41.hqx   ****

From: help@AmbrosiaSW.com
Subject: The Ambrosia Times V4.1

January 1997 - Volume 4 Issue 1

Who We Are

Ambrosia Software, Inc. -- publisher of award winning programs for the Macintosh
-- distributes a full line of utility, productivity, and anti-productivity (game)
software through America Online, CompuServe, and the Internet as shareware.

You are given a 30 day free license to evaluate any of our software; after the 30
days have passed, you are expected to send the appropriate registration fee to us
for processing.

This Newsletter

Ambrosia Software, Inc. publishes this electronic newsletter, entitled The
Ambrosia Times, every other month. The "AT" is an interactive electronic
newsletter that is meant to serve as an informal method of getting the word out
about what Ambrosia is up to as a company. By browsing past and present issues of
this newsletter, you'll obtain a wealth of information about our products, from
previews of upcoming products to hints and tips about how to use our software

The Ambrosia Times  is distributed electronically free of charge on a bimonthly
basis. If you want The Ambrosia Times  sent to your electronic mailbox at no
charge every other month, please sign up on the at_list mailing list at

#### BINHEX     ambrosia-times-42.hqx   ****

Subject: Ambrosia_Times_4.2.hqx
From: help@ambrosiasw.com


This is the January Ambrosia Times, Volume 4, Issue 2.

Ambrosia Software, Inc. publishes an electronic newsletter, entitled The
Ambrosia Times, every other month. The 'Times is an interactive
electronic newsletter that is meant to serve as an informal method of
getting the word out about what Ambrosia is up to as a company. By
browsing past and present issues of this newsletter, you'll obtain a
wealth of information about our products, from previews of upcoming
products to hints and tips about how to use our software effectively.

In the March 1997 issue of The Ambrosia Times, you will find:

- An in depth look at our new release, ColorSwitch Pro. - An interview
with Delver author, Glenn Andreas. - The debut of Matt's new article. -
Detailed previews of Manse and Delver, and more...

Download this free newsletter to find out more about Ambrosia's
shareware and the people behind it.

The Ambrosia Times is being distributed electronically free of charge on
a bi-monthly basis.  If you want The Ambrosia Times sent to your
electronic mailbox at no charge every other month, please sign up on the
at_list mailing list at http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Lists.html

#### BINHEX     ambrosia-times-43.hqx   ****

From: help@ambrosiasw.com
Subject: Ambrosia_Times_4.3.hqx

This is the May Ambrosia Times, Volume 4, Issue 3.

Ambrosia Software, Inc. publishes an electronic newsletter, entitled The
Ambrosia Times, every other month. The 'Times is an interactive
electronic newsletter that is meant to serve as an informal method of
getting the word out about what Ambrosia is up to as a company. By
browsing past and present issues of this newsletter, you'll obtain a
wealth of information about our products, from previews of upcoming
products to hints and tips about how to use our software effectively.

In the May 1997 issue of The Ambrosia Times, you will find:

- A sneak peak at Ambrosia's next game. - An interview with Ambrosia's
own Superheros. - A report on the fate of Ambrosia's AOL Forum. -
Detailed updates on several products, and more...

Download this free newsletter to find out more about Ambrosia's
shareware and the people behind it.

The Ambrosia Times is being distributed electronically free of charge on
a bi-monthly basis.  If you want The Ambrosia Times sent to your
electronic mailbox at no charge every other month, please sign up on the
at_list mailing list at http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Lists.html

#### TEXT       apple-ip-gateway.txt   ****

Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 14:55:30 -0800
From: kee@kagi.com (Kee Nethery +1 408 974 7889)
Subject: Apple IP Gateway Info (A)

The following should answer your questions about the Apple IP Gateway. The
following is taken from the Apple IP Gateway Press Release.

The Apple IP Gateway builds on Apple's recent announcement to include MacTCP=
its System 7.5 operating system.  MacTCP client software allows Macintosh=AE
computers on IP networks to communicate using TCP/IP protocols. With the App=
IP Gateway, the MacTCP client can now be used on Macintosh computers connect=
to an AppleTalk network. The Gateway acts as a translator between AppleTalk =
TCP/IP network protocols, allowing Macintosh computers on AppleTalk networks=
access IP services as if they were on the IP network.

#### BINHEX     apps-with-apple-events.hqx   ****

Date: 10 Jul 1992 11:11:05 -0700 

From: "Apgar, Eric" <Apgar#m#_Eric@msgate.corp.apple.com>

Subject: AppleEventAppsWord 

Enclosed find a word document that has information

about a bunch of applications that support Apple Events.

I found it on AppleLink. I don't remember seeing it submitted...

Apgar@Apple.com                   I said it, NOT Apple.

#### TEXT       as-scripters-kit.txt   ****

From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 93 11:15:48 PST
Subject: New AppleScript Kit


Emilio Robles
Apple Computer, Inc.
(408) 862-5671


Toni Giusti
Cunningham Communication, Inc.
(408) 982-0400

Apple Delivers New AppleScript Scripter's Kit for Solution Providers

#### TEXT       auto-doubler-summary.txt   ****

Date: Fri, 17 Jun 94 13:47:15 EDT
From: wse@matahari.dfci.harvard.edu (William Edwards)
Subject: Autodoubler Problem SUMMARY: I went to Stacker

Thanks to everyone who responded.  As you'll see from the attached
mail, there was some skepticism about disk-level auto-compression,
though one person was using Stacker without any problems.  One person
suggested a new disk drive, which I am too cheap to buy at the moment.
I went ahead, installed Stacker and got rid of Autodoubler.  This
eliminated the mysterious spinup problem, *and* gained me disk space,
since Autodoubler was not compressing my System Folder.  So far so
good.  Here come the messages:
Original posting:

       I am about to go this route, and was wondering if any have travelled
it before me.  I am about to dump Autodoubler (2.0.3), which is spinning my
Powerbook drive up every thirty seconds, and which is incompatible
with Quicken 4.0 and macBible 3.0.  I'm running Stacker on my HP 95,
and it just seems to work.  I want to try it on my PB 100 8/40, and

#### TEXT       awol-where-to-find-14.txt   ****

AWOL Utilities 1.4:  Where to Find Them!
 April 24, 1998

Internet mail address:

Paper mail address:
 AWOL Software Productions
 PO Box 24207
 Hazeldean RPO
 Kanata, Ontario, Canada
 K2M 2C3

Package contents:
 Each program archive includes the "About AWOL Utilities" file, which gives a
 capsule summary of all AWOL Utilities programs.
 Virtual Desktop 1.9.2: powerful virtual desktop manager for all Macs and monitors
 Maybe 1.5.3: Finder alias enhancer, useful with Virtual Desktop
 Help on Wheels 1.3: stand-alone help server, used with all AWOL Utilities
 HoW Developer's Kit 1.3: developer's kit for Help on Wheels client applications

#### TEXT       bad-record-index-pm5.txt   ****

Date:         Sat, 02 Jul 94 18:35:15 PDT
Subject:      Preventing and Solving PageMaker Bad Record Index Errors

When I recently had a PageMaker 5.0 file go belly-up on me because of a
"'Bad Record Index'" error, I collected many tips on dealing with this
ominous problem which I thought I would share.  I am sending you a
detailed set of instructions which may be of use to others for placing
in the archives.

Dealing with "Bad Record Index" errors in PageMaker.

The main points are these:


1.  Update to PM 5.0a (but do turn off ALL inits first; the installer is
a killer otherwise).
2.  In Preferences, make sure "Save smaller" is checked.

#### BINHEX     bb.hqx   ****

From: gcrice@bleurose.com
Subject: Black&Bleu

Demo copy
Black & Bleu is an application that shows you the meaning of all of the documented and many of the undocumented Mac OS error codes. Many codes include information about what might be the cause of the error and what you can do about it.

The database contains over 2500 error codes with Apple's short explanations of each. Our detailed explanations and remedies are included for the most common of these errors. The type of detailed information can be selected from 2 categories: a Non-technical User orientation and a Programmer orientation. The Non-technical User explanation is presented in a way that someone without a programming background can understand. The Programmer explanation is written in VERY technical terms that usually includes source code that demonstrates the error. To fully understand the Programmer explanation, you should be familiar with Macintosh programming (in C or C++).

Black & Bleu is also available from our web site: www.bleurose.com as a free fully functioning demo.  This demo can be launched for a total of 3 times before it expires.

#### BINHEX     bible-11.hqx   ****

From: maclibrary@skynet.be
Subject: bible-11

The Mac First Aid Bible is THE first stand-alone troubleshooting guide
for every Mac user who wish to keep his Mac happy.
It contains a lot of usefull information, info about troubleshooting shareware and links to the related sites of it.
Give it try and please register it!!!
Thanks anyway for trying out.
This is version 1.1, but will be enhanced soon with new topics covered.
The bible-11.hqx file contains all information needed about The Mac First
Aid Bible.
Author: Guido Cautreels
email adress: maclibrary@skynet.be

#### TEXT       calculators.txt   ****

From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
Subject: Calculators Summary (Re: Currency Converter)
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1993 02:07:06 GMT

pollock@CC.UManitoba.CA writes:

>I am looking for a currency converter.

How about a calculator?

I will append a list of calculators I found on UMICH looking at the file

Just one question:
Where would you get the up-to-date info on currencies?

Sven :)


#### BINHEX     cdu-electronic-manual.hqx   ****

Date: 30 Jun 1995 17:26:37 U
From: "Tech Support" <support@connectix.com>
Subject: CDU 1.0.5 Manual

The enclosed electronic manual documents CDU 1.0.5 new features.

Please note that this electronic manual is the US version. If you have
a localized version, please check with your local distributor.

This electronic manual is available for free distribution to local BBS
online services.

This electronic manual is for CDU registered users only. If you have
not sent your registration card to Connectix, please do so that we can
notify you of future product information.

) Copyright 1995 Connectix Corporation

#### TEXT       circuit-analysis-software.txt   ****

Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 23:52:33 -0500
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 93 13:22:45 EDT
From: Tom Coradeschi <tcora@Pica.Army.Mil>
Subject: PSPICE

Wally Patterson <patterwc@tigershark.ml.wpafb.af.mil> wrote:
>I'm looking for a MAC-based circuit simulator call PSPICE.
>Please, tell me where I can find it.


[These opinions are posted by Professor A. E. Siegman, E. L. Ginzton
Laboratory MC-4085, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305. Email responses
directed to siegman@sierra.stanford.edu on Internet or RW.AAP@STANFORD on
Bitnet will be welcomed.]

Messages keep appearing on Mac newsgroups asking about analog and digital
circuit analysis programs and other EE-related educational programs for the

#### BINHEX     claris-solutions-italy-info.hqx   ****

From: (Riccardo Canetta) ricky@internetforce.com
Subject: Italian Claris Solutions Alliance

Good news for italian FileMaker Pro developers: the Claris Solutions
Alliance is now available in Italy, giving access to a lot of information
and technical issues as well as to the FileMaker Pro SDK, the unlimited
multi-platform run-time.

The enclosed file contains all the infos about the italian CSA and how to
join it, and can also be downloaded from our web page at
<http://www.venus.it/FMP>, which also contains tips, tricks and the
official developers' directory.

Riccardo Canetta

#### BINHEX     claris-works-faq.hqx   ****

From: MacFAQ@aol.com
Subject: ClarisWorks FAQ

The September 29, 1995 version of the ClarisWorks FAQ, considerably updated,
and with a new HTML chapter. The FAQ is now available on the web at

This archive contains a plain text version of the FAQ, along with a
ClarisWorks 4.0 version. Stuffed, binhexed, disinfected, smothered, covered,
uncovered, scattered, fried, and topped.

Les Jones

#### BINHEX     codebook-30-feb-98.hqx   ****

From: robert@torget.se
Subject: Codebook 3.0 released!!

The Codebook-team announces the release of version 3.0 of the Codebook!

After about one year in development, and more than half a year since the
last version arrived, the Codebook-team has now created the ultimate
Macintosh cheat collection, ever! This time it´s made as a selfstanding
program, which makes it much more user-friendly than the Docmaker versions.
He have also added tons of new game cheats, hacks, Easter eggs and more.
The Codebook 3.0 is now shareware, and costs 5$ to register. When you
register you get rid of an annoying dialogbox, as well as you get
subscribed to the Codebook newsletter, with news, links and more neat stuff.

The codebook 3.0 will be updated a few times a year, and each time
mentioned with the release date after the name of the stuffed archive; i.e.
Codebook_3.0_Feb98.sit. If you have any question that cannot be answered by
downloading the Codebook application, feel free to ask, and please spread
the word around; The codebook 3.0 is finally here!!

#### BINHEX     control-strip-modules-arc.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 26 Feb 1995 04:39:04 -0500 (EST)
From: Data <czen@columbia.edu>
Subject: Control Strip Modules Archive Update 

Dear Control Strip Supporters:

This is the Control Strip Modules Archive Maintainer. I have been very
busy because of the Midterm Exams. As many of you have already known, the
archive has came back online since the 30th of January. However, the plan
of moving the archive to a SparcStation has "again" been delayed due to
the difficulties in finding certain custom cables.

This archive will be moved again around the end of May 1995, I will post
to comp.sys.mac.system and comp.sys.mac.misc as well as send announcments
to the info-mac mailing list when it changes. So keep your eyes open and
you should be aware of the happenings. Also, you may finger me at
<czen@columbia.edu> for the most up-to-date information about me and the
status-location of this archive.

FYI, the current archive address is at


For your conveniences, I will resubmit the newest Fetch and Anarchie
bookmarks along with this letter to both Umich and Sumex for your
conveniences. If you wish, you may drop me emails, and I will mail you
those bookmarks as attachments.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or problems about this archive,
please send email to me <czen@columbia.edu>.

Once again, thank you so much for supporting Control Strip and this

/Data <czen@columbia.edu> 2/22/1995

And here is a recap for those who are new to this.
Hi, Control Strip Fans:

Welcome to the first "Control Strip Module Archive" on the net(as far as I
know and hope) :-) It will run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until the end
of May 1995 (I will have an IP address change then, so just email me and i
will send you the new site address)

To ensure that this archive is up-to-date, I will be compiling Freeware,
Shareware, and "any-other-ware" Modules off the net, CompuServe, America
OnLine, etc. on a regular basis(ususally dialy). However, Control Strip
Developers, please upload or emai me your new module(s), and It will be
available to the net within 1-4 hours.

The modules contained in this archive are NOT commerical softwares.

I would like to thank the following people for their advice and support:
(the names are in the order of their product releases) Mr. Robert S.
Mah<rmah@panix.com>, author of "Control Strip Patcher" Patrick
McClaughry<patm@parcplace.com>, author of "Ballon Help ME" Jeremy
Kezer<jbkezer@aol.com>, author of "Jeremy's Control Strip Modules"

have fun.

/Data <czen@columbia.edu>
Matrix 29.17 OP and Control Strip Modules Archive Maintainer.

/data                                                  <czen@columbia.edu>
              Matrix 29.17 Op and Control Strip Modules Archive Maintainer
voice 212-853-7882                                 Matrix 29.17 now OnLINE

#### TEXT       csm-applications-faq-230.txt   ****

Date: Sun, 17 Jul 1994 07:36:27 +0700
From: eharold@sunspot.noao.edu (Elliotte Harold)
Subject: New version of the application faq

Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.apps,comp.answers,news.answers
From: elharo@shock.njit.edu (Elliotte Rusty Harold)
Reply-To: elharo@shock.njit.edu (Elliotte Harold)
Organization: Department of Mathematics, NJIT
Summary: This document answers a number of the most frequently asked 
	questions about Macintosh application software on Usenet.  To avoid 
	wasting bandwidth and as a matter of politeness please familiarize 
	yourself with this document BEFORE posting.
Subject: Macintosh application software frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Keywords: FAQ, Macintosh, Mac, macintosh, mac, apps, applications
Followup-To: comp.sys.mac.apps
Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu

Archive-name: macintosh/apps-faq
Version: 2.3.0

#### TEXT       csm-system-faq-226.txt   ****

Date: Fri, 18 Mar 94 16:54:12 EST
From: elharo@shock.njit.edu (Elliotte Rusty Harold)
Subject: update sysfaq

Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.system,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: Macintosh system software frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Followup-To: comp.sys.mac.system
Organization: Department of Mathematics, NJIT
From: elharo@shock.njit.edu (Elliotte Rusty Harold)
Reply-To: elharo@shock.njit.edu (Elliotte Harold)
Keywords: FAQ, system, Macintosh, Mac, macintosh, mac
Approved: news-answer-request@MIT.edu
Summary: This document answers a number of the most frequently asked 
 questions about Macintoshes on Usenet.  To avoid wasting bandwidth
 and as a matter of politeness please familiarize yourself with this 
 document BEFORE posting.

Archive-name: macintosh/system-faq
Version: 2.2.6

#### TEXT       databases.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1992 08:55:19 +0000 
From: Graham Allsopp <gg1jga@sunc.sheffield.ac.uk>
Subject: Databases 

In response to Bill Sawrey's dismay at FileMaker Pro, I post the replies I
received last week. I requested some information on databases for storing
information concerning the maps, diagrams & drawings we produce. Thanks for
all the replies folks - they don't reach any real conclusion though. From
the replies, and talking to a few fellow cartographers over here, FileMaker
Pro seems favorite, but sometimes I almost feel that it was easier in the
days of drafting film & pens ... 

Apologies in advance for the length of this posting, 


Message from Stuart Greenfield <sjg@edu.tenet>
>I'd highly recommend FileMaker Pro. It's easy to setup and modify. You can >even include graphic images as a field. It also is easy to modify on the >fly, e.g., you decide additional information (fields) need to be added at >some later date. Setting up reports is also excellent. 

#### BINHEX     destination-internet.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 09:28:10 -0800
From: celestin@olympus.net (Paul Celestin)
Subject: Destination: Internet CD-ROM index

This is a press release and index describing Destination: Internet, the new
Internet CD-ROM from Celestin Company. Destination: Internet contains over
500 megabytes of Internet-related information and tools, including MacTCP
and MacPPP, the cornerstones of true Macintosh Internet connectivity.

Celestin Company - 1152 Hastings Avenue - Port Townsend, WA 98368-6112
Home of Apprentice - the Mac Programmer Source Code & Utilities CD-ROM
ftp://ftp.teleport.com/vendors/cci/  --  http://www.teleport.com/~cci/
send a blank message to 'cci@olympus.net' for an index of our products

#### TEXT       edu-shareware-for-kids-94-05.txt   ****

Date: Sun, 1 May 1994 21:26:19 -0600
From: lohrentz@macc.wisc.edu (David Lohrentz)
Subject: Edu-Shareware-for-kids.txt

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This is the initial posting of a guide to educational shareware for
children ages 2-12.  A great deal of educational free/shareware for kids is
available on the internet, with more appearing all the time.  However, not
all of it will meet the needs of individual parents and educators.
Moreover, these sources are scattered in various locations.  Parents and
educators could more easily benefit from these freeware and shareware
educational sources if they knew what they were looking for and where to
find it.  The purpose of this guide is to make educational free/shareware
on the internet more accessible by reviewing recommended shareware sources,
and showing where to find them.  I think it should be posted in

#### TEXT       educational-medical-software.txt   ****

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 93 13:22 +0200 
Subject: [*] Educational Software for Medical Sciences (Summary) 

Resubmission of SUMMARY of responses.

With the help of:

Timothy Cera  <cera@cortex.health.ufl.edu>
irene@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Irka)
multimed@MEDENT.UMontreal.CA (Medico Dental Software Development)
Barry Markovitz, Markovitz@a1.kids.wustl.edu
Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@VM.TCS.Tulane.EDU>

Thank you all

Ilan Szekely, Compter Lab, Faculty of Dentistry
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. internet: ILANS@ds.huji.ac.il

Please archive as /info-mac/report/educational-medical-software.txt

#### TEXT       educational-software-kids.txt   ****

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 93 13:30 +0200 
Subject: [*] Educational Software for Disabled children (Summary) 

Resubmission of SUMMARY of responses.

With the help of:

Jay Kahn, jkahn@mitre.org
Graeme Forbes, <PL0BALF@VM.TCS.Tulane.EDU>
wolfson@ll.mit.edu (Harry Wolfson)

Thank you all

Ilan Szekely, Compter Lab, Faculty of Dentistry
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. internet: ILANS@ds.huji.ac.il

Please archive as /info-mac/report/educational-software-kids.txt
and delete /report/disabled-children-software.txt

#### BINHEX     educational-software-list.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 26 May 1993 13:49:24 +0100 
From: wilnij@indy.knoware.nl (Willem Nijenhuis)
Subject: EduSoftware.hqx 

Descriptions of 300 educational software programs as I found them on the
Gopher server at info.hed.apple.com.
There are brief descriptions of software concerning: 1) art and fashion; 2)
business and economics; 3) computer science; 4) education and counseling; 5)
english and foreign languages; 6) life sciences; 7) math, statistics and
logic; 8) physical science and engineering; 9) social science; 10) tool and
The file has to be debinhexed and then decompressed with StuffIt. The
descriptions themselves are in BBEdit-text-only format.
I have had some problems sending this file to Infomac. The problems are
solved and this is the file I mentioned in an earlier message.

Willem Nijenhuis | Internet: wilnij@knoware.nl  
Korenmolenweg 15 | CompuServe: 100022,1131                 
7391 ZA Twello   | Phone: +31-5712-75872           
THE NETHERLANDS  | Fax: +31-5712-75872             


#### TEXT       electronic-dictionaries.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1993 23:09:44 PDT
From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
Subject: CD ROM Dictionary (S)

Survey Says:

No one had tried the OED and several commented that it was way too
expensive. The American Heritage Dictionary Professional version seems to
be the current choice (and it's not a CD ROM). Random House might put out a
CD ROM with their dictionary but not yet available.

Thanks to all that replied. Highlights follow from some of the replies.

Kee Nethery

--  --  --  --  --  --  --
--  --  --  --  --  --  --
I just found a telnet site that has the Webster dictionary without to much

#### TEXT       english-is-tough-stuff.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 00:07:16 -0700
From: jonpugh@netcom.com (Jon Pugh)
Subject: [*] English is Tough Stuff

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Here's a text file which is perfect for those of you wishing to give
Macintalk a workout.  I recommend trying to read it out loud first.  You
may find that Macintalk has an easier time of it than you do.

I got this from a friend at work.  We have many people from international
destinations, including Holland, England, Croatia, France, China and more.
This is a prime example of how difficult English was for them to learn.

Open it in SimpleText on a machine with the latest Macintalk installed (for
those of you with Developer CDs, 1.2.1 is on the August CD) and have it
speak this in various voices.  There are a handful of words it

#### BINHEX     exlibris-20.hqx   ****

From: macdoug@duke.usask.ca

Subject: ExLibris 2.0 for FM Pro

Ex Libris 2.0 for FileMaker Pro.

The non-flashy description ...

Catalogues and categorizes books, articles, and essays, as well as stores notes

or reviews on each. Prints out records in bibliographic form.

Requires: FM Pro 3.0 (e-mail me for the 2.1 version) Prefers: 15" Colour monitor.

It's Freeware so give it a try!

B. Thigh macdoug@duke.usask.ca

#### BINHEX     expresso-review.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 22:29:36 -0800
From: dland@netcom.com (Eric Mueller)
Subject: Review of Berkeley Systems' EXPRESSO

This is a review of Berekley Systems' EXPRESSO address book/calendar/to-do
program. If you've ever thought that an organizer-type program just wasn't
for you... read this review. Expresso is clever and actually _fun_ to use
(but what else do you expect from the guys who brought you After Dark?).

-> This review may be reprinted and reproduced online and in user group
newsletters providing it remains complete and intact. See the information
at the end of the review for more details.

Questions? Comments? Write to <reviewnet@aol.com>. Thanks.

#### BINHEX     extension-informant-12.hqx   ****

From: joec@amug.org
Subject: ExtensionInformant1.2.hqx

Extension Informant for Macintosh and Power Macintosh v1.2, Copyright ©1995-97,
Joseph Cicinelli.  All Rights Reserved. Released on February 19, 1997

Purpose: Ever wonder what that unfamilar extension in your System Folder did or
what it was used for?  Have you ever puzzled over why a particular extension
didn't work correctly or wondered if you had an extension installed correctly? 
Well, this program was written to answer these questions and more! In its basic
form, Extension Informant is a hypertext-based help system and uses AppleScript
to assist it in performing certain Finder-related tasks such as copying or moving
files.  In addition to its application-like behavior, it also possesses a
drag-and-drop interface that permits you to drop an unfamilar extension on its
icon to discover the extension's purpose (if it's in the database of course! ).

In addition to adding approximately 30 new extensions and descriptions, Internet
web links (URLs) have been added for each of the extensions so that finding the
latest update or locating the software will be much easier.  Clicking on one of
these will launch your internet web browser and load the desired site.

Requirements: 1.  4 MB of RAM and approximately 3.1 MB of disk space.

2.  To take full advantage of Extension Informant's powerful trouble shooting
capabilities, you will need to have AppleScript 1.1 or later installed.  If you
are currently using System 7.5 or later, you have AppleScript installed and
simply need to make sure it is active and loaded at startup.  The Finder
Scripting Extension will also need to be loaded as well as the English Dialect
file inside the Scripting Additions folder within the Extensions Folder.

3.  If you have a PowerPC, the program is a Fat Binary and can thus take
advantage of your machine's speed!

Joe Cicinelli Macintosh/Newton Developer joec@amug.org Frontier Scripting Geek

#### TEXT       extension-mapper-10-info.txt   ****

From: DaBexCo@aol.com
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 02:41:30 -0500
Subject: double clicking on Netware


I saw your problem (on Info-Mac) about double clicking files and not being
able to launch application on the server.

We have had that problem on some of our macs.  Not all of them though.  I
recently got the latest NetWare client files for the Mac.  On the disk is a
file called Extension Mapper.  I read the ReadMe file on the disk.  Here is
what it says:

( I appologize, this is long.  But I thought all of it would be of interest
to you).

Extension Mapper 1.0 Read Me 

#### BINHEX     fax-stf-2x-error-codes.hqx   ****

From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@student.lut.ac.uk>
Subject: FaxSTF error codes
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 94 1:55:50 BST

I've got hold of a lookup table for the meaningless numbers FaxSTF 2.x
throws at you whenever it fails to do something. I hope that it proves
useful to other FaxSTF 2.x users, and enables them to do some successful

If you use FaxSTF, this is probably as essential a download as ValueFax,
elsewhere in the archives.


L.H.Wood@student.lut.ac.uk     Email me for a copy of the Mac screensaver FAQ

#### TEXT       fax-stf-30.txt   ****

Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1993 18:28:32 -0800 (PST)
From: Brian Amira <brian@scs.unr.edu>
Subject: Fax STF v3.0 Info (By Request)

I have now used every Fax program made for the Mac and think Fax STF 3.0 
is by far the best. Thus I will not talk about the others.

Is Fax STF Pro worth the extra moeny?
Hummm, well the PRO version is not out yet so it is kinda hard to tell. 
STF Pro adds AutoOCR - if you need fax OCR then this is good, if not is 
is a waste. AutoPrint - Auto printing of faxes, I don't really need this. 
Bacground Fax Imaging - Something nice to always have, but it will be 
slower. FaxView - Improved on screen viewing of faxes, the one thing I 
feel I would use most often. System 7 PRO PowerTalk Support - Useless to me.

As you can see it is really on a do you need it basis. I don't need PRO, 
but I might get it if it is a VERY CHEEP upgrade from normal STF.

#### TEXT       fax-stf-31-modem-list.txt   ****

Date: Thu, 2 Feb 95 19:10:53 GMT
From: tjfs@tadpole.co.uk (Tim Steele)
Subject: STF Download - 3.1 Modem List

A list of all modems supported by FaxSTF 3.1


Adtech Comm-Panion
        14,400 v.32bis  
        World Comm PV-PF144     
        AFM 24/96RE     

#### TEXT       fea-query-summary.txt   ****

Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 21:19 GMT 
From: ajcarr%ccvax.ucd.ie@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (Dr Alun J. Carr)
Subject: [*] Summary of responses to FEA query 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Well, I finally got around to hacking a mail file that was corrupted by
Pegasus Mail some time ago (twice!). It contained all the responses to
replies I
got to the following query which I put out around April time:

> Does anybody out there know if there are any finite element analysis
> packages available for the Mac (preferably 3D)? Please let me have the
> manufacturers name and if possible (in order of preference) e-mail address,
> fax number (not toll-free, as we can't use them from Europe), snail-mail
> address and/or phone number.

#### BINHEX     filemaker-pro-faq-95-12.hqx   ****

From: traut@iht0.iht.e-technik.th-darmstadt.de (Martin Trautmann)
Subject: FileMaker Pro FAQs.fm - please upload to your archive

Frequently asked questions on FileMaker Pro. They are stored within the FMP
template "faq.fm". The package also contains an AppleScript "Eudora2FMP"
that may tell Eudora to import its mailboxes to this template.

It might be stored as
<ftp:info-mac/app/filemaker-pro-faq-2.6.fm.hqx> for info-mac
<ftp:mac/util/filemaker/filemakerprofaq2.6.hqx> for umich.mac

and replace

The most recent release is on
You may receive it as a database: faq.fm (most recent)
compressed package: faq.fm.sit.hqx (almost recent)
or plain text: [FAQ] FileMaker Pro (less recent)

The plain text version is posted to comp.sys.mac.databases and
news.answers, and such may be found on the usual FAQ sites as plain text or

Since this is my first posting to MacGifts, I'd like to ask you for any
corrections on naming, descrition etc. Will this be sent to
comp.mac.binaries automatically by you, or whatelse will I have to do?

Thanks for your service

#### TEXT       first-things-first-review.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 16:20:39 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Nutter <manutter@mozart.cc.iup.edu>
Subject: First Things First Pro - review/report

Below is my review of the calendar/reminder/project-management utilit=
First Things First Proactive, by Visionary Software.

Mark Nutter

=3D=3D=3D=3D Cut Here =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=

First Things First Proactive
Visionary Software
1820 SW Vermont, Suite A
Portland, OR 97219
Phone (503) 246 6200

#### BINHEX     fkey-trick.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 00:39:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Roland Gustafsson <rolandg@crl.com>
Subject: fkey trick

Store all of your FKEYs in an otherwise empty Font suitcase and then drop 
it in the Fonts folder.  System 7 will happily keep the suitcase open and 
the FKEYs in the file will be available for use as if they were installed 
in the System file.

The enclosed file contains "how-to" instructions and an empty Font 

If this is TOO trivial, I won't be hurt if you don't archive it!

-Roland Gustafsson

#### BINHEX     fm-database-catalog-105.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 18:31:19 -0500 (CDT)
From: Jason Fried <fried@bio-31.bsd.uchicago.edu>
Subject: FMP-Database-Catalog-1.02/05

FMP Database Catalog READ ME [05/20/95] - Version 1.05, Edition 02

You have just downloaded one of the most innovative new products designed 
for FileMaker Pro developers and FMP end-users.

The FMP Database Catalog is an electronic, interactive FileMaker Pro 
based catalog comprised of information regarding highest quality, 
shareware, freeware, and/or commercial FMP databases, templates, and/or 
related FileMaker services.  It can be searched, printed and browsed by 
using the clean, professional graphical-user interface.  This is an 
evolving project.  Each day more and more people/companies are realizing 
the potential of registering their products or services for entry into 
the FMP Database Catalog.  You can be sure it will be supported for many 
years to come!

Adding your template to this database is attractive for a number of reasons.
For Example:  It provides you with an inexpensive source of 
high-distribution advertising that is function specific (people who use this
database to search for solutions will already have to have FileMaker Pro 
to view it).  In other words, the advertising is accurately selective - 
your target market is already selected for you.  Secondly, the information 
in the database is well organized and easy to read/follow.  Users will 
be able to search for a template (or category of templates), read the 
description, readme files, view a sample screen shot, or logo, of the 
template, find out how to contact the author,  compare/contrast templates 
against their competition, and even fill out the provided registration form 
(assuming your template is shareware or commercial).  This is an essential
resource for you - the FileMaker Pro template developer, AS WELL AS the casual 
FileMaker Pro user who is searching for the template that will make their 
lives, or their job, easier.

The distribution of this database is one of the primary reasons you 
should add your template to the "FMP Database Catalog."  Every few weeks 
I will be uploading a new version (assuming there are new entries), to 
America On-Line, the info-mac archives, the University of Michigan Archives,
and local bulletin boards.  The database will also be available from 
*various* World Wide Web sites/pages.  This is an unparalleled 
advertising opportunity.  This database pinpoints possible clients and 
gives them all the necessary information to get in touch with you and 
your product - WORLD WIDE!

All the data in the database is provided by the author of the template.  YOU
provide all the detailed information you like - including: the readme files
(or BRIEF manuals), a single screen shot/sound, a registration form (if you
choose), a short "bio" or description of your product, and more.  Since you
are providing all the information, there is absolutely NO bias or 
preferential treatment (we can't be bribed)

Don't miss out on this premium opportunity to spread the word about YOUR 
hard work and YOUR FileMaker Pro product or service...

If you are an end-user of FMP and you are searching for a FMP solution, this
is the perfect file for you.  It is 100% to anyone who wants to view it 
and it contains loads of useful information.  We hope you find what you 
are looking for!

Special Note:  If your product is offered to the Public 100% free of charge
(freeware), you can add your product to the FMP Database Catalog free of 

Thanking you in advance for your efforts, I am
Jason Fried, spinfree software

#### TEXT       font-trouble-summary.txt   ****

Date: Thu, 07 Apr 94 18:15:46 CST
From: Mack Willingham <ZU01988%UABDPO.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Font Trouble Summary Post

Hello all. A week or so ago I had a problem with trashing some
fonts that were in my fonts folder. I posted the question here, and
got several prompt replies. Also I got a request to post the
replies I got, and how I solved the problem. I had planned to post
them last week, but the pc I was on at the time crashed and I lost
the file (just like a pc). So there it is:

I had come time to clean out my system folder, and wanted to thin
out the herd of fonts that I had. In doing so, there were 4 TT
fonts that I couldn't trash. I tried to do the usual drag to the
trash, but I got the 'not enough memory' reply. Having plenty of
mem left, I was in the finder, I knew that I had the damaged font

1.) The first thing that came to mind was that fonts were like mini
applications, that were running in the background (I know that this

#### BINHEX     fontographer-faq.hqx   ****

From: Michael Macrone <macrone@netcom.com>
Subject: Fontographer FAQ
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 13:50:55 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This is Altsys's most recent "Technical Notes" file (March 1994) on
Fontographer 4 for the Macintosh, and is geared especially toward
Fontographer 4.0.4. In essence, this is the Fontographer FAQ, and it
contains many useful step-by-step instructions for correcting frequent
Fontographer problems. Uploaded with the permission of technical support.

Michael Macrone

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Tech_Notes.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Tech_Notes.sit"

#### BINHEX     free-guide-to-the-macintosh.hqx   ****

From: (Paul Downey) pjd@ftcl.demon.co.uk
Subject: Freeguide

Freeguide is a standalone application designed to give the first time user (or 
experienced user) a complete guide to Macintosh technology. This has been 
written by a friend and is of a very professional appearance with lots of good 
information for users. We are an Apple reseller in the UK and find that it is an 
ideal tool for us to put onto new customers machines. It saves lots of questions 
and queries and technician time. Once downloaded, it can be included on any CD 
ROM or library as long as it is not modified in any way.

#### TEXT       genealogy-programs.txt   ****

Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1993 13:41:41 +0000 
From: Richard Rathe <Richard_Rathe@qm.circa.ufl.edu>
Subject: [*] Family Tree Software Report 

Thanks to all who responded to my appeal for information. Please place this 
upload in the reports subdirectory. It contains comments on three genealogy 
programs for the Mac: MacRoots, Personal Ancestor File, and Reunion.

Richard Rathe, MD

------CUT HERE------

Report on Macintosh Genealogy Programs
Compiled by Richard Rathe 3/93

=== MacRoots ==============================

This is a basic, no frills genealogy program. The program is structured around 

#### TEXT       goodies.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 91 14:26:36 EDT 
From: Clare Durst <CCD@brownvm.brown.edu>
Subject: System 7 goodies 

Thanks to everyone who contributed their information on System7 special
goodies: to Murph Seawall (of course!), George Wittenberg, Jonathan Helton,
Dan Goldman, John Morgan, Nathan Gasser, Jill Williams. Hope I haven't
fogotten anyone.

Forgive me for taking so long to report on them - a lot of things can come
up at this time of year in a university, as we all know.  In submitting
these, I can only vouch that a) they all work together for me on my IIcx
and portrait monitor; b) they all seem to work together on a small screen
SE with 4 meg of memory and c) almost all are almost free.  Almost the
only other thing I have in memory besides these apps is Suitcase.
  Several (marked with an *) do much the same thing. Take your pick.

Someone suggested the NOW utilities but since they're not shareware I
didn't check them out. Popover and ViewPaint both were recommended,

#### BINHEX     hc-memory-how-to.hqx   ****

From: BIELOUS LAFON <b2515@hp720v.iut-orsay.fr>
Subject: Submission of new file
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 15:05:36 WET

This file should be included in the Hypercard directory.

It is a sample of how to write a Memory game under Hypercard 2.1


- "int (*f[])()" What is that ? I   /               Hubert FIGUIERE
don't understand ?                 /       b2515@dpx20.iut-orsay.fr
- Why do you think, they call that/     (until the end of March 94)
code ?                (anonymous)/              figuiere@altern.com
                                / Student from IUT of Orsay, France
 If you get strange names in your mailer, don't worry, there are
             some accounts administration problems here.

---------------------->CUT HERE<--------------------------------

#### BINHEX     high-risk-ventures-catalog-94-06.hqx   ****

From: "(Michael A. Kelly)" <mkelly@skinner.cs.uoregon.edu>
Subject: High Risk Ventures Electronic Catalog Summer 94
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94 17:06:36 -0700

This is the Summer 94 issue of High Risk Ventures' electronic catalog.  It
contains press releases, reviews, box shots and screen shots, and an
electronic order form.

High Risk Ventures is a developer and publisher of games for the Mac.

Michael A. Kelly                                                President/CEO
mkelly@cs.uoregon.edu                                      High Risk Ventures
"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with
 themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
	- Susan Ertz

#### BINHEX     how-big-is-the-mac-archive.hqx   ****

From: plake@zip.com.au
Subject: How Big is the Mac Archive

As students and collectors of the Mac Community File Archive we became 
interested in determining the size and compostion of the Mac Archive.

We analysed all the major online archives and most of the CD collections 
that have been released during 1996. Our analysis with graphs of the age 
size and composition of most of the archive is available at 

We estimate the public online Mac Community Archive is 30,000 compressed 
files for 10GBytes expanding to 150,000 files. The complete online 
Archive is 45,000 compressed files for 15GBytes expanding to 250,000 
files. The complete Mac Archive is 150,000 files for 30GBytes that should 
expand to 650,000 files. We estimate that total online Mac file space is 
less than 500GBytes with the complete computing Archive less than 10 

This Acrobat document features all the pages and images from our web 
site. Visit our web site if you want to use our Search page or Site links.

ianandstuart -- http://ianandstuart.simplenet.com

#### TEXT       human-interface-research.txt   ****

Date: Tue, 11 Feb 92 15:14:49 EST 
From: Tkelley@HEL4.BRL.MIL
Subject: Mac interface experiments 

Over the past few weeks I have received numerous requests for
information regarding human factors experiments which were conducted
in order to develop the Macintosh computer. This was in response
to the question I had posted several weeks before. I am sending
all of the e-mail I received related to this issue. 

I did find on my own some fairly good information, but it seems
as though much of the Mac development was first of all based on
the Xerox Star, and secondly not very emperically, but rather 
based on common sense. One good information source containing some
early Star experiments is "Readings in Human-Computer Interaction
A Multidisciplinary Approach" by Ronald M. Baecker and William
A.S. Buxton. This book contains, "Human Factors Testing in the
Design of Xerox's 8010 Star Office Workstation" by William
L. Bewley, Teresa L Roberts, David Schroit and William L. Verplank
also "Designing the Star User Interface" by David Canfield Smith,

#### TEXT       hypercard-22.txt   ****

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1993 11:01:58 -0800 (PST)
From: John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu>
Subject: Apple Ships New Hypercard (long)

I haven't seen this appear in imdigest, yet, and thought some folks might 
find it interesting.

[Gordon---I have two more related press releases.  Should I submit them, 
too, or not?  Please let me know 'fore I delete them.  Thanks.  --T.]

J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 93 02:07:32 EST
To: jbthoo@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu
Subject: Apple Ships New Hypercard


#### BINHEX     hypercard-faq-11-hc.hqx   ****

From: PMBrig@aol.com
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 18:13:13 -0400
Subject: Hypercard FAQ 1.1 stack (1 of 5)

The following is a binhexed version of a hypercard stack containing the
Hypercard FAQ version 1.1, released in the last 2 weeks by Peter Fleck, the
"Keeper of the FAQ". The stack will run on Hypercard 2.x, is pretty basic in
its operation, but easy to use. Having the FAQ in stack format is not only
appropriate, but allows easy browsing and finding of text. 

I corresponded with Peter Fleck in developing this stack, and it is released
with his permission, subject to the same conditions which apply to the FAQ
(text file version) itself -- it may be freely distributed unaltered, but not
for profit or as part of a for-profit enterprise (copyright and distribution
details are in the stack).

The file is in 5 parts. 

-- Peter M. Brigham      pmbrig@aol.com

#### TEXT       indexing-in-word.txt   ****

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1993 19:17:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: "J. David Stradley" <stradley@ac.wfunet.wfu.edu>
Subject: Re: Word indexing (fwd)

Thanks for all the responses to my query about indexing in Word.

The question was "How do you get Word to index every occurence of a given 
term without having to hand code each occurence with the "Insert index 
entry" command?"

I got a variety of answers. The most economically sound solution was "Use 
Nisus." After all, it would serve Microsoft right for not including this 

But, hark, what light through yonder window breaks? Yep, it's another 
undocumented feature, courtesy of the boys and girls at Microsoft. 
TIDBITS editor Tonya Engst suggested a Word-only solution to the problem. 
While I haven't tried it, coming from such a reputable source, it has to 
work. See below.

#### BINHEX     inform-init-81.hqx   ****

From: frakes@kagi.com
Subject: InformINIT 8.1

This announcement is from:
Dan Frakes <frakes@kagi.com>

MacUser Shareware of the Year Award,  5-Mice Award, MacWorld Online Pick.
InformINIT's web site is a MacWorld Best Mac Web Site.

If you've ever wondered what all of those control panels, extensions, and 
other System-related files in your System Folder are for, InformINIT is 
for you!

InformINIT is an application which provides information on a 
mind-boggling number of System Folder files: control panels, extensions, 
system folder contents, and more -- from both Apple and third-party 
developers. Information includes file descriptions, who needs what, 
version numbers, RAM consumption, and helpful tips (even a few 
"secrets"). Where appropriate, files are organized into "groups" that are 
mainly used together. Live URLs to information sources on the Web are 
provided for files that require extensive discussion.

But InformINIT is not just "INITs" -- it contains sections on installing 
the latest system software, files which don't take up system RAM, items 
found loose in the System Folder, startup file management utilities, 
PRAM, and the Modern Memory Manager. It also contains a primer on System 
software for beginners, and a thorough discussion of the new HFS Plus 
file format by Eric Belsley of the Mac Resource Page. It also provides 
links to some of the best Mac info sites on the Web.There have been many 
imitations of, and efforts similar to, InformINIT, but it remains THE 
reference for System Folder information. Even Apple's own technical 
support staff uses it and recommends it to customers!

InformINIT 8.1 is current through Mac OS 8.1.

System requirements: InformINIT will run on all Mac OS computers except 
for those with 68000 processors. It requires 1.5 MB of free RAM, and less 
than 1MB of hard drive space.

For more information, please visit the InformINIT web page:

Dan Frakes

#### BINHEX     insider-updates-25.hqx   ****

From: bernadette@theinside.com
Subject: InsiderUpdates 2.5

InsiderUpdates 2.5

Nothing ruins the stability and performance of your Macintosh more than 
old software. With just two button clicks, InsiderUpdates automatically 
brings all your Macintosh System Software, Control Panels, Extensions, 
Applications, and Utilities up-to-the-minute and works forever to keep 
them that way. It fixes bugs, adds new features and eliminates crashes 
and lock-ups. And by downloading InsiderUpdates now, you get absolutely 
FREE MacOS and Apple updates!

Visit www.theInside.com for more information.
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#### BINHEX     internet-html-editors-12.hqx   ****

From: "Antreas P. Hatzipolakis" <xpolakis@hol.gr>
Subject: Internet-MacHTML Eds v. 1.2

Internet-MacHTML Eds v. 1.1: This is a DocMaker format 
stand-alone document, which contains information about 
Internet free Macintosh HTML Editors. 
Revised and updated version.

May be included on Info-mac CD-ROM.

Antreas P. Hatzipolakis

#### TEXT       isv-commitment-for-as.txt   ****

From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 93 11:15:41 PST
Subject: ISV Commitments to AppleScript


Emilio Robles
Apple Computer, Inc.
(408) 862-5671


Toni Giusti
Cunningham Communication, Inc.
(408) 982-0400

Apple Gains Wide-Spread ISV Commitment for AppleScript

#### BINHEX     k-5-ed-software-guide.hqx   ****

Subject: [*] K-5 Educational Software Guide

An in-depth discussion of K - 5 educational software. The programs are
categorized by subjext and are rated. REQUIRES a wordprocessor or some
type - the file is too large to be opened by TeachText. Freeware.

Part of the June 1993 Home & School Mac collection.  StuffIt 3.0 archive.

[Archived as /info-mac/info/k-5-ed-software-guide.hqx; 13K]

#### TEXT       large-text-file-editors.txt   ****

Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1993 01:24:32 +0200 (EET)
From: Matti Haveri <mhaveri@phoenix.oulu.fi>
Subject: Text editor for large files (S)

I asked what is the best application to view and edit large text-files
_without huge amounts of memory_ and with the option to automatically
wrap lines longer than the screen _without adding LF/CR_ (auto-wrap)?
Search and replace would be nice too.
**TeachText** and **TexEdit** have auto-wrap but they can open only
<30K files. **SaintEdit** has auto-wrap but it needs much application
memory when opening big files. **Edit II** is also memory-hungry with
large files. It has auto-wrap-option but there it means that it just
inserts CR's at the right margin automatically.
It turns out that **BBEdit** is also memory-dependent so it can't open
huge files with little available memory. Even though its application
memory is only 300K it uses System memory when dealing with large
files. BBEdit 2.2.2's manual says:

#### BINHEX     latest-pgp.hqx   ****

From: Louis_Bergeron@UQAT.UQuebec.CA
Subject: Info for latest PGP to archive

#### TEXT       lime-215.txt   ****

From: cottle david michael <cottle@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Lime Readme
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 13:29:50 -0600 (CST)

This is the README file for free anonymous ftp distribution of 
the demonstration version of Lime (version 2.15).  Lime is music 
notation software for the Macintosh, written by Lippold Haken
(faculty member at the CERL Sound Group, University of Illinois) 
and Dorothea Blostein (faculty member at Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario). 

To use this free anonymous ftp facility, you will need:
 2 Meg or more of RAM on your Macintosh, 
 A program which can decode binhex files (Stuffit can do this), 
 and access to a PostScript printer. 

The demonstration version of Lime is for demonstration purposes only; 
it allows you to edit and print sample pieces, but you will not be able 
to save your changes.  If you have questions or comments, please call 

#### TEXT       mac-as-xterm.txt   ****

From: josh@cqs.washington.edu (Josh Hayes)
Subject: Mac as Xterm: summary of responses (LONG) 
Date: 17 Mar 93 17:05:57 GMT 

A little while ago I asked for information about setting up my mac
at home as an Xterminal; here is the summary I mailed out to those
who mailed me asking for a summary....

Sorry I have not summarized earlier. I did not get much information
>From the net - in fact, I got about ten posts asking me to keep 
the author posted on what I found, for every post I got from someone
who already knew something!

But the trickle of info has dried up completely, so I'll send you
what I have, which isn't much. What follows are extracts from the
mail people sent me; I'll try to provide a quick summary at the
bottom of this mail, so skip to that if you just want the punchline.

---------begin included text-----------

#### BINHEX     mac-first-aid-bible.hqx   ****

From: maclibrary@skynet.be
Subject: ac First Aid Bible-14.hqx

The Mac First Aid Bible is the FIRST stand-alone troubleshooting guide that
offers much more than just information. The following topics are covered: PRAM, system crashes, System Enablers and SCSI. More topics will be added soon.  With The Mac First Aid Bible you can also access directly the web-site of all the mentioned shareware (if it has an own web-page!).

In the UNREGISTERED version only the topics 'PRAM' and 'System Enablers' can be accessed and also the 'Go to web-site' buttons are not functioning.
It's worth registering!!! Check it out!!!

It also offers FREE technical support by email for REGISTERED USERS and each REGISTERED user will also receive a full package which include your personalized 'The Mac First Aid Bible' and a whole bunch of troubleshooting shareware. 

This version 1.4 replaces the previous file bible-11.hqx which seems to be corrupt.
You can also download it directly from:

Thanks for downloading and registering.

Guido Cautreels
Author of The Mac First Aid Bible
Keeps your Mac happy!!!

#### BINHEX     mac-graphics-faq-v2.hqx   ****

From: (Off The Lip) offthelip@surfvh.com
Subject: Macintosh Graphics FAQ v2

This is a slightly revised version of my graphics FAQ for Mac computers,
questions that I keep seeing because people keep asking. Hopefully if they
look for answers before they ask the same old questions, they'll find my
FAQ and life will be just peachy. This version that I'm uploading is in
DocMaker format, and looks almost as nice as the web page version (which


I picked docmaker as the format because you can select and drag the URLs
out of the window and into a browser or download program. That's nicer than
using a smaller format that doesn't allow that, binhexing a SimpleText file
seems silly, and raw text (resource fork stripped) doesn't look as nice...
Plus I just needed some reason to download the new version of docmaker. So
hopefully you'll find out something from this FAQ.

Topics discussed:

Progressive JPEGS
Transparent GIFs
playing AVI, GL, DL.. MPEG
3D software
2D software


#### BINHEX     mac-guide-shareware.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 21 Aug 95 14:05:52 -0200
From: Christoph Stoltz <100304.1660@compuserve.com>
Subject: MacGuide (Shareware)

Description of shareware software for Mac.

#### TEXT       mac-ham-radio-1071.txt   ****

Date: Wed,  8 Jun 1994 15:31:42 -0400
From: "Terry M. Stader" <p00489@psilink.com>
Subject: Mac Ham Radio

Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc,rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc,rec.radio.shortwave,rec.radio.info
Followup-To: rec.radio.amateur.misc
Expires: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 0600 GMT
Approved: rec-radio-info@ve6mgs.ampr.ab.ca

Macintosh Amateur Radio Software - June 1994
Version 1.0.7

Please feel free to distribute this list as widely as possible. Many of you have asked if it is OK to cross-post this list? I don't mind, but I would like to know where it is going. If you think it should be cross-posted to other USENET groups, please let me know so I can try and manage these. We don't want to have any duplication or our welcome will be wore out!

Those of you that can tell me about ANY of these programs compatibility with System 7 would be appreciated! I am going to be adding a System 7 compatability section to EACH description in future releases. If the application is KNOWN to execute properly under System 7, the System 7 anotation will be placed as the last line of the product description. More clarification on levels of System 7 compatibility in the future editions... but this is a start!

Some of the information in this list was gleaned from flyers supplied by the software vendors, or in some cases from reviews in amateur radio publications or the README files included with the archive. Some of the information has not been verified for a long time; please check with the vendors/authors for the latest product specs, pricing, etc.

NEW/CHANGES: I am continuing to add more version numbers so that our
users will know if they have the most current release. Thanks to

#### BINHEX     mac-kitty-demo-10.hqx   ****

From: aarcon@atlcom.net
Subject: MacKitty(tm) V1.0

Enclosed is a demo version of MacKitty(tm), a pedigree database
management program for cat breeders.  The demo version is only different
from the regular version in that you cannot save your changes.  The demo
comes with the program itself, a sample data file, the user manual, the
demo license agreement, and an order form for the full program.

The program requires System 7.x and comes as a FAT version optimized for
both 68K and PPC architectures.

Below is a short excerpt from the manual introduction:

MacKitty is a Macintosh program for the serious breeder of pedigreed
cats.  It is a program primarily for the maintenance of pedigree
information on all of the cats in a cattery.  Some of the information in
the database includes name, awards, common name, breed, color,
registration number, date of birth, and sire's and dam's names.  An
unlimited number of cats may be entered into the database limited only
by the available memory in your computer.  This program uses many of the
Mac user interface features that Mac users have come to love and
expect... Complete 3 and 5 generation pedigrees may be generated and
displayed to the screen and/or printed.

For additional information contact Alan Rakes at aarcon@atlcom.net

Alan A. Rakes                        email:  aarcon@atlcom.net
President, AARCon Research           phone:  770-962-3702 P.O. Box
464784 Lawrenceville, GA  30246

#### BINHEX     mac-os-ideas-25.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 15:56:29 -0700
From: omli@halcyon.com (Hans E. Omli)
Subject: Mac OS Ideas Update 2.5

Mac OS Ideas is a Graphical FAQ based on an ongoing discussion regarding
enhancements to the Macintosh Operating System.

With this revision, I've added "Balloon Talk" to the Assistance menu, have
redesigned the "System Setup" (control panels) menu, have changed the
system font from Geneva 9 to Espy Bold 10, and have made a few other
cosmetic changes.  In addition, I've added a few "Detail" PICTs which
should help further illustrate how each enhancement might look.

Comments on the enhancements are always appreciated, as are new ideas for
us to explore.  I am currently working on adding OpenDoc and QuickDraw 3D
functionality to Mac OS Ideas.  Are there any other future (or current)
technologies you'd like to see implemented within Mac OS Ideas?  Do you
have any other ideas regarding how the computers of tomorrow might help us
to work more productively?  For fast processing, please send feedback to
"omli@halcyon.com" with the subject "MacOS Feedback <Version Number>"...
in this case "MacOS Feedback 2.5".

In addition to comments and ideas, I am also looking for sponsors to help
fund expansion of this project (See the included ReadMe for details.)


Hans E. Omli

#### TEXT       mac-secret-trick-list.txt   ****

Date: Fri, 1 Jan 93 19:55:32 -0800 
From: bskendig@netcom.com (Brian Kendig)
Subject: The Macintosh Secret Trick List 

Here is my New and Improved Macintosh Secret Tricks List.
Enjoy, and I'll see you at MacWorld in San Francisco!


  .__________________________________________________.    | Contents |
  |                                                  |    |================|
  |  The Macintosh Secret Trick List                 | .  | Hardware       |
  |  compiled by Brian Kendig (bskendig@netcom.com)  | .  | System         |
  |                                          ____    | .  | Other software |
  |  All-new for 1993!  January edition.    | OK |   | .  | Useful tips .  |
  |                                         `----'   | .  `-------------|\-'
  `--------------------------------------------------' .                |_\
      .................................................    (c)1993 bsk    \

#### BINHEX     mac-shareware-catalog.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 23 Mar 93 10:37 EDT 
Subject: MacSharewareCatalog - March Issue 

The MacSharewareCatalog is a catalog offering from Insanely Great Software with complete descriptions of top-quality shareware that can be ordered directly from the catalog. United States and international orders are welcome.

The March issue contains the following products:
Alias Director, File Buddy, TEXT <> ttro, & Finder Sets
Biorhythms 2
DOCMaker & GMC Calendar
File Sharing Toggle
MenuChoice & EasyKeys
ProgrammerUs Paradise
Quotable Quotes & Delicious Desserts 
System 7 Pack!
System 7 Pack! & Companion Pack!
System 7 Productivity & Fun Pack!

Also includes information on the new MacSharewareCatalog UserGroup and BBS Program.

The catalog was specially designed for on-screen viewing and is totally self-contained in a DOCMaker document.

#### BINHEX     mac-updates-94-05-15.hqx   ****

From: tidbits@halcyon.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: mac-updates-94-05-15.hqx
Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 09:21:19 -0700

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Version 8 of the Macintosh Updates Database - 15-May-94

This file contains a huge amount of information regarding all of the
Macintosh software updates from Apple that we know about currently.
Although not historically complete, the database contains most everything
from System 6.0.7 on up, including intermediate versions of things like
System 7 Tune-Up. Included in the database are things like which Mac models
the update applies to, what versions the update supersedes and is
superseded by, what the new functions are, what the fixes are, when it was
released, where the files are located online, and other good stuff.
Frankly, anyone who deals with the Macintosh seriously should snag a copy
of this database since you never know when you'll want to find out what the
latest version of the Network Software Installer is, or what version of
which Enabler you need to get for your buddy's new Mac.

As with anything that attempts to track a moving target like Macintosh
software updates, this database is constantly in flux. There are plenty of
typographical errors and things we couldn't find in time - don't worry
about the typos, but if you find errors or have updates - send them to
<macupd@nostromo.demon.co.uk> (But read the READ ME first, since we know
about a lot of updates that we haven't had time to enter.)

This file contains versions in in ClarisWorks database format, setext
(suitable for viewing with Easy View) and straight tab-delimited text (if
you wish to import into HyperCard or FileMaker Pro or something similar).
If you just want the setext version to view on a Unix box without any
decoding, look for:


The database was created by Tim Levy <Tim@nostromo.demon.co.uk> with help
from Alex Sirota, and I've done the setext conversions in Nisus. Look for
an article in TidBITS#223 for more information.

cheers ... Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="mac-updates-94-05-15.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mac-updates-94-05-15.sit"

#### TEXT       macintosh-disk-cache-fix.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 09:11:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: Edwin Chee <echee@isnet.is.wfu.edu>
Subject: Macintosh Disk Cache fix -- 25 times speedup

Below is an interesting thread on making the Macintosh Disk Cache much 
more efficient with a simple hack.  Stuart Cheshire has written a simple, 
useful system extension that he is distributing as freeware.  I would 
welcome any discussion on his idea particularly regarding data integrity, 
reliability, stability, and efficiency.  Also, does anyone have any 
ideas on how to improve on his program?  If his modification to the write 
cache is really as good as I suspect, I would hope that Apple would 
include this in their next version of the Mac OS.

Please forward replies to echee@isnet.is.wfu.edu and I will compile a 
complete record of this thread and distribute it at a later date.


#### TEXT       maclink-pc-8-formats.txt   ****

Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 02:45 EST
From: "Don't Panic!" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: Translations available through DataViz MaclinkPC v. 8

Dear Moderators,
Here is an update to info-mac/cmp/maclink-pc-formats.txt.
Please replace the old version with the following, and a title of maclink-pc-8-formats.txt:
FAQ - How do I convert from PC to Mac and Mac to PC?

DataViz MacLinkPlus 8.0 is one of many solutions, if others exist that can do all the following for less I would like to know:

1. Will convert to/from the most popular versions of MS-Word and Word Perfect including WP 6.0 PC, MSWD 6.0 Mac, MSWD 6.0 PC, WP 3.0 Mac, MSWD 5.1 Mac. 
2. Transfers data over serial RS232 cables (included with software).  Will translate before or after transfer.
3. Given two modems and two phone lines, will transfer data to be translated to guest machine, or translate before sending to guest machine, and transfer data over there.
4. Includes Apple PC Exchange 2.0 as part of package.
5. Includes DataViz FileView.
6. Translates before transfer to, or after receiving files from non-Windows MS-DOS machines (such as 8086, 8088 and most 80286 processors).  Some of the features may not be available for these earlier made machines, read documentation carefully before using on non-Windows MS-DOS platforms.   If using 5.25 Inch floppy drive PCs, ask DataViz for special disks for installation of transfer software onto those PCs.

7. Translations include:

#### BINHEX     macos-76-preview.hqx   ****

From: (Alex Narvey) anarvey@precursor.mb.ca
Subject: MacSense Mac OS 7.6 Preview

MacSense Mac OS 7.6 Preview  10/08/96

There's a lot of talk floating around about Mac OS 7.6--but what's truth and what's fiction? MacSense cuts through the rumors and serves up a comprehensive preview of Apple's upcoming OS!

MacSense News Roundup is a FREE monthly electronic magazine which focuses on the mainstream Macintosh computer market. Each issue of MacSense details the most significant news stories in the world of Macintosh computing and explores how these new developments will affect every-day Mac users. Packed with vibrant color graphics, it is the founding goal of MacSense to shed light on a rapidly evolving industry. Moreover, because MacSense is created and distributed electronically, it is the most environmentally friendly method of publishing. We hope you enjoy this issue!

The attached file is a Stuffit archive. You will need Stuffit Expander or another Stuffit compression utility to extract it.

The color edition of MacSense requires a Macintosh with at least 16 shades of grey. For optimal viewing, we recommend 16-bit color. The black and white edition of MacSense can be viewed on any Macintosh.


You can find the latest issue of MacSense News Roundup (and back issues) at the following locations:

World Wide Web: For the latest news, views and reviews and a complete library of our issues, set your sites to http://www.macsense.com/ 

America Online: The Macintosh Computer Hardware File Library. Keyword:  'Hardware'; in the 'New Uploads' folder. Also see the Macintosh Multimedia File Library, keyword:  'MMW'; in the 'New Uploads' folder.

CompuServe: Within the ZiffNet/Mac areas, path: Software Center/Software Central/Electronic Publications/Additional Publications.

Internet FTP site: The Periodicals folder of the Info-Mac archives at Stanford  University, internet address: sumex-aim.stanford.edu, path: /info-mac/per.


Please email us if you have questions, comments, suggestions, contributions, or just to say "Hi". We can be reached at MacSenseED@aol.com.

MacSense can be uploaded to any online service you see fit, as long as this text accompanies it.


Disclaimer: All information is correct to the best of our knowledge, but we make no guarantees. Caveat lector. Publication, product and company names and logos may be registered trademarks of their companies. Written articles and original artwork cannot be republished or reprinted in any form without the explicit permiMacSense logo are our trademarks. If you have any comments, please contact us at the addresses above.

Unauthorized use of original graphics and artwork from this document constitutes a violation of copyright law.

MacSense Communications is an independent entity not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc. 

© 1996, MacSense Communications.

#### TEXT       macquisition-101.txt   ****

From: feedback@macquisition.gsfc.nasa.gov
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 07:44:32 -0400
Subject: Macquisition 1.0.1 freeware released 6/16/95

After the 0.X versions survived
...almost a year in worldwide distribution and use
...more than a year of [ab]use by NASA

Macquisition 1.0.1 was released as freeware to the world on Friday, June
16, 1995.

Based on feedback over the past year from users around the world, version 1.0
* has a faster MultiBASIC interpreter
   run your existing programs even faster
* runs on any Macintosh
   from the greatest PowerMacs to the wimpiest Mac Plus
* is easier to program
   customize it for your new experiments
* is completely dynamic

#### BINHEX     macsoft-index.hqx   ****

From: aeden@worldnet.fr
Subject: MacSoftIndex 1,0

	MacSoftIndex is NOT an application but a Text File containing a
tab-delimited Database (meaning that each line is a record and this
record is divided by tabs into fields - a format readily importable into
a good number of commonly used applications) which contains information
on thousands of programs for Macintosh computers.  These programs are
mainly available as Shareware/Freeware but there is also some less well
known commercial software. Well-known commercial software is not
represented in this version and neither is standard system software as
you already have it!

	Apart from general information such as what kind of software it is
(control panel, stack, application, etc), size, dates, and so forth,
there is usually a description of what it does and a reference to what
realm of operation (system, text, image, sound, etc) together with a
subclass of this reference (conversion, print, catalogue, etc), thus
providing many possibilities of selection.

	How could you possibly not have the only product which lists from A to
Z nearly all the software there is for the Mac?
Download the shareware sample now and try it!

#### TEXT       macwrite-pro-15-review.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 01:36:40 -0500 (CDT)
From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Subject: MacWrite Pro 1.5 review (text file)

This is a text file explaining why a rational person (well, most of the
time) with heavy-duty word processing needs finally abandoned Microsoft
Word and embraced MacWrite Pro--and why that same person feels that he
has made a step UP. If you are curious about MacWrite Pro, you may find
this text document helpful. This is in some ways an update of the
comparison of Word and MacWrite Pro that I posted in the Archives a year
ago, when I was still somewhat ambivalent about MacWrite Pro. 

Will Porter / University of Houston

---- Cut  here: what follows is for the Archives, not the Digest -----

What follows is a long e-letter I wrote on April 25, 1994, to my
friend Paul in Boston, who knows that a couple of months I gave up
on Microsoft Word and began to use MacWrite Pro as my primary word
processor--indeed, as virtually my only word processor. Paul knows

#### TEXT       mastering-tcl-errata.txt   ****

From: Dan Crevier, dan@rhino.harvard.edu
Subject: Mastering TCL errata


This file contains code that is missing or in error in the book. If you find
other errors in the book (other than typos), please EMAIL me what needs 
to be corrected to one of the following adresses:

CompuServe: 76556, 1132
Internet:   rparker@s2.sonnet.com (Rich Parker)

Several of the code examples in the book are missing #include statements 
or have other errors that this document addresses. Please make the following
corrections or additions to your code.


CHAPTER 3: Managing the Document's Data

#### TEXT       medline.txt   ****

Date: Mon, 21 Mar 94 08:50:53 MEZ
From: "Dr. Stefan P. Mueller"
Subject: MEDLINE on CD-ROM [Summary]

On Wednesday, 23 Feb 94 I asked for advice on MEDLINE systems on CD-ROM:
> We want to buy MEDLINE on a CD-Rom (medical reference database). I am
> aware of "SilverPlatter" (we are using it on a PC in the campus library)
> and "Knowledge Finder".
> 1.  Which other MEDLINE systems are available?
> 2.  Are there comparative reviews?
> 3.  Please send your personal experiences!

I want to thank tan@aeolus.vmsmail.ethz.ch (Song Tan), WJST%GSF.DE (Matthias
Wyst), jerry_di_salvo@merck.com (Jerry Di Salvo), deutsch@sfu.ca (Maurice
Deutsch), gormanp@ohsu.EDU (Paul Gorman), ACAPUTO@ACS.SAULTC.ON.CA (Aldo J
Caputo), and sridar@nil.mni.mcgill.ca (Sridar Narayanan) for their comments.

#### TEXT       midi.txt   ****

Date: Sun, 1 Aug 93 07:04 CDT 
Subject: [*] MIDI software for the Mac - Report 

This document (perhaps most useful for those about to fritter
away their hard-earned paychecks for MIDI software on the
Macintosh :~), provides a short description of some of the
more common commercial MIDI software available for the Mac.
The reviews are organized in this document under three
extended categories:

 1. Sequencers and Notation Editors
 2. Music Training, Algorithmic Composition and Accompaniment
 3. MIDI Control

Cheers- Shekhar Govind            govind@utxvm.cc.utexas.edu

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

             MIDI Software for the Mac

#### BINHEX     mod-editing-lesson.hqx   ****

From: jamal@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Jamal Hannah)
Subject: MOD-Editing-Lesson.sit.hqx
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 94 00:47:03 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Instructions for learning how to edit MOD files!  MOD file included with
text lesson.  Print text file with a monospaced font (Monaco) and tab-lengths
set to 8 spaces, word wrap at 80 col.
  - jamal@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Jamal Hannah)

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="MOD-Editing-Lesson.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MOD-Editing-Lesson.sit"

#### TEXT       mod-file-solutions.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 09 Nov 1994 09:39:20 CST
Subject: .MOD file info summary

Hello fellow netters!
Long ago I promised a summary posting of suggestions and info regarding my
request for
information on the .MOD file format on the Macintosh. Well, I finally have
one. I realise that this is a frequent question and that this response may be
due, but better late than never.
I will post the replies I received here.  Those recommending SoundTrecker:
get the newest version of the soundtrecker.
its great!
and shareware
ciao    kp <klaus-peter gores>

#### TEXT       msword-v-nisus.txt   ****

From: Normand_Beaudoin@UQTR.UQuebec.CA
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1993 17:58:18 -0400
Subject: Word or Nisus(Summary of answers)

Hi! Netters.

Few weeks ago I sent a message at info-mac about word
I received so many answers that I cannot send a personal reply to
each of them. I received so many answers and so many of them were
full of attention, full of details and explainations that it make me
feel great.

So I think the best way to say a usefull "Thank you" is to give you a
summary of answers. ( Upon request I could send all the complete
answers I received to personal e-mail address)

It is not possible to summarize all the comments, details and
explaination about each word processor. So I decided to give you a

#### TEXT       newage-software-list-02.txt   ****

Date: Fri, 28 May 93 11:12:30 EDT 
From: aa239@freenet.buffalo.edu (Chet Niewczyk)
Subject: Macintosh New Age Software List Volume 0.2 

Macintosh NewAge Software List Volume 0.2

This is a major report I put together on NewAge software for the Macintosh.
I created this list in response to a need for the alt.astrology Usenet news
groug but it has grown in popularity beyond that group.  It now includes other
items besides Astrology software.  This list is posted regularly to the
alt.astrology newsgroup.  Look there first for updates (which will now be
few and far inbetween).  

This is a teachtext doc compressed and BinHexed.  it is formatted for monaco
or any other mono-spaced font for online viewing.  However it should be
easily readable within any word processor with any font including teachtext

#### BINHEX     nortons-utilities-31-faq.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 17:19:56 -0600
From: wink@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (Larry Wink)
Subject: (*) Norton's Utilites 3.1 FAQ

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This is a text file of the FAQ for Norton's Utilities for Macintosh (NUM)
3.1 downloaded from the Symantec Tech Support area on AOL. It contains some
very useful information for anyone trying to use NUM 3.1.

Elsewhere in the digest is a description of an interaction between Apple
Menus Options and FileSaver/UnErase. This interaction is NOT covered in the
FAQ (but should be).

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="num31.faq.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="num31.faq.sit"

#### BINHEX     omega-sane-71-installation.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 8 Feb 93 09:17:45 EST 
From: leue@galen.crd.ge.com (Bill Leue)
Subject: [*] Installing Omega SANE Patch into System 7.1 

[Note: This is a second posting.  The first one was bounced because
some mailer had mangled the header.]

Here's an article which describes in great detail how to install Apple's
Omega Sane resources into the new System 7.1.  This article was written
by Dick Andrian, Editor of the Northeastern Users of Macintosh (NEUMac)
User's Group newsletter, and it greatly expands the clarifies the
theme expounded in a recent MacinTouch article in MacWeek. The article
is in MS Word 5.0 format, and includes several screen snapshots of
the various ResEdit steps involved.
For those unfamiliar with the background, Omega Sane is a patch to
the Standard Apple Numerics Environment (SANE) which implements
floating-point arithmetic. The Omega patch speeded up most
F.P. calcs substantially, and fixed a few bugs as well. The Omega
patch was included in System 7.0, but unaccountably omitted in
System 7.1. To make things even more confusing, the Quadra 950
has the Omega SANE patch in its ROM's, but most other Macs don't.

(note to Info-Mac editors: the article follows in a BinHex'd
Compactor Pro self-extracting Archive in the next two mail
    - Bill Leue

 9-Feb-93  2:35:50-GMT,40022;000000000001
Received: from SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
	id AA01543; Mon, 8 Feb 93 18:35:48 PST
Full-Name: Info-Mac Moderator
Received: by SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
	id AA10129; Mon, 8 Feb 93 18:35:47 PST
Resent-Message-Id: <9302090235.AA10129@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Return-Path: <leue@galen.crd.ge.com> 
Received: from crdgw1.ge.com by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA15506;
        Mon, 8 Feb 93 09:23:23 PST 
Received: by crdgw1.ge.com (5.57/GE 1.145) id AA09483; Mon, 8 Feb 93 09:13:49
Received: by galen.crd.Ge.Com (4.1/SMI-4.0/GE-CRD @(#)sun4.ease 1.13 4/13/89)
        id AA26324; Mon, 8 Feb 93 09:18:55 EST 
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 93 09:18:55 EST 
From: leue@galen.crd.ge.com (Bill Leue)
Message-Id: <9302081418.AA26324@galen.crd.Ge.Com> 
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: [*] Installing Omega SANE into Sytem 7.1, Part 1 of 2 
Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Resent-Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1993 18:35:44 PST
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>

#### TEXT       on-location-index.txt   ****

From: jskud@wv.MENTORG.COM (Joseph Skudlarek)
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 93 22:51:09 -0700
Subject: missing posting?

I think I sent this message to you about 12Aug93, yet I have not
seen it posted yet.  I may have sent it to the wrong address
(info-mac-request instead of info-mac maybe), or I may have missed
the posting, but would you please check to see if you got this
posting? If so, please let me know.  If not, please consider this
a request to post.  Thanks.  /Jskud

In-reply-to: info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU's message of 12 Aug 93 06:09:16 GMT
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest
Subject: info-mac CD II OnLocation Summary
References: <9308120609.AA22691@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Distribution: world
--text follows this line--
This is a follow up to my original posting:

    >------ Begin Included Message ------

#### BINHEX     opti-mem-4meg-press-release.hqx   ****

From: alp@telerama.lm.com (Adam L. Pollock)
Subject: OptiMem-4Meg Press Release
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 1994 12:57:07 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Keywords: OptiMem Jump Memory Optimization Utility Control Panel Macintosh Demo

The enclosed file is only the press release describing the free OptiMem
Demo and the new OptiMem-4Meg version.

The OptiMem demo itself is not yet available in this library. It is
expected to be here on April 7. If you are interested in downloading the
OptiMem demo as soon as possible, please send us a message, and we will
reply when it is ready to go.

Thank you for your interest in OptiMem,
-Jump Development Group
AppleLink: RThornton * AOL: JumpDevGrp * CompuServe: 71321,1527
InterNet: jumpdevgrp@aol.com

Content-Type: text/plain; name="OptiMem-4Meg_Press_Release.hqx"; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="OptiMem-4Meg_Press_Release.hqx"

#### TEXT       opti-mem-v-ram-doubler.txt   ****

From: ericb@telecnnct.com (Eric Burger)
Subject: SUMMARY: RAMdoubler vs. OptiMem [S]
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 19:11:41 -0500 (EST)

Original Post:
Anyone have experience with OptiMem?  There's been lots of talk
about RAMdoubler (Connectix), but OptiMem (Jump Development) has
been out for a while now.

For that matter, any further incomatibilities found with RAMdoubler?
The summary:

RAMdoubler works great; only problems found were with MacTCP 1.1.1,
launching and quitting and launching applications QUICKLY in succession,
and applications that take up all of your memory on their own (e.g.

OptiMem will allow more applications run, but wont't let an individual

#### TEXT       os-arlines-humor.txt   ****

Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 01:30:56 -0600
From: farber@central.cis.upenn.edu (David Farber) (by way of
Subject: If Operating Systems Were Airlines Humor :-)

Message was resent -- Original recipients were:
To: Multiple recipients of list

Couldn't resist this little bit of list-abuse
because it captures so much of what we know
and so much of what lurks between the lines
of many postings over the last few months:


If operating systems were airlines.....

> DOS Air: All the passengers go out onto the runway, grab hold of
> the plane, push it until it gets in the air, hop on, jump off

#### BINHEX     pagemill-guide-pgs-12.hqx   ****

From: andy@sqe.ch (Andy)
Subject: PageMill Guide PGS 1.2

Formerly a shareware learning application for Adobe
PageMill users its status is changed now to freeware.
The only change in this version is that all shareware
reminders have been removed.

If I find the time I might build a new Apple Guide based
on version 2.0 of PageMill, also as freeware. Let's see.

(e-mail: andy@sqe.ch)


Adobe PageMill 1.0 
AppleGuide 1.2 or above
System 7.5 or aobe
or System 7.1 with 7.0/7.1 Apple Guide Enabler
For some features: AppleScript and Quicktime

Disinfectant found this archive virus-free.
Andreas Feuz

-/SQE Services Ltd., Zurich/Switzerland - The full range of Web services
-/Web site: http://www.sqe.ch/sqe
-/Email: afeuz@sqe.ch
-/Phone: +41 1 280 28 28 - Fax: +41 1 280 28 27

#### TEXT       pc-emulation.txt   ****

Date: Sun, 3 Oct 93 6:35 +0200
Subject: PC emulation on MAC (summary)

Hello netters

To the following post I hereby summarize.
> Is SoftPC the only option? I heard it emulates only a 286. Does anyone
> know of a better version in the works?

Thanks for those who responded directly to me:
D1437@AppleLink.Apple.COM (Insignia Solutions,PJ Cotton,PRT - Jason Harris)
ericb@telecnnct.com (Eric Burger)
Don't Panic! <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu> (anonymous)

The subject widened a little, so there is more than just about emulators.

There are 5 different approaches, only 2 of them really run PC software:

1. Software emulation - Only by Insigna. Only 286, 3 levels of sophistication

#### BINHEX     pc-exchange.hqx   ****

From: ilans@vms.huji.ac.il
Subject: PC Exchange Mappings v1.1

PC Exchange Mappings v1.1, October  1998
[Location in archives .../info/sft/]
A total of 559 code triplets.

A collection of PC extension codes (.XXX) with the (hopefully)
correlating MAC Type/Creator code pairs.

Data Base interface program by Daniel Azuma.
Data Base maintained by Ilan Szekely.
Now Freeware.

Files included are:
PC Exchange Mappings v1.1
Using the Database program

For more details / explanations, take alook at URL:
<http://www.angelfire.com/il/szekely/tcdbframe.html>   OR

Address for snail-mail and shareware fee:
Ilan Szekely
P.O.B 3942
Jerusalem 91039

E-mail - ilans@vms.huji.ac.il

#### BINHEX     pctzds-401.hqx   ****

From: mross@antigone.com
Subject: PC.TZ.DS 4.01


PC.TZ.DS used to be PhoneCodes/TimeZones. Now added is complete Daylight
Savings Time information for all countries in the world.

Version 4.01 adds many new US/Canadian area codes, and updates DST info
to reflect dates in 1999.

It is a DocMaker stand-alone application which provides all kinds of
useful information. PC.TZ.DS lets you pinpoint where an area code or
country code is located and what time it is there. Conversely, it lets
you look up area codes for major cities in the US and Canada and
international country codes for all the countries in the world.

#### BINHEX     pdf-object-browser.hqx   ****

From: rebecca@firstclass.be
Subject: PDF Object Browser 1.0

The plug-in only works with Acrobat Exchange (not with Acrobat Reader) 
on a Mac.

Since "PDF Object Browser" is freeware, you are encouraged to distribute it by
any means at your disposal (for the exact terms see the ReadMe file or the
plug-in's About panel).

Best regards,
Rebecca Serras

#### TEXT       pgp-faq-94-06-13.txt   ****

From: Louis_Bergeron@UQAT.UQuebec.CA
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 94 07:23:44 -0400
Subject: Re: Where to get the latest PGP FAQ

this could be of interest to readers of info-mac. I cannot modify the heading my
mail server added which identify me and add other trash info before the main 
message and it is why I send the message to you instead of to the list.

There is already a HOW TO PGP in the archive and that message could be added 
also. Now it is LEGAL to use MACPGP 2.6 in U.S. and CANADA. For other countries 
it is their problem.



FROM: mpj/externe////////HPMEXT1/mpj#a#netcom#f#com@Panoramix
TO: Bergeron_Louis/UQAT@Panoramix


#### BINHEX     photoshop-users-report-2.hqx   ****

From: "JONATHAN" <JONATHAN@hermes.bc.edu>
Subject: PhotoshopReport.sit
Date: 28 Apr 1994 15:09:50 -0500

Forwarded to MacGifts on request of the author.

Jon Duke

       Tuesday, April 19, 1994 11:53:27 PM
  From:           Lawrence San
  Subject:        Photoshop User's Report #2
  To:             Photoshop
  Cc:             New Uploads
                      PhotoshopReport.sea                                 206K
Two years in the making! Well, in my spare time, anyway... attached to this
message is my Second Photoshop User's Report. I just sent it to the people I
know at Adobe. Adobe said of my first report that it was "the best-researched
report we've ever received."  In fact, they fixed all the bugs listed in it and
adopted many of the suggestions for new or revised features.

This second, expanded report contains ten pages of new bugs, design bugs, and
suggestions for new features- complete with several illustrative diagrams-and
the inevitable advertisement at the end (i.e. me talking about myself on page
eleven... but you can always skip that).

This is a Stuffit 3.x archive, which expands into a self-running document that
can be viewed on screen or printed without your needing any particular
application or fonts. Please feel free to distribute it to other bulletin
boards. Thanks.

Lawrence San

#### BINHEX     pierce-gx-guide.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 14:22:40 -0700
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: Peirce Guide to QuickDraw GX Printing

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This DocMaker document comes from Peirce Software, and is an overview and
guide to using QuickDraw GX. If you're planning to install and use
QuickDraw GX, read this first (and check out Tonya's articles about GX in
TidBITS 243, 244, and 245).


cheers ... -Adam

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Peirce_GX_Guide.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Peirce_GX_Guide.sit"

#### BINHEX     platforms-and-operating-systems-11.hqx   ****

From: bpine@tuba.aix.calpoly.edu
Subject: Platforms and Operating Systems; PowerPC, Intel, Sparc, etc
Date: Fri, 27 May 1994 14:49:06 -0700

Version 1.1 of Platforms and Operating Systems.  This replaces version 1.0
sent about a week ago and archived as operating-systems-10.hqx.

This covers platforms, platform standards, and operating systems of the
various Mac, PC, and UNIX systems on the market.  CPUs covered include
PowerPC, Intel, Sparc, MIPS, HP PA-RISC, and DEC Alpha.

Corrections include serious ones like leaving out AIX under PowerPC (oops).
Rearranged a little, spelling changes, additions, and removals.

Word for the Mac 5.0/5.1 format.  I will look into a non-Word format later
for people who don't use it or can't read it.  Easy ways to create TeachText
documents with graphics (Word table) are welcomed.


#### TEXT       pm5-how-to-print-crop-marks-only.txt   ****

Date:         Thu, 21 Apr 94 12:15:32 PST
Subject:      How to Print Crop Marks Only in PageMaker 5 Documents

Aldus made the dubious decision that most people using PageMaker print
documents containing either gray-scale or color information. Therefore
in PageMaker 5.0 checking "Printer's Marks" in the Print Dialog inserts
not only crop marks but color/grayscale bars and registration marks on
every page. Even checking "Print all colors as black" (the only option
to tell PM5 that the document is B&W) does not suppress these extra
marks, which are distracting and use up extra toner.

After waiting forever on hold and dealing with Aldus' notoriously rude
"support" and biting my tongue (why don't they hire Miss Manners to give
seminars to those people?--I was warned by our local help desk to expect
rudeness, but it was still breathtaking) I was told that the solution is
contained in FaxYI number 115101. However that fax was not available
from their automated fax number (??). So the rude but helpful support
person personally faxed it to me. I asked for email if possible so I

#### BINHEX     pmac-up-running-09-msword5.hqx   ****

From: myirwin@uci.edu (Michael Irwin)
Subject: PowerMac - Up&Running b0.90

Attached is the a Word v5 file which I hope people will find useful.

Version b0.90, July 1995

What This File Is:
A listing of SOME of the things one can do to avoid or remove Type 11,
Coprocessor Not Installed, or other errors and crashes. Some information
from Apple Techinical Library was used as a starter for this file. However,
most of it is garnered from the various, real-world experiences of real Mac

What This File Is NOT:
An offical or empirical technical discussion of how or why these errors
come up. I'm a Mac end-user - I don't have the time to care. I just need to
be productive, and this file has helped many of us toward that end.

#### BINHEX     powermac-software-list.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 18 Dec 1994 21:06:21 -0800
From: fowell@netcom.com (Richard A. Fowell)
Subject: PowerMacSoftware.sit.hqx - list of PowerMac software

A list of over 100 files at the umich archive that are either
"accelerated for Power Macintosh" (/mac/powermac) or are
otherwise PowerMac related, together with information on
how to obtain them. Text file, Stuffit, BinHexed.

#### BINHEX     qt-on-ibm-11.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 16 Nov 94 12:41:15 +0500
From: Eric Bennett <EricB@psu.edu>
Subject: QT.on.IBM.v11.hqx.sit

You have a November 12 upload called QT.on.IBM.sit.hqx; I wrote this document 
but did not upload it.  The person who uploaded it uploaded an OLD, OUTDATED 
copy of this file.  Please remove it and replace it with the new version 1.1 of 
this document, which I have enclosed (I have also sent the removal request to 
info-mac-request@sumex.stanford.edu).  Thanks.

Description of upload:

This text document explains how to save Macintosh QuickTime movies in a format 
that can be played in Microsoft Windows 3.1 or greater.  It includes information 
on where to get the required software for both the Mac and Windows machines.

-Eric Bennett (EricB@psu.edu)

Drawing on my fine command of the language, I said nothing.
-Robert Benchley

#### TEXT       quick-gif-10-gif89a-patch.txt   ****

From: apabla@cs.uregina.ca
Subject: Summitted file
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 18:55:48 -0600 (CST)

Below is information on how to patch Quick-gif 1.0 so it will view Gif89a 
type gifs.  The information was provided by the author of the program.
Please put this text file wherever appropriate.

<Begin Text Article>

Below you will find some instructions on how to patch QuickGIF 1.0 to be able
to open GIF89a types of GIFs (which was a new GIF format extension defined
after QuickGIF 1.0 was released).  

Patching QuickGIF for viewing GIF89a graphics.

This patch will simply short-circuit the check for GIF87a header
information.  This means that GIF87a as well as GIF89a will be decoded.

#### TEXT       radius-software-site.txt   ****

Date:     5-Jan-1994 15:29:35 -0800
To:      <Postmaster@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
From:    warren leggett <warren@Radius.COM>
Subject: Radius software under /info-mac/cfg?

I was browsing around you ftp site and found this software posted there
This version of software is old and should be removed.
We currently have an ftp site at ftp.radius.com which has the latest version
with the appropriate license information.  If you have any questions I can
be reached via email at warren@radius.com of by phone at (408) 954-6663
Thanks for handling this matter, warren.

#### BINHEX     reality-pr-msword.hqx   ****

From: ctanski@quest.arc.nasa.gov (Chris Tanski)
Subject: PR for Reality for PPC software-3D visualization
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 16:40:59 -0700 (PDT)

Info-Mac community:

This Press Release is being sent out to announce the availability of the 
Reality software for Power Macintosh. Reality is a 3D software package 
which was designed to allow easy visualization of 3d images for 
integration with existing software. Other uses apply also. Please read 
the enclosed, PR, which is in Microsoft Word format, for more 
information. For a copy in ASCII format, e-mail me at 
CTANSKI@QUEST.ARC.NASA.GOV with your request. I do work at the 
corporation where this software was developed however please address all 
inquiries as directed at the end of this PR. Thank you.

Chris Tanski
Associate, MapPower Corp.

#### BINHEX     relational-databases-how-to.hqx   ****

From: Harry Myhre <harrym@netcom.com>
Subject: file submit
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 08:20:37 -0700 (PDT)

This is a PowerPoint slideshow of tips on creating
Relational Databases. The slideshow has been converted to a
Scrapbook File. Move your old scrapbook file out of your
system folder, drop the PowerPoint slideshow scrapbook file
into your system folder and use the Apple Scrapbook desk
accessory to view the slideshow.

#### BINHEX     resedit-primer-60.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 6 Mar 91 02:55:40 EST
From: perez@andromeda.rutgers.edu (William Perez)
Subject: HMG ResEdit(2.1) Primer 6.0.sdl.hqx

Here is the newest version of the ResEdit primer.  This is an application
that helps you understand and guides you through ResEdit's capabilities
and features.  This program has been updated for Apple's official release of
ResEdit 2.1.  Note I am simply uploading this program for the author, Herbert
M. Goodman (aka HMG).  This is a BinHex-ed Stuffit Deluxe/Classic archive.

#### BINHEX     resedit-tips.hqx   ****

From: Scott E. Lasley <lasleyse@wam.umd.edu>
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 92 21:37:51 -0500 
Subject: 5 Resedit Tips 

	ResEdit 2.1 gives you the tools to tinker with System 7Us new interface, and
with a little effort you can accomplish almost any tweak you want. To get you
started, here are five ResEdit projects that include step-by-step instructions
on customizing techniques, as well as sample resources to illustrate each tip.
RFive ResEdit TipsS lets you:
	1. Decorate your desktop with a selection of 16-x-16-, 32-x-32-, and
     64-x-64-pixel patterns.
	2. Create your own Startup screens, in any size or color you desire.
	3. Graft icons onto files; clean up icons; touch up small icons; and use the
     BNDL (bundle) resource to globally assign color icons to documents (for
     example, all Microsoft Word files, all FileMaker Pro documents, or all
     HyperCard stacks).
	4. Assign color startup icons to old INITs and control panels so you have
     something pretty to look at while you wait for your Mac to start up.
	5. Master the elusive TMPL (template) resource and edit new and unknown
     resource types.
	Each of the above techniques is illustrated with sample resources; among these
is a template for editing the new Finder menu resource (the enigmatic fmnu),
thereby adding Command-key shortcuts to the FinderUs File, Edit, and Special

Downloaded from Compuserve.  Please note that I am not the author of this

#### TEXT       security-software.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 13:13:47 +0100
From: Joerg.Schaeffer@nestroy.wu-wien.ac.at (Joerg Schaeffer)
Subject: [!] My roundup on Macintosh Security Software (11K)

Hello to everyone.

First of all I would like to apologise if you receive more than one copy of
this mail due to my crosspost. And then sorry that it has taken me so long
to finish this round up, but I am quite a busy student and had a lot of
exams... Well lets get to it.

Some time ago I was looking for a Macintosh security package to do
the following features:

>         * let me lock the System folder with a password
>         * let me create separate protected folders for users on each machine
>         * be compatible with 030 and 040 Macs (Performa 450 and 475 mainly)
>         * be compatible with AtEase 2.0 (if possible!)
>         * allow a user to access his protected folder over an

#### TEXT       server-tools.txt   ****

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 10:01:03 +0100
From: Karl.Pottie@uz.kuleuven.ac.be (Karl Pottie)
Subject: Server Tools Press Release


Philip Zarboulas

2147 Union Street
Upper Level
San Francisco, CA   94123

Voice: (415) 563-7157
Fax: (415) 563-0332
Internet: SANTORINI@AppleLink.Apple.com

#### BINHEX     share-disk-134.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1992 10:30 GMT+1 
Subject: [*] Shutdown Delay 

ShareDisk 1.34
by Alessandro Levi Montalcini
uploaded by Alberto Ricci

This archive contains the documentation of the ShareDisk. It's an offer
that lets you register various utilities, AfterDark modules, extensions
and control panels by Alessandro Levi Montalcini, for a low, low, price.
Convenient in case you want to register 2 or more of his programs.

#### TEXT       shareware-case-study.txt   ****

Date: Tue, 04 Oct 94 16:12:10 CDT
From: Rob Shaw <shawr@Ext.Missouri.edu>
Subject: Shareware Survey

Text item: Text_1

     While trying to enhance my virtual sensitivity for CPU multicultural 
     issues  ;)  I came across this on (~shudder~) IBMPC-L and thought the 
     Info-Mac folks might enjoy it:
     quoted material follows-------------------------------------------
From: corbier@satelnet.org (Daniel Corbier)
Subject: Shareware Author & User Case Study (brief summary)
Date: 16 Sep 1994 03:44:21 -0400

The following is a very brief summary of the Shareware Author & User
Case Study.  Copyright 1994, by Daniel Corbier.  All rights reserved.
Answers are based on survey responses from shareware users, and

#### TEXT       shareware-faq-draft.txt   ****

Subject: Shareware FAQ in development 
From: Steve Franklin <franklin@ug.cs.dal.ca>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 18:50:53 -0400 

   The following file discusses my proposal for the development of a
Shareware_faq for the internet Macintosh community. The FAQ is not intended
to be a pointer to the LATEST versions of software, nor is it geared to the
well-weathered or experienced Macintosh user. Rather, it is a starting point
to the new-users that are introduced to Internet, that might be somewhat
intimidated by the volume and size of sumex-aim or mac.archive. Finding
files on internet is no problem, but sometimes finding 'good' or popular
files is more challenging.

    Please read the following article carefully, and do not hesitate to put 
forward any recommendations or suggestions pertinent to this file's 
development. I apologize if you feel this mail is unwarranted, and if 
you are offended I recommend that you delete the mail and send me a nasty
note in response. Thank you in advance for your time, and I look forward
to any response you might have.

#### TEXT       short-finder-as-finder.txt   ****

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 16:17:24 -0800 
From: david_ryeburn@sfu.ca (David Ryeburn)
Subject: System 7 Emergency disks using ShortFinder 

Recently Brian Gaeke posted an application called ShortFinder 1.0
(posted as util/short-finder-10.hqx). It can be used to launch or
terminate processes. This includes the possibility of quitting the
Finder if there is a (normal) Finder and it is running, or starting
it if it is not running. ShortFinder uses about one-seventh the disk
space of a regular System 7 Finder, and runs in far less RAM. This
report shows how ShortFinder can be used as a Finder substitute on a
high-density floppy disk to make a System 7 emergency disk.


One can use ShortFinder without changing its name, creator, or type
in addition to or in place of the regular Finder. It is obvious how
to use it, and why one might want to use it, in addition to a
regular Finder on a hard disk. It can also be used unmodified in
place of a Finder on a floppy startup disk. To do this the System

#### BINHEX     soda-color-manual.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 4 Nov 1994 15:39:42 -0600
From: "The Val Man" <PORTER@engr.engr.scarolina.edu>
Subject: SODAColor_Manual; documentation for a multimedia utility

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This is the Electronic Manual for SODAColor.SODAColor is a fully functional
multimedia authoring tool.  It's ease of use and low-low cost makes it an
attractive alternative to some of the more expensive multimedia authoring
platforms.  You can create multimedia presentations in no time.  It isn't
as high-end as Director or the Media Kit, but it's only $35.00.  SODAColor
allows you to:+Incorporate Picts and QuickTime Movies+Record Sounds+Compose
Music+Play AIFF and MOD sound files+Paint+Apply custom color effects and
gradients+Quickly prototype software+Create Multimedia
Notebooks,Portfolios, and Resumes+Develop Interactive Kiosks and Non-Linear
Presentations+Create Interactive Educational Programs+Control
LaserDiscs+Expand functionality through writing HyperTalk Plug-InsThis
Software was created and is copyrighted 1994 by RUNFAST.This file should be
placed in APPLICATIONS with possible links to Graphics, Multimedia, Sound,
Art, and Education

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="SODAColor_Manual.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SODAColor_Manual.sit"

#### BINHEX     software-distribution-packages.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1993 13:39:02 -0500
From: Marc_Dionne@UQTR.UQuebec.CA (Marc Dionne)
Subject: [*] Software distribution (Quota, KeyServer) (Summary)

This message contains a summary of answers I got on my question about
software distribution package.

I would like to thank everybody who answer me.

My original question was:

>We plan to install a licence server to distribute all Macintosh software use in
>our University. To control the server, I plan to use Quota or KeyServer. Does
>some boby have experience with one of this software for managing a complet
>campus. What are the disadvantage of this approach? Does somebody have
>experience with a package who do same thing in PC world? 

Marc Dionne                                 Email: Marc_Dionne@uqtr.uquebec.ca
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières       Télec: (819) 376-5153

#### BINHEX     software-tracker-21.hqx   ****

From: dlw@dwmp.com
Subject: Software Tracker 2.1

Software Tracker is a FileMaker Pro 3.x or better solution for keeping 
information about software licenses and installations within your 

#### TEXT       speech-manager-apps-94-03-28.txt   ****

Date: Fri, 1 Apr 1994 20:29:56 -0500
From: Joe Campbell <jpcampb@afterlife.ncsc.mil>
Subject: Listing of Speech Manager Apps

Listing of Speech Manager/MacInTalk Pro/PlainTalk Aware Applications


Key Words: Speech Manager MacInTalk PlainTalk Gala Tea text to speech TTS
(Display in small monofont, e.g., 9pt Courier)

Note:  The Feb '94 Apple Developer CD has MacinTalkPro 2, but Apple
has not updated their ftp site as of 24 March '94.

Here are some of the Speech Manager aware text-to-speech (TTS)
applications that I know of (there are more on the Apple Developer
CD-ROMs). If I've missed some, please feel free to add to the list
and also let me know if you disagree with my "Comments." You'll
probably need to increase the memory allocations of Speech Manager
aware applications if you want to use the high quality voices (I

#### TEXT       speed-doubler-11-faq.txt   ****

From: support@connectix.com (Tech Support)
Subject: Speed Doubler 1.1 Updater FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

IMPORTANT: We are in the process of updating all our Speed Doubler
customers to version 1.1. We have discovered a problem in the Speed Access
extension of Speed Doubler 1.0.x, that can in certain, uncommon
circumstances, damage disk directory information. Although the problem is
unlikely to occur, we recommend all Speed Doubler users update to version
1.1, which does not have this problem. This improved version incorporates a
number of performance and compatibility enhancements including a solution
to the directory information issue. If you are a Speed Doubler registered
user, a 1.1 floppy is being mailed to you. If you have access to an online
service the 1.1 updater is currently posted.

Q/ How do I get Speed Doubler 1.1?
A/ If you are a Speed Doubler registered user, a 1.1 floppy is being mailed
to you. If you have access to an online service you can download the 1.1
updater immediately from the following online locations:

World Wide Web - http://www.connectix.com

#### TEXT       spice.txt   ****

23-Sep-93 15:01:43-GMT,3602;000000000001
Received: by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
	id AA09502; Thu, 23 Sep 93 08:01:42 PDT
Full-Name: Info-Mac Moderator
Resent-Message-Id: <9309231501.AA09502@CAMIS.Stanford.EDU>
Received: from Forsythe.Stanford.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id
        AA26697; Wed, 22 Sep 93 12:44:45 PDT
Received: by Forsythe.Stanford.EDU; Wed, 22 Sep 93 12:44:13 PDT
Received: from RICEVM1.RICE.EDU (NJE origin LISTSERV@RICEVM1) by
        RICEVM1.RICE.EDU (LMail V1.1d/1.7f) with BSMTP id 2063; Wed, 22 Sep
        1993 14:44:00 -0500
Received: from NAUVAX (NJE origin FRIESEN@NAUVAX) by RICEVM1.RICE.EDU (LMail
        V1.1d/1.7f) with BSMTP id 2041; Wed, 22 Sep 1993 14:43:44 -0500
Received: from NAUVAX.UCC.NAU.EDU by NAUVAX.UCC.NAU.EDU (PMDF V4.2-12 #2384)
        id <01H38ZJUM1O00002WT@NAUVAX.UCC.NAU.EDU>; Wed, 22 Sep 1993 12:41:42
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 12:41:42 -0700 (MST)
Subject: SPICE Summary

#### TEXT       star-trek-microsoft-joke.txt   ****

Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 07:21:34 +0000
From: wlt@mercurio.uc.pt (Wagner Luiz Truppel)
Subject: A joke that Mac & ST:TNG fans will love

A friend of mine sent me this little piece. Enjoy.

>"Star Trek Lost Episodes" transcript.
><Picard> "Mr. LaForge, have you had any success with your
>attempts at finding a weakness with the Borg?  And Mr. Data,
>have you been able to access their command pathways?"
><Geordi> "Yes, Captain.  In fact, we found the answer by
>searching through our archives on late twentieth-century
>computing technology."
><Geordi presses a key, and a logo appears on the computer
><Riker looks puzzled.> "What the hell is 'Microsoft'?"

#### TEXT       symbolic-composer-faq-11.txt   ****

Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 16:45:53 -0500
From: Fokke de Boer <Fokke.de.Boer@rivm.nl>
Subject: F A Q   on S-COM

================= F A Q   on S-COM follows ==========================

Symbolic Composer FAQ - version 1.1

Last updated: Jun 2, 1994

Hi! I'm Fokke de Boer and running the Lodge, a non-profit network of
algorithmic composers using S-COM. A lot of people have
been asking me what Symbolic Composer is. So, I made up a sort of FAQ.

What is Symbolic Composer?

Symbolic Composer is a lisp-based modular music language for scoring
music of any style and complexity. It enables you to write music in a
very high-level language, and use this composition model to produce
MIDI files. There are no limitations concerning music style and

#### TEXT       sys701-71-speeds.txt   ****

From: mem@jhufos.pha.jhu.edu (Mel Martinez x8378)
Subject: [*]sys70_vs_71_speed.txt 
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 92 18:15:59 EST 


This submission is a compilation report on the speed of the Mac OS System
version 7.1 versus System version 7.0.1 on various Mac models.

The motivation for this report was the many rumours going around about a
performance decline in SANE performance on some machines.  Since changes in
performance of the System has a direct effect on users' productivity, I
thought it would be useful to compile actual tests so that people could refer
to actual facts when making the decision on whether to upgrade to Sys7.1 or

The tests used are the suite of benchmarks performed by the program
info-mac/util/speedometer_31.hqx.  These benchmarks are only valid for
comparison purposes between mac models and should not be used to compare to
other platforms.  Also, when looking at ANY benchmarks, you should always keep

#### BINHEX     sys71-new-features-msword.hqx   ****

Date: 23 Oct 1992 20:31:02 -0700 

From: "Apgar, Eric" <apgar#m#_eric@msgate.corp.apple.com>

Subject: Sys 7.1 Notes word 


Connectix says MODE32 does work under 7.1, so here is a revised

7.1 Notes in Word format.

Apgar@Apple.com   |   Eric Apgar  alias  Gar   |   I said it, NOT Apple.

#### TEXT       system-re-installing-32-bit.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 21 Jun 1995 19:21:47 +0300 (MET-DST)
From: Federico Giacanelli <GIACANELLI@to.infn.it>
Subject: System re-installing & 32 Bit addressing - SUMMARY OF REPLIES


some week ago I posted a message about a Mac IIci with its System taking 14 MB
of 20 MB total RAM.
I received more than 30 replies! Thank you all very much, Info-Mac people!

Now I post a summary of the replies I received, as requested by someone that
wrote me.

I will quote parts of the mails but i won't quote the author's name because I
don't know if they want their name be written here.
Anyway I know who they are and I thank again everybody.

Here is my original message:

#### TEXT       tex-for-the-mac.txt   ****

Date: Tue, 8 Mar 1994 18:44:03 -0500
From: Scott Kaplan <sfkaplan@cs.amherst.edu>

I received email from a Chunsheng Ban <cban@math.ohio-state.edu>, who passed
on some additional information about the state of TeX/LaTeX on the Mac.  For
anyone concerned, I figured it would be worth the time to update this file
by including the rather useful paragraph below.  The rest of the file, beyond
this paragraph, contains the same group of replies I got when I asked the net
people about TeX implementations on the Mac.

Scott Kaplan
Amherst College


From: Chunsheng Ban <cban@math.ohio-state.edu>

The current version of OzTeX is 1.6. It has been a shareware since
version 1.5. You can print DVI files on a QuickDraw printer without

#### BINHEX     text-editor-faq.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 11:24:58 -0500
From: (Harry Hahn) <hhahn@macc.wisc.edu>
Subject: /text/text-editor-faq.hqx

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Attached is a mini-FAQ on the variety of freeware and shareware text
editors available for the Macintosh. Most (if not all) of the text editors
found in the /text direcory are described, as well as a couple that are
not. Features and characteristics such as the ability to open files >32K
and soft wrap text are discussed.

-Harry Hahn

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="text-editor-faq.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="text-editor-faq.sit"

#### BINHEX     the-ambrosia-times-45.hqx   ****

From: help@ambrosiasw.com
Subject: Ambrosia_Times_45.hqx

This is the September Ambrosia Times, Volume 4, Issue 5.

Ambrosia Software, Inc. publishes an electronic newsletter, entitled The 
Ambrosia Times, every other month. The 'Times is an interactive 
electronic newsletter that is meant to serve as an informal method of 
getting the word out about what Ambrosia is up to as a company. By 
browsing past and present issues of this newsletter, you'll obtain a 
wealth of information about our products, from previews of upcoming 
products to hints and tips about how to use our software effectively.

In the September 1997 issue of The Ambrosia Times, you will find:

- Harry Released! Plenty of hints, tips, and more!
- A sneak peek at Mars Rising.
- An interview with Ambrosia Marketing Director Jason Whong.
- A special column by expert typist Aaron Hunt, and more...

Download this free newsletter to find out more about Ambrosia's shareware 
and the people behind it.

The Ambrosia Times is being distributed electronically free of charge on 
a bi-monthly basis.  If you want The Ambrosia Times sent to your 
electronic mailbox at no charge every other month, please sign up on the 
at_list mailing list at http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Lists.html 

#### BINHEX     using-nist-time-servers.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" <jhardis@nist.gov>
Subject: Using NIST Internet Time Servers

All versions of Mac OS 8.5 and greater, including Mac OS X, have the 
ability to automatically synchronize their system clock to the 
authoritative NIST network time servers using the Internet NTP 

We have updated the instructions for utilizing this feature.  You can 
find them at: 

This document also provides pointers to software other than Mac OS 
itself that might be useful for Mac OS versions 8.1 and earlier, and 
for computers that are not Internet connected (using the modem-based 
ACTS service).

#### TEXT       wanted-quicktime-20-summary.txt   ****

Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 08:58:30 CDT
From: Michael Cook <mlc@iberia.cca.rockwell.com>
Subject: Wanted: Quicktime 2.0 and Apple Movie Player summary

I previously wrote:

> I'm trying to locate a copy of Quicktime 2.0, as well as Apple's
> "Movie Player".
> Would someone please send me the ftp locations of these applications? 
> Are they available somewhere other than ftp.apple.com?
> (I'm trying to play the "1984" Macintosh commercial, ...

I got replies from the following folks.  Thanks!

EWilts@galaxy.gov.bc.ca (Ed Wilts)
pope@imv.aau.dk (Povl H. Pedersen)
Krishna Mattegunta Kant <kkant@ugcs.caltech.edu>
Peter Schoenrank <PSchoenr@PostOffice.uvic.ca>

#### BINHEX     water-marks-msword51.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 11:09:16 -0500 
From: "Andrew E. Scheck" <aes@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu>
Subject: re :Water marks in MS Word 5.1 (I did it!) 

	Thanks to those who responded to my "watermark" request. I must not 
have made myself clear enough that I knew I could do the PostScript method in 
the header, because I got some responses that said I could do it with 
PostScript in the header. Some told me where to find the code and some even 
sent me the code for doing "Draft".

	My "Draft" example was just so that people knew what I was talking 
about--I really wanted to be able to use any arbitrary graphic. While again, 
I know (think) that I could convert the graphic to PostScript and include it 
in the header, it becomes somewhat more complex because, other than 
extracting the text from an EPS(F) version of the picture generated by 
MacDraw Pro or using that capability with the new print drivers, I don't have 
a good way of generating real, arbitrarily-positionable(?) PostScript code to 
use in the header. I would really just like to place the picture in the 

	Two of the responses I received lead me to believe that this was 
still possible, although without being able to see the combined image except 
in the page layout view...

Dwight Lemke writes...
	"... If you want to print to a quickdraw device, you create the
	watermark in a drawing package, rotate it 45 degrees, and adjust
	the header so it overprints the text. This WILL appear in page
	layout view."

Tonya Engst writes...
	"... So, if you want text to overlap some item in Word (4 or
	5), you can stick the item in the header and set the top margin
	(Format/Document) to an exact measurement (you have to set it
	to exact so that the header doesn't push the text down too far).
	In Word 5, you can choose exact from a popdown menu; in Word
	4, you enter a negative number in the top margin box, say -1
	for "exactly one inch." You can then stick postscript code in
	the header to print a largish, grayed out DRAFT (or whatever
	text you desire) or you can put a graphic (or a large, bordered,
	table cell to make a full-page border) or what have you in the
	header. Word (like most Mac programs :-)) can't do display PostScript,
	so if you use the PostScript code method - as Andy notes - you
	can't see the result of the code until you print to a PostScript
	printer. If you use non-PostScript code - a graphic of some sort
	perhaps - you are likely to see a decent representation in Print
	Preview, though not normal or page layout view.

	Conclusion? For Andy (or anyone like Andy) to solve the problem,
	you can either:

	1. Use a different program...
	2. Consider making a graphic having the word DRAFT and placing
	that in the header.
	3. Experiment with frames, but prepare for frustration.

Well, after following Tonya's instructions carefully (and not using a 
"framed" graphic in the header) just positioning the graphic using the ruler,  
"Format/Section..." and "Format/Document" I was able to get essentially what 
I wanted: arbitrary graphic, easy positioning and perfect printing (yellow 
objects come out a nice light gray)--I'm just not able to see both graphic 
and text simultaneously on the screen.

Here is my result ...

#### BINHEX     watermarker-1012-demo.hqx   ****

From: davej@working.com
Subject: New Working Watermarker Demo

Enclosed is the Working Watermarker 1.0.12 Demo.  (Please check our web
page at http://www.working.com to see if this is the latest version.)

Working Watermarker allows you to place a "watermark" graphic such as
"Confidential", "Draft" or a company logo behind anything you print. 
The stamp may be light gray or it may be full darkness for use as a

This demo comes with a single watermark.  The real product comes with
several dozen example watermarks, and allows you to create your own from
PICT or EPS graphics.

To install the demo: * Drop it into your System Folder.  System 7 will
then place it in the Extensions folder. * Restart your Macintosh.

The next time you print you will see Working Watermarker's controls,
including a popup menu at the bottom of your print dialog.  Select "Demo
Watermark" from the menu, then press the Print button.  The message
"This Document Created Using Working Watermarker" will appear under your

To purchase Working Watermarker, contact:

Working Software, Inc. PO Box 1844 Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1844 (800)
229-9675 (408) 423-5696 (408) 423-5699 FAX

http://www.working.com info@working.com America Online: WorkingSW

#### TEXT       what-is-gzip.txt   ****

From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@student.lut.ac.uk>
Subject: What is gzip? What do I need? textfile
Date: Sat, 7 May 94 18:35:04 BST

What is gzip? What is .gz? is asked on a regular basis in the Mac newsgroups.
Attached is an information file I wrote, answering these questions. Although
this file is now part of the MacGzip distribution, first the Mac user
has to know that he or she needs MacGzip.

I hope that uploading this file into the information directories will go 
some way towards addressing that.

 -- L.
L.H.Wood@student.lut.ac.uk     Email me for a copy of the Mac screensaver FAQ

From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@student.lut.ac.uk>
Subject: A real-life use of MacGzip for Mac users!
To: macspd@ivo.cps.unizar.es

#### BINHEX     wm-updater.hqx   ****

From: davej@working.com
Subject: Updater for Working Watermarker

This updater will update a Working Watermarker version 1.0.3 through
1.0.11 to Working Watermarker 1.0.12.  If you update a Working
Watermarker that is in your Extensions folder, you must restart your
computer before changes will take effect.

If you experience any problems using this updater please contact Working
Software at WM@working.com and we will send you a complete Working

If you are a Working Watermarker owner but did not purchase the product
directly from Working Software you might not be registered.  Please drop
by our web page at http://www.working.com and register your copy.  This
way we can notify you of future upgrades as they become available.


Dave Johnson Working Software

#### BINHEX     word-for-macintosh-faq-03.hqx   ****

From: indro@earthlink.net (Indranil Mookherjee)
Subject: word-mac-faq-v0.3

#### BINHEX     word-mac-faq-04.hqx   ****

From: (Indranil Mookherjee) indro@earthlink.net
Subject: Word for Macintosh FAQ v0.4

Here is version 0.4 of the Word for Macintosh FAQ.


Indranil Mookherjee
Adjunct Professor of Marketing
Pepperdine University, California Lutheran University, and USC
Rediffusion Home Page: http://home.earthlink.net/~indro

#### BINHEX     world-script.hqx   ****

From: hawkins@husc.harvard.edu
Subject: Worldscript-Info
Date: Wed, 4 May 1994 17:26:46 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

        Enclosed is a document recently put out by Apple describing its
worldscript technology and listing the applications optimized to use it.
It discusses the nature and future of multi-lingual computing on the Mac
as well as issues related to the Japanese and Chinese Language Kits.

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="worldscript-info.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="worldscript-info.sit"

#### TEXT       x-windows-for-mac.txt   ****

From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod>
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 6:46:05 PST

for @techunix.technion.ac.il:info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu id AA00819; Sun, 6
Nov 94 09:10:03 -0800
Date: Sun, 6 Nov 1994 09:09:23 +48000
From: Guy Shaviv <guy@arshaviv.technion.ac.il>
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: [R] X-Windows for mac
Message-Id: <Pine.SGI.3.90.941106090824.806A-100000@arshaviv.technion.ac.il>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

As requested by some, I am posting the smallest subset of responses 
which covers all the suggestions received concerning the question of running 
X-emulation on the mac.