Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #251
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 30 Jan 99       Volume 16 : Issue 251

Today's Topics:

      [A]: DAT to Mac connections
      Annoying Netscape Bookmark Submenu Placement
      Apple Data Detectors
      Apple Enet Extension
      Drives for Performa 6400/180
      Failed paperport?
      Funky Helvetica Screen Fonts
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #248: File/Folder size
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #250
      LaserWriterSelect 310
      Mapping software
      PB G3/233 & Kingmax modem v90
      Powerbook 5300ce
      Powerbook 5300ce
      Printing over a NT network
      Replies to G3/300 woes
      SCSI to Ethernet
      Word 6.0.1 and Mac OS 8.5.1

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Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 09:49:32 +0000
From: Huw Rowley <>

I think you might find the answer very close at hand, within Bucknell ;-)

Excalibur is a great little standalone spellchecker, easily works with any
copy in clipboard, available from

Hope that helps


Creative Director
Lunatic Productions
Dorney, UK

>> Does anyone know of a spell checker that can be downloaded or what ever
>>to use
>> with Microsoft outlook express? I tryed to contact Microsoft but got no
>>where. I
>> tryed reinstalling Netscape communicator and running but mac started to
>> up and netscape quit working. Tryed having Bucknell reinstall Eudro but
>> work right with MAC OS8.5.1. I will not remove 8.5 becouse other then the
>> netscape and eudro problems it makes this mac work like a new machine and
>> running faster then ever. It's a Powermac 7300/200.
>> --
>> Mark H. Bowersox


Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 11:16:14 -0600
From: Trevor Zylstra <>
Subject: [A]: DAT to Mac connections

Allan Sutherland wrote:
> Can anyone advise the most efficient way to connect a DAT recorder
> digitally to a mac G3 to enable smooth data transfer to burn audio
> CD-Rs?

Buy an audio card such as the Digidesign Audiomedia III 
(  This card (or other brands with
similar options) have a digital audio in and out on them.  Using the
proper cable (either an S/PDIF cable or a _video_ cable with RCA ends)
connect the ins and outs on the Audiomedia III to the S/PDIF outs and
ins on the DAT recorder.  Done.

Trevor Zylstra


Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 16:38:57 -0800
From: Roger Stafford <>
Subject: Annoying Netscape Bookmark Submenu Placement

  Just recently many of the wider bookmark submenus on my Netscape
Navigator 3.0 suddenly began appearing to the left of the main bookmark
menu list rather than to its right.  This was quite annoying since it had
the effect of covering up almost all of the main bookmark menu list.  In
any case it didn't make much sense, since there was actually more room to
the right than on the left, at least when using 800 x 600 screen
resolution, as I ordinarily do.

  After much experimentation it turned out that this phenomenon occurred
whenever the longest top-level bookmark folder name, that is the longest
name in the main bookmark list, was too long.  I had recently given one of
the bookmark folders a name with 30 characters in it.  When that was
reduced to 26 or fewer characters, the problem entirely disappeared!  (Of
course these particular figures probably depend on the size of font being
used in the lists.)  The point is that the width of the main bookmark menu
list plays a crucial role in this (somewhat irrational) submenu placement.

  The lesson for users to be learned here is to always use short names for
bookmark folders.

  For Netscape the lesson ought to be that a more rational width truncation
when necessary of all such bookmark menu and submenu lists which takes into
account the full available screen width would lend itself to significantly
improved bookmark submenu handling.

                                      Roger Stafford - 1/27/99


Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 21:21:45 +0000
From: Gavin Haines <>
Subject: Apple Data Detectors

Does anybody know why the Apple Data Detectors does not work to produce
a contextual menu on a UK iMac running S8.5.1?


Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 11:01:59 -0800
From: Dan Frakes <>
Subject: Apple Enet Extension

Al Bloom <> wrote:
>"Apple Enet"
>I went to the font of all such knowledge, the excellent shareware Informinit.
>This is what informinit says about Apple Enet.
>>Apple Enet 10/100D extension: provides support under Mac OS 8.1 for the
>>10/100 Ethernet PC card supplied with the PowerMacintosh G3 Server.
>Right. My 7300/180 is really a G3 Server with a 10/100 Ethernet PC card.


The information in InformINIT 8.1 is correct for Mac OS 8.1 :-) Under 
8.5, Apple supposedly rolled all of the Ethernet drivers into one file, 
Apple Enet. At least that what Apple says! Try removing the _other_ 
Ethernet drivers and see if everything works right.

P.S. InformINIT 8.5.1 will try to clarify this... too bad Apple didn't 
change the name of the file so as to avoid confusion.


Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 22:28:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Jim Antonich <>
Subject: Drives for Performa 6400/180

I'd like to buy an external hard drive for my son's Performa 6400/180, but
I'm stymied by two questions:

1. Can I buy him an external SCSI drive? (The machine has an internal IDE
drive.) If so, how large?

2. Will an external SCSI accommodate 220 volt current? He lives in Germany.


P.S. Any recommendations as to make and model?

 *           Jim Antonich            *
 *       Continuing Education        *
 * Cal State University, Los Angeles *
 *Tel. 323-343-5964  Fax 323-343-4954*
 *                                   *
 *   *
 *                or                 *
 *       *
 *                                   *
 *      5300 Palmer Canyon           *
 *      Claremont, CA 91711          *


Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 22:52:04 -0500
From: Ben Barlow <>
Subject: Failed paperport?

I think my Paperport VX has bit the dust (bought the farm, gone 
kaput, flamed out, whatever). It is no longer recognized. It's not 
recognized under 8.5, or on another machine running 7.6. It's always 
been somewhat flaky, but these recent problems started after I 
unplugged a SCSI cable without unplugging the PP. (Of course, there's 
no power switch. (Not that I'd have remembered to switch it 

Does anyone have experience with Paperports to say, "Yeah, I had that 
happen;it's probably the cable", or "You fried the scanner. Get 
another." Is there a well known source of parts?



Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 21:36:44 EST
Subject: Funky Helvetica Screen Fonts

Hi All,

I recently posted about my Helvetica (regular) screen fonts looking 
really bad at 12 points while in Claris Works and other WP/DTP apps.

The problem started when I installed OS 8.5.1. After going nuts trying to 
determine the problem, I just replaced the Helvetica fonts in the Fonts 
folder with an older set from the Adobe Type on Call CD.

My helvetica screen fonts are now back to normal, and I am a happy camper.

Hope this helps someone else with the same problem.



Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 16:48:53 -0800
From: Bob Dahl <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #248: File/Folder size

>Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 12:19:13 -0500
>From: Ed Ver Hoef <>
>Subject: File Size
>I have to do some housekeeping on my hard drive, getting rid of stuff I
>don't need in order to make a little more room, sometimes even temporarily.
>It would help if I knew the size of things at the folder level. I used to
>be able to see that. As I recall, it was a function that could be turned on
>and off because, although it provided useful information, it cost a lot of
>time under normal usage. I have looked all over to try to find how I did
>that and have had no success. I am running under OS8.1 if that has any
>bearing. I'd appreciate it very much if one of you Info-Macticians could
>give me a clue. TIA.
>Ed Ver Hoef

I remember exactly what you mean, I think.  There is (WAS?) some option
buried SOMEWHERE that calculates folder sizes.

Well, I found it.  Turns out you have to view the window as a list, then
there it is: under View Options (from the View menu in the Finder).


Bob Dahl
address is: dahlb @  (no spaces)

This signature blurb intentionally left blank


Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 14:31:35 +0100
From: UdoHuth <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #250

>I, for one, have to wonder what the Apple installer was thinking when it
>put that extension in my System Folder.
The installer obviously thinks nothing... After every install of a System 
on my PowerBook 190 I find
tons of PPC stuff in my System folder and stuff for other Macs which I 
have to find and delete by hand.
Saves a few Megs of diskspace...

Ceterum censeo Microsoft esse delendam


Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 11:28:13 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: LaserWriterSelect 310 (Ernst Kolster) wrote:

> Since I installed Mac OS 8.5.1, the printer is not working, the chooser
> said: "Check connection, etc.".
> I read somewhere, that the LaserWriterSelect 310 is not compatible with
> the Mac OS 8.5 and also that this printer was terminated in January 1994.

The Select 310 is a PostScript Printer, but NOT an AppleTalk printer, so

1) can't have it on a LocalTalk connection 
2) can't use the same chooser extension as for the other printers (there
is a separate extension which worked for Szstem 7.x and possibly also
works for 8.x - I did not try.
3) can't print from PageMaker reasonably

The printer is fine if you don't need these things (if it works with
8.x), but as soon as you desire comfort, I'd recommend another solution.

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <> 
"Wo Hunger herrscht, kann Friede nicht Bestand haben"  - Willy Brandt


Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 18:51:57 +0000
From: Roland Whitehead <>
Subject: Mapping software

We need to plot trees and plants on a map of an arboretum (its run as a charity to grow rare and distinguised non-fruiting trees in the UK) and to be able to identify them pretty easily. Ideally this would be a cross between some mapping software and a database. We can provide the hardware but need suggestions for software. Any ideas?

Roland Whitehead


Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 10:02:07 +0100
From: Gerardo Ronchi <>
Subject: PB G3/233 & Kingmax modem v90

I'm trying to use FirstClass Client 3.5.1 on a PowerBook G3/233 (Passive
Matrix) with a Kingmax v90 PCMCIA Modem (Rockewell chipset).
The problem is that FC seems to not recognize the modem. In fact accessing
Setup -> Serial (with the right script for the modem) -> Port the name of
the modem is DIMMED.
I've Italian MacOS 8.5.1, 96MB of RAM and no strange extensions (only those
of Apple), I've also turned on PC Card Modem Extension. Accessing Internet
with ARA the modem goes without a glitch. I've tried ZTerm and the program
recognizes the modem.

What's wrong?




Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 18:40:01 +0000
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Powerbook 5300ce

I have a PowerBook 5300c (100mhz). I installed and ran MacOS 8.5, and
while I found it preformed wonderfully, some older applications began
behaving weirdly.

I moved back down to OS 8.1 and everything is perfect. I don't really
have a case by case analysis of software problems under 8.5, I just
observed more problems than the previous system. Since I still had a
perfect working back up, I just did a restore.

Most of the functionality of OS 8.5 is available thru add ons to OS 8.1
anyway. You'll also find that the system ram requirements have become
much steeper in OS 8.5.

I would say if your friend plans on buying all new software to go with
OS 8.5, there would be no problem. But if they are going to be depending
on any particular piece of software, check out to see
how well it preforms. 

Other software to look into:

RamDoubler - not just for Ram Doubling any more! Use the 'memory mapping
only' setting to get the benifits of VRAM with out having to turn VRAM
on. (works on all PowerMacs)

SpeedDoubler - Actually doubles your speed (just kidding) But it does
make a surprising difference on the 5300 which has no level two cache.
Also, the PowerKeys feature is worth the price alone. With it, you can
define those useless function keys (you carried them to Timbuktu, you
should atleast get some use out of them!) I have mine set to enter name,
eamil, address, phone, homepage for entering web based forms (I'll win
that iMac yet!) and you can also asign applications and stand alone
AppleScripts to unused keys, put that Notepad, addressbook and scrapbook
at your finger tips.

OT Strip CSM - This Control Strip Module lets you connect, disconnect,
open the PPP control panel and change between various PPP Configurations
from the control strip. A must for saving all those office, vacation and
hotel PPP settings. (must have PPP and Open Transport)

Temperature CSM - There are a couple of varriants of this, but it
basically reports back the internal and battery temps. Since the 5300
initially had overheating problems, it is worth keeping an eye on. (I
have used my 5300 heavily for 3 consecutive years with no problems I can
directly attribute to over heating.

Last but not least:

don't pass up a bargain on a PC card modem just because it says it is
for Windows only. With a little research, drivers from many popular
modem manufacturers can be found on the web. For instance, I got a v.90
(56k) PC card with speakerphone capabilities and the X-jack (pop out
phone jack) for $99. The Mac model (same card) is still $299.

A good case is a must. I have never liked notebook bags. Maybe its just
me, but they just scream "I have an expensive notebook computer in
here", if that is the statement you want to make, that's fine. But I
chose the wetsuit which fits snuggly, protects and best of all fits in a
backpack (I don't even have to set it down in the airport!)

A company called Port makes a nifty little PC card shaped retractable
phone cable. Nice to have.

I have had great success with my Sony 4x Discman. It can run on a
lith-ion battery (same battery as the Mini- Discman) which recharges
when run from the wall adapter. I get about three hours of spin time.
And when you think about it, it is even better than an internal, because
it doesn't drawn battery power from the PowerBook and it can be used as
a regular discman for those (all too brief) times you are off-line. Sony
also makes a 6x, but I wouldn't waste the money, with the bus speed of
the 5300, you will still get crappy multimedia playback, so the 4x will
do just as good at moving data.

I didn't know I was holding all this stuff in my head, welcome to the
clan, RoadWarrior!

Marlon Deason


Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 16:12:34 +0000
From: Ron Fellows <>
Subject: Powerbook 5300ce

>On Tue, 26 Jan 99, Mike Sisson wrote
>>I have a friend that has a Powerbook 5300ce that he wants to start using for
>>business travel. While I have a lot of experience with desktop Macs, my
>>knowledge of Powerbooks is somewhat lacking. It currently has 32Mb running
>>System 7.x. He wants to add a PC card modem and bring it up to a current
>>version of the OS. However, before I tell him to buy 8.5.1, I was wondering
>>if this 117MHz 603e machine can run it at a reasonable level of
>>His primary usage will be Office 98 and Navigator/Explorer and some email
>>Can anyone offer a feel for how this setup will work?
>>As far as modems, he is looking at buying a Performantz PC card modem from
>>MacZone. Any good, bad, indifferent experiences? Any other suggestions?

And on Wed 27 Jan Al Bloom replied: >
>I have a 5300cs set up as your friend wants. First off, the 5300 series
>is finicky about modem cards. The Global Village doesn't work, but the
>USRobotics/Megahertz (same company) works well. Dunno about Performantz.
>That's a "house brand" that could be anything. I'd insist on a free
>return if it is goofy on the 5300.
>System? I'm running 8.1 right now, only because I've been too lazy to
>put 851 on it. Yes, it is slow. Grab a sandwich while it's booting.
>Office 98? 32meg? Hee. And hee. I thought 32m was plenty when I got
>the beast, but I just got the biggest memory upgrade I could find for
>it -- 48mb, for a total of 64mb. Otherwise you're into VM and running
>even slower.
>Hope this helps
>PS: Anyone want a 16mb memory card for a 5300?

I too have a 5300cs and also recently bumped it to 64mb RAM and am much 
happier for the extra elbow room. I run a Global Village Modem/Ethernet 
PC (has always worked fine for me - in fact although it was originally a 
28k I updated the firmware and sometimes I now get connection speeds of 
upto 33k - or is this illusory). I also have a friend who has used GV PC 
for more than 3 years with a 5300c
I'm still running 7.6.1 which is fine and plan to install 8.5.1 any day 
now (which should run significantly faster than 8.1 - with all that extra 
native code)
Although I have Office 98 installed I only use it when I have to be 
compatible with my PC office. The biggest problem is that it accesses the 
hard disk so frequently that you end up with very short battery life. I'd 
recommend using a slimmer WP package like Claris/Appleworks and just 
convert the files if you need to for your desktop.
If your friend plans to use it on the road with the battery I'd certainly 
suggest becomming familiar with the use of RAM disk (particularly a 
bootable one) - Lots of good advice on this in David Pogues's MacSecrets 
5th edition.
I think the 5300cs is a lovely machine for fairly simple needs (as mine 



PS Anyone want an 8mb memory card for a 5300? ;)


Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 21:36:42 EST
Subject: Printing over a NT network

Hi Folks,

I'm the only Mac on a NT network full of PCs. I'd like to print to the 
network printer from my Starmax 300/180. Is this possible? If so, how do 
I set things up?




Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 11:03:07 -0600
From: David Brand <>
Subject: Replies to G3/300 woes

Recently I posted a rather verbose description of a networking 
problem that I was experiencing.

Al Bloom suggested ridding my system extensions of one called Apple 
enet which he felt was inappropriately included in the list of 
extensions installed in all G3s, instead of just the early G3 servers 
for which it was written.  (This system apparently uses the "Ethernet 
(Built-In)" extension in its place.)  I have been working now for 4 
hours without a crash...a new record.  Only time will tell if this is 
the real culprit, but I owe him a big "thank you", and also one to 
all other thoughtful info-mac readers who took the time to reply to 
me with insightful comments/suggestions.
I just wanted to post this follow-up on the off chance that someone 
else may be experiencing similar difficulties.

David Brand


Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 19:26:17 +0100
From: "Dewey Markham, Jr." <>
Subject: SCSI to Ethernet

Hello folks,

	Just an additional bit of information regarding my earlier post:
=46rance Telecom is using the Comport 1000 cable modem from Com21. Specs for
the unit can be found at <>, if
this will help with an answer to my question.

Again, much thanks,


Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 09:30:56 -0800
From: "Tracey Adams" <>
Subject: Spellchecker

I installed Office 98 only recently and I could swear I've had the spell
checker longer then that could be right. 
As an alternative go to the NewerTechnology web site and download
Spelltools. It's great, it not only spell checks it also removes all those
annoying > from your text and several other very helpful options. Best of
all it's free and it works with everything.

I hope this helps


"Sometimes the need to mess with their minds outweighs the millstone of
Fox Mulder 


Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 00:00:08 +0900
From: World Link IR <>
Subject: Word 6.0.1 and Mac OS 8.5.1

At 7:39am +0900 1.28.1999, A.M. Wan Nik wrote:
> I might have missed this if it has been discussed before.
> Recently I upgraded my 7200/120 machine's OS to run on Mac OS 8.5.1. I
> didn't do a clean installation. Following that I found that I couldn't run
> my Word 6.0.1 program. I tried to reinstall my Word but without any success
> of running it.
> When the Word icon is double clicked, the only screen that appears is the
> 'opening' to Microsoft Word version 6.0.1 with the usual picture of the pen
> and the legal stuff at the bottom. The watch appears but the hands never
> rotate. The screen just hangs there.
I had exactly the same trouble, with 8.5 then 8.5.1, on a 7100/80 AV.
Microsoft customer service here in Tokyo told me Word 6.0.1 is not supported
for System 8.5. This was of course after they had me try various little
tricks for 20 or 30 minutes while I paid for the phone call. They then
suggested I buy Word 98! I'm sticking with OS 8.1 and Word 6.0.1 for now,
but that 8.5 installer is still calling my name from the bookshelf where
it's gathering dust. And I did so like those little clicks and chirps....

Glenn Anderson

World Link Discount Telecom IR




End of Info-Mac Digest