Date: Thu, 07 Apr 94 18:15:46 CST
From: Mack Willingham <ZU01988%UABDPO.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Font Trouble Summary Post

Hello all. A week or so ago I had a problem with trashing some
fonts that were in my fonts folder. I posted the question here, and
got several prompt replies. Also I got a request to post the
replies I got, and how I solved the problem. I had planned to post
them last week, but the pc I was on at the time crashed and I lost
the file (just like a pc). So there it is:

I had come time to clean out my system folder, and wanted to thin
out the herd of fonts that I had. In doing so, there were 4 TT
fonts that I couldn't trash. I tried to do the usual drag to the
trash, but I got the 'not enough memory' reply. Having plenty of
mem left, I was in the finder, I knew that I had the damaged font

1.) The first thing that came to mind was that fonts were like mini
applications, that were running in the background (I know that this
is not how it works, but just an aside). So I restarted my mac with
the shift key held down to disable all the extensions. I go back to
the f onts f older and try to drag the f onts to the trash.

But, I get that same message, not enough memory.

2.) Not to be outdone by some.... some .... FONT, I whipped out
my handy dandy copy of ResEdit, and proceeded to destroy all the
resources that were contained the font. If there is nothing in
the file, then it should be nothing but an empty shell, and I can
then trash it with no problem .... right? WRONG!

3.) I then posted the problem on the net, and started to use the
suggestions from you guys, and gals. One was to compress the file
with my weapon of choice, and then try and trash it. I stuffed
it, and tried to have stuffit to delete the file for me. Needless
to say, the font still hung in there. It later dawned on me that
I should have used disk doubler instead since it compresses the
file itself and not make a copy of it.

4.) Well, if the file is damaged, then if I can fix the file with
norton, then I should be able to trash it. So I loaded up norton,
and behold, the f ile was damaged, and norton said that it wanted
to fix it, so I let norton fix it. Tried to trash it after a
restart, and got the same message.

5.) I got another suggestion from the net. This one said that I
should just pull the entire font folder out of the system folder,
then trash the fonts. This seemed to easy to work, but hey, I had
nothing to loose. I drug the folder onto the desktop, and the icon
changes to that of a normal folder. Something was happening!!
Next I put those pesky fonts in the trash, and WWOOOOSH!!!! I saw
them grasping for the edge of the rim, but the current was just too
strong for them. So long suckers!!!!

So to all of those people that helped me with my problem, thanks!
hope this helps someone else out there.

Mack Willingham

PS Sorry that it took so long!!!