Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/mnet as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     mac-net-journal-96-02.hqx   ****

From: mchuff@wolfenet.com (Rob & Natalie McNair-Huff)
Subject: February issue of Mac Net Journal is out

  Hello to all,

   The latest issue of Mac Net Journal is out and on the Net.  Written in
down to Earth language, MNJ reviews shareware, gives personal articles on
Macintosh-related topics, and how-to sessions to help people get the most
out of their Macs while on the Internet.  In this issue: Mac Net Journal
switches editors, we serve up a dish of hot PowerBook humor, we look back
at MacWorld Expo and this month's SpiderWeb column looks ahead to what
will happen to the Net in '96. We also throw in a dose of shareware game
   MNJ has been around for nearly a year and a half and is available in
two formats: a downloadable multimedia file via FTP or via the World Wide

   For the Web:


   For downloading:


   Subscriptions are still available and very, very free - simply email us
at mchuff@wolfenet.com.  

   Businesses interested in advertising in this new media, please contact
us at mchuff@wolfenet.com - we do static and multimedia ads.

#### BINHEX     mac-net-journal-96-03.hqx   ****

From: Rob & Natalie McNair-Huff, mchuff@WOLFEnet.com
Subject: The March issue of Mac Net Journal2 is here!

Rob & Natalie McNair-Huff    White Rabbit Publishing
mchuff@wolfenet.com             Writing, editing, desktop publishing
mchuff@eskimo.com                and Internet consulting
(206) 752-6402                  http://www.wolfe.net/~mchuff/

Publisher and editor of Mac Net Journal 2
* Ranked 10th-best e-zine on the Web in the Iway 500 listing

#### BINHEX     mac-net-journal-96-04.hqx   ****

From: (Rob & Natalie McNair-Huff) mchuff@WOLFEnet.com
Subject: The April issue of Mac Net Journal2 is here!

Hello to all,

   The April issue of Mac Net Journal2 is here! In this issue: I replay my
problems with installing System 7.5 Update 2.0; Marty Miller takes a look
at Net reality; Jeff Barnum pleads for support of the full Mac platform;
Rich "Akira" Pizor offers a paranoid April Fools story and Aaron Anderson
shows us how to search the Net in style. Read on for letters from other
readers and a quick review of Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

  Again, the April issue is available in DOCMaker format only. We plan to
begin offering MNJ2 in Director format again once Macromedia ships Director
5.0, expected later this month. Be sure to check the Web site at
<http://www.blol.com/web_mnj/> in the coming week for the online version
and our new weekly news feature, Mac Net News. To FTP this month's edition,
log onto <ftp://amug.org/info-mac/per/_MacNet/> or

   Some people have reported problems downloading and unstuffing recent
issues using Netscape. I am trying to find a work-around for this.
Meanwhile, simply unstuff the file using StuffIt Lite.

   Subscriptions are still available and very, very free - simply email us
at mchuff@wolfenet.com.

   Businesses interested in advertising in this new media, please contact
us at mchuff@wolfenet.com - we do static and multimedia ads.

  Happy reading,

Rob McNair-Huff, Editor

#### BINHEX     mac-net-journal-96-06.hqx   ****

From: (Rob & Natalie McNair-Huff) mchuff@WOLFEnet.com
Subject: Mac Net Journal

Hello to all,

   The June issue of Mac Net Journal is here! In this issue: I review the
new offline news reading program MacSoup; we take a closer look at the
BeBox computer and operating system; Natalie McNair-Huff writes about
getting a new machine ready for heavy Net work; Chris Sparno makes a pitch
to Apple to court software developers and Rich "Akira" Pizor reviews
CyberTarot and a slew of new shareware games. Read on for letters from
other readers, and a few tips for Mac shopping in computer superstores.

  The June issue is available in DOCMaker format only. Read the Mac Net
News chapter for a few comments on this saga. Be sure to check the Web site
at <http://www.blol.com/web_mnj/> in the coming week for the online version
and our new weekly news feature, Mac Net News. To FTP this month's edition,
log onto <ftp://ftp.blol.com/pub/mnj/>.

   Subscriptions are still available and very, very free - simply email us
at mchuff@wolfenet.com.

   Businesses interested in advertising in this new media, please contact
us at mchuff@wolfenet.com - we do static and multimedia ads.

  Happy reading,

Rob & Natalie McNair-Huff    White Rabbit Publishing
mchuff@wolfenet.com             Writing, editing, desktop publishing
mchuff@eskimo.com                and Internet consulting

Publisher and editor of Mac Net Journal 2
* Ranked 10th-best e-zine on the Web in the Iway 500 listing

#### BINHEX     mac-net-journal-96-07.hqx   ****

From: (Rob & Natalie McNair-Huff) mchuff@wolfenet.com
Subject: The July issue of Mac Net Journal

Hello to all,

   The July issue of Mac Net Journal is here! In this issue: Rich Pizor
reviews the new spreadsheet alternative -- Let's Keep It Simple Spreadsheet
-- and he takes a look at the Surfboard URL manager; Natalie McNair-Huff
ponders what to do with the wealth of information on the Net and she
reviews URL Manager Pro; I review a pair of shareware gems and Rich starts
his new monthly game column, Pixelation. We also have a slew of letters
from readers.

  The July issue is available in DOCMaker format only. Be sure to check the
Web site at <http://www.blol.com/web_mnj/> in the next day or so for the
online version and our new weekly news feature, Mac Net News. To FTP this
month's edition, log onto <ftp://ftp.blol.com/pub/mnj/>.

   Some people have reported problems downloading and unstuffing recent
issues using Netscape. I am trying to find a work-around for this.
Meanwhile, simply unstuff the file using StuffIt Lite.

   Subscriptions are still available and very, very free - simply email us
at mchuff@wolfenet.com.

   Businesses interested in advertising in this new media, please contact
us at mchuff@wolfenet.com - we do static and multimedia ads.

  Happy reading,

Rob McNair-Huff, Editor

#### BINHEX     mac-net-journal-96-08.hqx   ****

From: (Rob & Natalie McNair-Huff) mchuff@wolfenet.com
Subject: The August issue of Mac Net Journal

Hello to all,

   The August issue of Mac Net Journal is here! In this month's issue we
help you decide if Cyberdog is worth trying as well as offer a comparison
of the Web page editors Claris Home Page and Adobe PageMill. You can also
read about a new book about women and the Internet, and check out the
second installment of Rich Pizor's Macintosh gaming column, Pixelation.

  The August issue is available in DOCMaker format only. The issue has also
been posted to the Web site at <http://www.blol.com/web_mnj/>. To FTP this
month's edition, log onto <ftp://ftp.blol.com/pub/mnj/>.

   Some people have reported problems downloading and unstuffing recent
issues using Netscape. I am trying to find a work-around for this.
Meanwhile, simply unstuff the file using StuffIt Lite.

   Subscriptions are still available and very, very free - simply email us
at mchuff@wolfenet.com.  

   Businesses interested in advertising in this new media, please contact
us at mchuff@wolfenet.com - we do static and multimedia ads.

  Happy reading,

Rob McNair-Huff, Editor

	<Enclosure: MNJ-August-96.sit.hqx>