Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #262
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 03 Dec 97       Volume 15 : Issue 262

Today's Topics:

      [*] Cigarettes, Whiskey & Women
      [*] gasket-102.hqx
      [*] Journal 1.2 - Personal Journal
      [*] Learn and Play 1.3
      [*] lupe-13.hqx
      [*] MacCentral Holiday Screen Saver
      [*] Mortgage Solver 2.07.hqx (Remove mortgage_solver_204.hqx)
      [*] Pressmeddelande Dr. Feelgood
      [*] ramBunctious 1.2 -- a RAM disk program
      [*] Secret Agent
      [*] Set Daylight 1.0
      [*] TidBITS#407/01-Dec-97
      [*] TNT Nag! 1.1 (Reminder program submission)
      [*] TykeWriter - Word Processor for Kids
      [*] WabbitPwo - Shareware URL Manager
      [*] YP Circulaire 1.0
      7500 Logic Board Crisis
      7500 Logic Board Crisis
      7500 Logic Board Crisis
      [Q] Anti-spam software?
      [Q] OS8 Fonts & Incompatibilites?
      aol problems with fas and mime foramts...
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #260
      Looking for Easy View author...
      Need help upgrading 14 computers to Ethernet or TCP/IP
      Needed Extensions?
      using a non aol browser wiuth aol 2.7

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Cigarettes, Whiskey & Women

Hey. It's me the Wacked Sounds guy again. What have I
got for you this time?... Well. Hard to say. I've
teamed up with my buddy... well sort of teamed up... I
was actually just introducing him to my trusty ol'
Quickcam... and here's the result. Possibly... No.
Definately,  the strangest download you'll ever make.
But hey, you get to kind of, sort of see what I really
look like and what I sound like when I'm not doing a
character. Of course you could always check out the
sexy jpeg of me on my website. Oh yeah, my website...
you could go there right now for more free stuff...

[Archived as /info-mac/art/mov/cigarettes-whiskey.hqx; 1256K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:15 -0700
Subject: [*] gasket-102.hqx

Gasket  is an accesory clock.
An oval clock is in the center of Sherpinski's Gasket,
which is wellknown shape in Mathematics or Computer Art.
The color of gasket changes according as a time goes.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/gasket-102.hqx; 515K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:07 -0700
Subject: [*] Journal 1.2 - Personal Journal

Journal 1.2 is a FileMaker Pro 3 document that works as a personal
Journal. You may record each days events the same as you would in a
standard journal book or diary. It has functions like:

* New Entry
* Delete Entry
* Print
* Spelling
* List/Form View.

Requires:  FileMaker Pro 3.0, Macintosh with 8 bit color, 15" monitor
minimum recommended.

For more information on Journal 1.2:
Kevan Olhausen -

[Archived as /info-mac/data/journal-12.hqx; 174K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:00 -0700
Subject: [*] Learn and Play 1.3

=C0 propos d'Apprendre et jouer=A9 1.3 (voir le bas pour les modifications)

Apprendre et jouer=A9, partagiciel con=E7u et r=E9alis=E9 par Serge=
 Beauchamp pour
SoftMedia s.e.n.c., est une collection de dix-sept activit=E9s informatiques
sur Macintosh=81 destin=E9es principalement =E0 l'usage des enfants du=
 premier et
second cycle primaire allant aux =E9l=E8ves de cinqui=E8me secondaire.  Tout=
les activit=E9s sont regroup=E9es dans un seul logiciel, pour permettre =E0
l'utilisateur de naviguer entre elles le plus facilement possible.  Les
activit=E9s sont regroup=E9es sous trois rubriques:  =C9ducation, Habilet=E9=
s et

Chaque activit=E9 offre =E0 l'=E9l=E8ve non-seulement la possibilit=E9 de d=
son habilet=E9 =E0 utiliser un outil informatique mais aussi lui donne
l'occasion de mettre en pratique, tout en s'amusant, des exercices
p=E9dagogiques adapt=E9s =E0 ses aptitudes.

Quoi de nouveau dans la version 1.3:

- Nouveau module "Monsieur Poire" dans la section "=C9ducation".
- Nouvelles options dans la section "Utilisateurs" des pr=E9f=E9rences.
- Quelques corrections d'erreurs.

Quoi de nouveau dans la version 1.2:

- Am=E9lioration des performances, jusqu'=E0 un facteur de 2 dans certains m=
- Quelques corrections d'erreurs.

Quoi de nouveau dans la version 1.1:

- Nouveau Guide de l'utilisateur en couleur dans le format html
- Compatible MacOS 8.
- Quelques nouveaux sons.
- Quelques corrections de bugs dans le module de Logo et autre.

Page web de softMedia:

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/learn-and-play-fr-13.hqx; 8719K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:17 -0700
Subject: [*] lupe-13.hqx

Lupe is a magnifier. It has a custom shape and appearance
just like in the real world. It's easy to use and you can
observe something by pressing space bar.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/lupe-13.hqx; 668K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:19 -0700
Subject: [*] MacCentral Holiday Screen Saver

Just in time for the holidays, MacCentral Tree is a free Macintosh screen
saver brought to you by Abbott Systems, Clixsounds, and MacCentral. It
should work with just about any Macintosh. Instructions for use are
included in the Read Me file.

Happy Holidays from all the gang here at MacCentral!

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/mctree.hqx; 1475K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Mortgage Solver 2.07.hqx (Remove mortgage_solver_204.hqx)

Mortgage Solver is a Worksheet to be use with Excel 5.0 or later.

Mortgage Solver is one of the most comprehensive Mortgage Loan and Personal
Loan calculation tool available for the PC and the Macintosh Computer.
Mortgage Solver will allow you to create many amortization table on the
same worksheet,  which you can use to change your basic payments and
interest Rate at any time. You can enter lump sums and watch how you can
save money. Graphics are included to help you view how the changes you make
are impacting the interest you save or how quick you can pay off your house.

Mortgage solver 2.07 is now able to calculate US Mortgage Loans.

Mortgage solver 2.07 will now allow Basic Payment to be lower than the
Minimum Basic Payment calculation.
This is only available when modifying the Basic Payment on the Table sheet.

Note: that for Canadian mortgage loan calculations are based on the
CANADIAN Mortgage calculation method (compounded twice a year) unlike many
other Mortgage calculation programs.

Software/Hardware Requirements:
Macintosh Computer with Excel V5.0 or Later
PC running WIN 3.1, WFW 3.11 or WIN 95 and Excel V5.0 or Later.

Yvon Landry
Nepean, Ontario

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/mortgage-solver-207.hqx; 319K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Pressmeddelande Dr. Feelgood


Dr. Feelgood <> sl=E4pper nu det
eminenta verktyget CopyPaste i version 4.1. Med CopyPaste
kan du
klippa, kopiera och klistra upp till 10 st urklipp j=E4mf=F6rt
med datorns inbyggda enkelklipp. Till programmet finns en
verktygspalett som ger en bra =F6verblick och g=F6r det
En del andra funktioner bland programmets m=E5nga funktioner
- Minns dina 10 senaste urklipp.
- Kan spara ner 10 st klipp till h=E5rdisken vilka kan
anv=E4ndas av andra anv=E4ndare av CopyPaste.
- Dra och sl=E4pp funktion.
- Textverktyg, bildverktyg, internetverktyg, och verktyg f=F6r

tid och datum.
- Alla 10 urklipp kan sparas vid omstart och avst=E4ngning.
- Markerad text kan kopieras till ett annat st=E4lle via ett
enkelt klick med musen.
- Programv=E4ljare med snabbtangent.

Nytt i CopyPaste 4.1:
- Drag och sl=E4pptekniken har f=F6rb=E4ttrats
- Kompabiliteten med andra program som st=F6der drag och sl=E4pp

- Text, bild och ljudfiler kan enkelt dras till paletten.
- Textfiler kan nu dras direkt till paletten.
- B=E4ttre visning i paletten av urklippens inneh=E5ll.
- Tv=E5 nya HMTL - verktyg.
- Nytt verktyg f=F6r radbrytningar.
- Man kan namnge urklippsarkiven.
- Palettens l=E4ge sparas nu vid omstart.
- Sl=E5 av/p=E5 verktyg med snabbkommando.
- Onlinehj=E4lpen har nu en knapp f=F6r att kopiera respektive
kapitel till urklippet.
M. fl. finesser

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/copy-paste-41.hqx; 335K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:05 -0700
Subject: [*] ramBunctious 1.2 -- a RAM disk program

ramBunctious is a RAM disk program for the Macintosh.

RAM disks are a convenient way to achieve high performance in many
applications. Hard drive accesses are hundreds of times slower than memory
accesses. RAM disks set aside an amount of memory that the system can then
use as a "normal" hard drive, floppy drive, or any other storage device --
except that they're much faster.

ramBunctious maintains the advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of
most RAM disk programs. Several options let you customize for your desired
balance of speed, security, safety, and versatility. For example, you can
set it to write through to a file on a (real) disk for safety in the event
of a crash. You can mount as many RAM disks as you wish (or as many as you
have memory for) simultaneously. ramBunctious uses the same memory that
applications use, so the memory used for each RAM disk is instantly
available for other applications as soon as the RAM disk is put away.

ramBunctious 1.2 increased performance by up to 30%. Also, a timed-
save feature was added.

A full description of ramBunctious is available by running the
"ramBunctious manual" applet included in this package, or visit the
ramBunctious home page:

Direct questions to

Shareware, US $12.00

ramBunctious 1.2 Copyright (c) 1995 - 1997 by Elden Wood and Bob Clark

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/ram-bunctious-12.hqx; 500K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Secret Agent

Secret Agent is a program designed to help students practice their math
facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) in a fun

Students choose either a boy or girl secret agent, then go about their
mission of recovering stolen computer chips from "the enemy".  There are
3 ability levels, and the top 5 scores are saved for all 4 games
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
Richard MacLemale
Teacher and Programmer
Think Different

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/secret-agent.hqx; 1053K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:12 -0700
Subject: [*] Set Daylight 1.0

Have you ever noticed that your VCR automatically changes the time on
its clock for Daylight Saving Time, and your Mac OS computer doesn't?
Set Daylight will automatically set change the time on your computer
for the beginning and end of Daylight Saving Time.  Set Daylight is not
an INIT, so it should not cause any conflicts.

PPC or 68K Macintosh
Requires 7.0 or newer.

Paul Westbrook

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/set-daylight-10.hqx; 8K]


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 20:19:24 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#407/01-Dec-97


Considering a digital camera, but not sure what you're getting into? This
issue, guest writer Arthur Bleich introduces us to the facts and facets of
digital photography. Also, Tom Geweke looks at MkLinux, the Apple-sponsored
version of Unix for PowerPC machines, and we note new releases of SiteCam
and CopyPaste, plus a preview of Apple's flagship media technology:
QuickTime 3.0.

    Running Linux on Your Mac
    Focusing on Digital Cameras, Part 1: Higher Is Better


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-407.etx; 30K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:18 -0700
Subject: [*] TNT Nag! 1.1 (Reminder program submission)

TNT Nag! 1.1
by Mark Tully & TNT Software

TNT Nag! is a quick & very easy to use reminder utility for the
Macintosh with many features found in commercial products.
Appointments can be set which you do not wish to forget about and Nag!
will remind you of them at the proper time. Custom sounds and pictures
can be chosen to appear with your message and messages can be grouped
and edited with ease and set to reoccur regularly; you will never miss
your favourite TV program again!
Nag! has a very small memory footprint and runs in the continuously in
the background. It is an application so it does not cause any extension
conflicts like some time managment products and whenever you need an
extra 200k of ram you can quit it.
As part of the Nag! package there is also a control panel called "Quick
Nag!". You can use this to set up hot keys for creating messages from
inside any application, making Nag! even quicker to use. Quick Nag! is
NOT required for Nag! to function.

System Requirements:
* System 7 or greater
* 250k free ram

For more information see the enclosed manuals.

Mark Tully
TNT Software

[Archived as /info-mac/app/tnt-nag-11.hqx; 648K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:03 -0700
Subject: [*] TykeWriter - Word Processor for Kids

TykeWriter - Word Processor for Kids!  Version 1.2.0

Computers are great tools for teaching elementary school age kids to
read and
write.  TykeWriter is a word processing program designed for the special
needs of young children.  It is fun to use and easy to learn.  Children
will be proud seeing their creation in print or hearing TykeWriter read
it back to them.   As the child's skills develop, the teacher or parent
can add new features by changing the level setting for that child.
These features include setting text style, font and color.  An optional
tool supports accents for European languages.  TykeWriter can be used
without the keyboard, using only the mouse and on-screen alphabet.

TykeWriter is free for all to use and share.  It includes a user guide.

New features since version 1.1.3:
* Voice Manager Interface allow TykeWriter to read back the child=92s
* Several bugs fixed

System requirements:
* 68030 or better
* System 7.0 or later (uses only 1MB of DRAM while running)
* 1 MB of disk (hard drive) space

=46or more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit my
Web page:



Dave Lazarus

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/tyke-writer-120.hqx; 454K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:18:09 -0700
Subject: [*] WabbitPwo - Shareware URL Manager

WabbitPwo is the second generation in the Wabbit family. Most of the
original concepts of WabbitDA are implemented in WabbitPwo, but the program
has been further enhanced to simplify managing your bookmarks.

WabbitPwo makes navigation and housekeeping easy by using an already
familiar "Finder" format to store each of the unique address types
available on the internet. You can create specific items/topic folders for
URLs that reference a topic. And since WabbitPwo mimics the Finder you can
expect to already know how much of it works.

Any of your data stored in WabbitPwo is available from ANY application,
even if you are not immediately connected to the Internet.

WabbitPwo is mostly stand alone, but he is primarily designed to work in
conjunction with Internet Config. By installing Internet Config, you can
simply CMD click any URL entry in WabbitPwo's database and he will either
launch the selected helper application or if it's already running, bring it
to the front and pass it the URL. Navigation made simple!

Internet Config aware (advised for full functionality)
Drag and Drop savvy
OS8 Compatible (System 7 or newer)
Time online sessions
Simple interface operation

Of course WabbitPwo is not your garden variety book marker....

WabbitPwo is shareware ($10) and may be included on any CDROMs.
Demo version is limited to 250 URL's. Registering your version removes this
limitation. OR

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/wabbit-pwo.hqx; 587K]


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:17:57 -0700
Subject: [*] YP Circulaire 1.0

[This is the french version of YP Circular 1.0]

Un simulateur de mouvement circulaire uniforme et de mouvement harmonique

Mise a Jour: Novembre 1997

Auteur:  Yves Pelletier
         Email:    ou

Prix (Shareware):  $15 US

Mots-Clefs:  Enseignement de la physique, sciences,  cinematique,
simulation, vecteurs, graphiques, mouvement circulaire, acceleration
centripete, vitesse tangentielle.

Description du logiciel:

YP Circulaire simule le mouvement d'un objet en mouvement circulaire
uniforme et/ou le mouvement d'un objet en mouvement harmonique simple.  Les
deux mouvements (circulaire et harmonique simple) peuvent etre animes
simultanement pour montrer que le mouvement harmonique simple est la
projection sur un axe d'un mouvement circulaire uniforme.  Le logiciel
permet aussi de montrer que la vitesse est tangente au cercle et que
l'acceleration est orientee vers le centre du cercle, dans un mouvement
circulaire uniforme.  On peut aussi l'utiliser pour mieux faire comprendre
la signification des mots "vecteur" et "composante d'un vecteur", ou pour
assurer une meilleure comprehension des concepts de position, de vitesse et
d'acceleration instantanees.

Pendant l'animation, il est possible de voir les graphiques de la position
en fonction du temps, de la vitesse en fonction du temps, et de
l'acceleration en fonction du temps.  Les vecteurs representant
l'acceleration instantanee, la vitesse instantanee et la position peuvent
egalement etre traces directement sur l'animation.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/yp-circulaire-10-fr.hqx; 221K]


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 09:59:20 -0700 (MST)
From: Neil Fiertel <>

	I have been having difficulty copying large files to my jaz drive.
I get random system freezes when attempting this procedure.  I have to
force quit to restart..
	 I have tried reinstalling the Finder, throwing away the finder
prefs, rebuilding the desktop, zapping the Pram, replacing the Iomega apps
and inits from the mac OS8 cdrom, initializing the jaz disk, tried to copy
the entire Hard drive folder to another folder manually, disabled the
extensions and on and on all to no avail.  I tried with and without
Ramdoubler and Speedoubler and both of these are the newest versions 2.01
and 8.01`respectively.  In other words what is wrong and what is left? Oh,
yes, in case you think I did not check the disks hard and external I did so
both with Norton 3.51 diskdoctor and with disktools and again there was no
problem visible.  Is there some kind of bug in OS8 when running on a NuBus?
I have a 7100/80/av with 48mb of hardware ram.   I also checked my scsi
connexions and they are good. The only success I had with backing up the
hard disk was to copy smaller groups of files one or two at a time.  I was
able to copy largish files in this way including the system folder but when
it comes to the entire drive at one time there was this bug or fault.
 Please, if you have a solution would you email me at


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 97 07:16:52 -0600
From: "Larry Rymal" <>
Subject: 7500 Logic Board Crisis

On Sat, 29 Nov 1997, "Michael L.W. Jones" <> wrote

>My 7500/100 logic board decided to fry itself last week....I purchased 
>the 7500 at a time when Apple still felt justified in
>charging high profit margins.  .... My computer cost $4000.

OUCH!  Why so high?  My 7500 in August of '95 cost $2800 US.

>1) I have heard anecdotal evidence of problems with the 7500 line.  
>Any similar experiences with logic board problems?  I need backup here.

The only problem with the 7500 is a defect on some units that shows 
itself when using the DAV slot.  Apple has a FREE motherboard replacement 
program (if it is still in effect after all these months) for folks who 
attempt to use the DAV slot with an optional digitizer card and have 
problems.  There is a list of serial numbers for the units which qualify 
for replacement. Perhaps your computer is in that range. Try searching 
the archives of or the archives of Apple's 
support technote area for more details.  I don't have access to it now.  
At any rate, this defect was covered publically at length 1 1/2 years ago.

>2) Any good sources of used logic boards  - or at least 
>cheaper alternatives to the extortion I am facing?

Apple has NEVER been cheap with its motherboards. This has been public 
knowledge since about, ummmmm, 1978. Try contacting ShreveSystems of 
Shreveport, Louisana and you might find a cheaper board source.  You 
might also purchase MacWorld and look in the advertisements for Pre-Owned 
Electronics, Sun Remarketing, etc.  

I can only speculate that the cost is not going to be much cheaper than 
what you were offered, though.  With a JUST a motherboard, one has almost 
a complete computer.  Just add memory, a power supply, hard drive, and 
floppy---and a case.  You mentioned WinTel clone motherboards being 
cheaper.  Of course they are.  They do not come complete with integrated 
controller cards, interface cards, etc.---not to mention all the 
garage-hack WinTel motherboard cards being exported by the millions from 
some jungle shop overseas.



Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 22:11:33 +0900
Subject: 7500 Logic Board Crisis

"Michael L.W. Jones" <> wrote in Info-Mac Digest V15 #261:

>My 7500/100 logic board decided to fry itself last week.
>The bill for replacement is $800 Cdn, including tax and installation.  I
>feel this is highway robbery, plain and simple.

I've felt the same for years -- IT IS HIGHWAY ROBBERY. Since most Apple service tech staff are not trained to perform component level repair and replacement, they swap out the defective logic board. Hence the rather excessive $800 Cdn charge. The dead logic board is sent back to Apple for component level repair, then recycled back into the service chain. The actual cost of Apple performing component level repair is not $800 Cdn (sometimes it can be in the $20 Cdn range, but the average is higher I suspect), rather the $800 Cdn charge is treated as a very lucrative profit center by Apple.

In many cases where clients have older Macintosh models that have died, I would be reluctant to suggest repairs from an authorized Apple repair center. Rather I'd suggest one of the real repair shops advertised in the classified ads section of MacWEEK that perform component level repair and will charge the actual cost. I'm surprised that more Apple users haven't woken up to this shameful aspect of Apple 'service'. Remember back in the 'good old days' when Apple didn't offer a one-year warranty? Well Apple was forced to change that policy by customer pressure. Perhaps somebody would like to start a campaign to bring Apple service charges down to realistic levels.

>I would like to ask Info-Mac the following:
>1) I have heard anecdotal evidence of problems with the 7500 line.  Any
>similar experiences with logic board problems?  I need backup here.

I've had three clients (out of five that purchased them) that needed 7500 logic boards swaps after their out-of-warranty units suddenly died after (on average) 18 months of interoffice use.

>2) Any good sources of used logic boards  - or at least cheaper
>alternatives to the extortion I am facing?

Check the ads in the back of MacWEEK.

>3) Anyone from Apple care to intervene here before I do cross the bridge
>and sell my soul to the Dark Side?

Don't expect it. Those few whom still have jobs will doubtless want to keep them, especially in light of Steve Jobs 'slash-and-burn' management style. The Dark Side is looking very tempting given Apple's shoddy service record and new 'non-upgradeable' G3 line up.

Want to upgrade your Mac in future? Buy a new Mac will be the only official option. Also since Apple put the squeeze on IBM and Motorola to end selling or sub-licencing clones, don't except either to put too much effort into new generations of PowerPC CPU designs for an ever shrinking market. You'll have a better chance of finding future PowerPCs in home appliances and cars, rather than Apple computers.


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 00:46:14 +1100
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: 7500 Logic Board Crisis

In Info-Mac Digest V15 #261, Michael Jones -, wrote

>2) Any good sources of used logic boards  - or at least cheaper
>alternatives to the extortion I am facing?

Mike, here's what I've got for used parts:
<> Sun Remarketing: Service Parts

<> MacRescue

Pre-Owned Electronics Inc.
205 Burlington Rd
MA    01730
Phone  1-617-275-4600
Fax       1-617-275-4848

<> Shreve Systems
This last one, Shreve, has an indifferent rep, so be careful there.  Sun
Remarketing & MacRescue have good on-line catalogs, and reasonable

Hope this helps!

bill  <> <>


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 15:15:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Q] Anti-spam software?

I am in sore need of an anti-spam solution.  My connection is a dial-up 28.8
modem and I can't use solutions that depend on logging onto my mail server
every "x" minutes to check for correspondence from known spam vendors.  I do
not currently use a specialized mail program--I just click the envelope icon
from within Netscape--but I'd be willing to buy and deploy one if necessary.
 I definitely am not interested in any solution that depends on me having to
enter each and every vendor whose mail I want to trash automatically.
 Ideally, I'd like to be able to put a block on...

a)  entire domains that obviously support spam
b)  any email failing to be addressed to my correct email address in the
c)  any email sent to me via blind carbon copy

...and I'd also like to be able to automatically forward all blocked email to
postmaste@domain and abuse@domain for every domain listed in the "received
from" headers.  It would be my preference to have such a program do its work
in the background whenever I log on and beep or send up a message window when
it has completed its chores for the time being, so that I know it is time to
go read my email; alternatively, it could be a full-bodied email program that
does this in the process of fetching me my email.

Please reply to the digest or else to the address listed below, and not the
one from which this posting originated, as the AOL address does not accept
incoming email and I can't post to the damn digest from my "real" email
address because the digest archives are trolled by the spam-vendors (every
time I post to Info-Mac from the earthlink address, I get a newly swollen
influx of spam <sigh>).

Allan Hunter
after removing the spaces, email to  a h u n t e r  @  e a r t h l i n k . n
e t


Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 18:06:25 +0000
From: tina wright <>
Subject: [Q] OS8 Fonts & Incompatibilites?

Hi all

Can any of you tell me how to change the choice of system font is OS8?
I've just installed it and find I can only choose Chicago or Charcoal - neither
of which is very nice! Also I was using Aladdins desktop shortcuts which no
longer seem to wrk now - is it incompatible with OS8?

Hope you can  help



Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 17:56:56 -0500 (EST)
Subject: aol problems with fas and mime foramts...

I am using a mac IIvx, with system 7.5.1 and aol 2.7 (I can't get aol 3.0 to
run on the Mac II, but that is a different problem, one I have no idea how to
solve.)  I have 20 meg memory and 160 meg hard drive, which is not even half
full.  I have a USRobotics Sportster 28.8 for the Mac.  Self-supplied
extensions are few and very common, and I do nothing fancy.   My problem is

I use MacComCenter, which is bundled with the modem, for faxing.  I receive
faxes without trouble, but, once I do, I cannot use aol any more.  After
faxing, I try to use aol, the modem is initialized (the aol going on line
sequence says so), dial tone starts, ... and then stops.  That is that.  No
mail or files are lost, but it is necessary to completely reinstall aol from
the installer.  Even if I completely remove all vestiges of the fax software,
extensions, control panels, etc. aol won't run.  I use a nice program,
serialsetter, to reset the modem before trying to get onto aol.  I rarely get
faxes, this only happens once a month or so, but I dislike it immensely.  

USRobotics tells me to call MacComCenter, which has no software support that
I have ever been able to reach, although they do send me, fedex, another copy
of the software.  I have about fifteen copies of the software.  What could be
wrong?  Are aol and faxing simply incompatible.  The customer support at aol
is worthless. When I send my problem to aol they reply by sending a faq that
is not relevant.  

Am I out of luck with aol and maccomcenter, they simply cannot run together?
 I'll send the second problem as another message.

Best regards and thank you MIchael B. Luskin


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 23:28:17 +0200
From: * (Bekir Kemal Ataman)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #260

> When she prints, she's getting jaggies. I installed all the fonts I could
> find around using the Font/DA Mover, but I really can't remember much about
> these old models. Do the printer fonts stay right in the System folder? She
> was getting jaggies whatever she printed, though I brought home one of her
> documents to my nice modern PowerMac and printed to my Laser Printer and
> there were no jaggies at all. So I assume the problem is with the printer
> or its driver. Did those old DeskWriters always make jaggies, or do I need
> to find some special HP fonts to make it print better?

I have never used an HP but an Apple Stylewriter with my SE. Try
installing Truetype fonts alongside the screen fonts. That should solve
the jaggy fonts problem. At least it had done for me.

> I was unable to find a SCSI connector at the back of the computer. I wanted
> to attach my Jaz drive. Did I miss it? Or did that model have no external
> SCSI port?

Yes you did :-) All Macs have got SCSI connectors, as far as I know. And
SE is no exception. It has got a 25 pin connector at the back. It's the
biggest connector you will find there.

Greetings from Istanbul Turkey,
Bekir Kemal Ataman (Please omit * when replying by mail)
ArchiMac BBS Sysop


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 12:54:12 +0100
From: Michel Eytan LILoL <>
Subject: Looking for Easy View author...

On 1-12-97 quoth Info-Mac pithily:
>Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 10:21:17 +0200
>From: ELB <>
>Subject: Looking for Easy View author...
>Anyone know where the author of Easy View 2.62 can be reached?
>I looked under the About Easy View... and found the address:
>but a message I sent there got bounced back.
>Any help would be MOST appreciated...
>E. Blasberg

Try the following: <mailto:Akif Eyler <>>

Michel Eytan     
                "Don't be a sheep -- Think Different!"


Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 09:55:12 -0500
From: Rick VanDerveer <>
Subject: Need help upgrading 14 computers to Ethernet or TCP/IP

>I am the new computer teacher at an international school in Kyiv (Kiev),
>Ukraine and have some questions about networking the 14 computers
>Any suggestions, resources, ideas, cookbook recipes would be appreciated.
>Eagerly awaiting any help,

I've created a web page designed to help people create small ethernet
networks (such as this one) with off-the-shelf parts and minimal tools.
It's called 'Networking 101', and covers all sorts of networking
fundamentals.  Go to:

Hope this helps a little!


'Networkable Mac Games' -- Your source for multiplayer gaming on the Mac.


Date: 02 Dec 97 08:34:17 -0500
From: Bill Waits <>
Subject: Needed Extensions?

With the advent of MacOS 8.0, I was wondering if the following extensions
are needed:

PowerMac Format Patch
PowerPC Interrupt Extension

Apple in the past presented messages about "obsolete" extensions (at
least of some of them), but if these are not needed, no message is
forthcoming.  They don't cause any problems, I would just like to "clean" up my
Extensions folder as much as possible, and if they are not needed any longer, I
would like to get rid of them.

Any info would be much appreciated.



Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 17:57:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: using a non aol browser wiuth aol 2.7

I am using aol 2.7 on a mac IIvx with 7.5.1.  The 2.7 browser is miserable,
and I cannot go to aol 3.0 for reasons nobody has been able to explain
satisfactorily, but I am told that the problem is the mac II architecture.
 Is it possible for me to run another browser in place of the aol 2.7
browser?  Without having any interaction with the aol browser at all?  I
would obviously like to keep aol as the carrier.  

thank you,
Michael B. Luskin



End of Info-Mac Digest