Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #119
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 03 Jun 98       Volume 16 : Issue 119

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Godwarning" Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)
      [*] "Godwarning" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)
      [*] ATPM4.05
      [*] Calculate Size CMM Plug-in 1.0 and 1.0J
      [*] CoolViews 1.1 F - Ameliorez le Finder sous MacOS 8!
      [*] Count WWWebula Plugin 1.2/CGI 1.4
      [*] MailKanjiFixer 1.31
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.2 and 2.2J
      [*] Navi iRae 1.1.3
      [*] On-Line Joke Book Volume 3
      [*] OneApp Address Book 1.0 Italian Version - Manages Phone and Add
      [*] People Lister 1.0.1
      [*] Santa Cruz Sunset
      [*] SimplePPP Scripts
      [*] TidBITS#432/01-Jun-98
      [*] YaCalculator 1.2
      [*] YP Slider Crank 1.0.5

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites
containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more
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Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:45:10 -0700
Subject: [*] "Godwarning" Alert Sound (16-bit/44kHz)

"Godwarning" Alert Sound

This is one alert sound you're sure to heed.  The "Godwarning" alert from
Clixsounds is a short, hi-fi sound of a deep, dark voice saying
"Warning."  It has a slight preverb flange effect to it, giving it a
subtle stereo "hi-techness."

The "Godwarning" alert sound is available in both 16-bit/44.1kHz and
8-bit/22.5kHz versions and can be downloaded here or at the Clixsounds
web site along with tons of other free Mac sounds at:


This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is
unaltered and includes the accompanying document.  Note that a portion of
this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services.

Contact Information:

America Online: CLIXSOUNDS

World Wide Web:

[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/16-godwarning.hqx; 571K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:45:11 -0700
Subject: [*] "Godwarning" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz)

"Godwarning" Alert Sound

This is one alert sound you're sure to heed.  The "Godwarning" alert from
Clixsounds is a short, hi-fi sound of a deep, dark voice saying
"Warning."  It has a slight preverb flange effect to it, giving it a
subtle stereo "hi-techness."

The "Godwarning" alert sound is available in both 16-bit/44.1kHz and
8-bit/22.5kHz versions and can be downloaded here or at the Clixsounds
web site along with tons of other free Mac sounds at:


This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is
unaltered and includes the accompanying document.  Note that a portion of
this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services.

Contact Information:

America Online: CLIXSOUNDS

World Wide Web:

[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/8-godwarning.hqx; 294K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:45:09 -0700
Subject: [*] ATPM4.05

About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) is a fun monthly chronicle of the
Macintosh experience written by and for everyday users.  It includes
humorous anecdotes, short stories, product  reviews and commentaries by
Macintosh owners and users about our favorite personal computer. ATPM is
published with DOCMaker so that it can be easily read as a stand-alone
document by just about any Macintosh. More information is available at
our Web site <>. This is issue 4.05 for May, 1998.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/atpm-405.hqx; 1003K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 14:00:19 -0700
Subject: [*] Calculate Size CMM Plug-in 1.0 and 1.0J

Calculate Size CMM Plug-in is the MacOS 8 Contextual Menu Plug-in
that makes it easy to calculate the total size of the selected
items (files and/or folders).

It has been difficult to calculate the total size of the multiple
folders and files without using special utility program. Now, with
Calculate Size CMM Plug-in, it's just a simple Control+Click from
the Finder.

< Features >

* It can calculate the total size of selected folders and files.
* It can include invisible files (such as folder's custom icon) for
the calculation. You can get more precise size than Finder's
"Get Info" dialog.
* It can display the progress information while calculating.
* You can cancel the operation any time during the calculation.
* By setting the progress information display mode to OFF, it can
performe high speed calculation.

- Mailware -

System Requirements:
* OS: MacOS 8
* Hardware: PowerMac
* Software: Contextual Menu Extension, SOM Objects for Mac OS

For more information, please read the documents enclosed.

by Hide Itoh <>

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/calculate-size-10.hqx; 35K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 14:00:22 -0700
Subject: [*] CoolViews 1.1 F - Ameliorez le Finder sous MacOS 8!

Voici la version francaise de CoolViews 1.1
(English and Japanese versions of CoolViews are also available.)

CoolViews est un utilitaire qui am=E9liore le fonctionnement et l'esth=E9tiq=
du Finder OS 8. Avec CoolViews vous pouvez changer l'ordre et la largeur
des colonnes d'une pr=E9sentation par liste, =E9liminer les colonnes grisonn=
et les s=E9parateurs de rang=E9es, ajuster des pr=E9f=E9rences globales de
pr=E9sentation par liste, d=E9roger aux formats de date et d'heure du Finder=
et m=EAme activer des colonnes "secr=E8tes".


Chacune des pr=E9f=E9rences de CoolViews est ajustable. Vous pouvez utiliser
autant, ou aussi peu de ses fonctions que vous le voulez: De la plus simple
am=E9lioration, =E0 une refonte compl=E8te des fen=EAtres du Finder. Si vous=
abr=E9ger la date affich=E9e en pr=E9sentation par liste, r=E9duire la=
 largeur des
colonnes et =E9liminer les s=E9parateurs de rang=E9es, vous pouvez le faire.=
vous voulez d=E9roger compl=E8tement aux pr=E9f=E9rences de pr=E9sentation
sp=E9cifiques =E0 chaque dossier, coloriser les fonds de fen=EAtres, et ajou=
des colonnes affichant le type de fichier et le cr=E9ateur de chaque fichier=
vous pouvez le faire aussi!

Ce fichier-ci contient une version pour les PowerMac et une pour les Mac 680=
CoolViews est compatible avec les syst=E8mes 8.0 et 8.1, ainsi qu'avec
d'autres utilitaires modifiant l'esth=E9tique du Finder tel que Kaleidoscope=
Il est =E9galement disponible en anglais et en japonais.


Quadratic produit plusieurs partagiciels et gratuiciels pour le Macintosh,
incluant le populaire utilitaire "Sloop".
Si vous d=E9sirez obtenir plus d'information au sujet de Quadratic Software
ou de ses produits, consultez le site web de Quadratic au
<> ou communiquez avec nous au

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/coolviews-11-fr.hqx; 565K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:45:04 -0700
Subject: [*] Count WWWebula Plugin 1.2/CGI 1.4

Count WWWebula CGI 1.4.2
Count WWWebula Plugin 1.2
[Both are included in one installer, which pulls files off the web, so
the installer is smaller]

Count WWWebula is a code fragment plugin for use with MacOS web servers
that support WSAPI plugins. Right now, that means either WebStar, Quid
Pro Quo, AppleShare IP, WebTEN, or Microsoft's Personal Web Server.  A
CGI version is also available.  (READ: THIS IS *NOT* FOR UNIX MACHINES,

Count WWWebula is a graphical access counter. It will display the number
of "hits" your web page has received in the form of a gif image.

Count WWWebula was created using Metrowerks C++ with Grant's CGI

Count WWWebula is shareware. For the plugin version, everyone must send
me $30 dollars c/o Kagi Software per server running the counter.  For the
CGI version, it's $25, but individuals, educational institutions, and
non-profit organizations get a break and don't have to pay.  For more
payment information please see the license agreement, the included
Register application, and the web site.

Please read the following for important changes in functionality!!!


Changes in Functionality:

*  [PLUGIN ONLY]  Changing preferences in the Count WWWebula Setup
application may take up to 1 minute before being propogated to the
plugin.  If you change preferences via the remote administration
functionality of the plugin, the changes are immediate.
*  Fixed all known/reported crashers in both the CGI and the Plugin.

*  [CGI ONLY]  Disabled AppleEvent threading.  This may slow down the
responsiveness a bit, but it will be much more stable.

*  [CGI ONLY]  CGI will now remember the Quit On Idle setting.

*  Now uses Non-LZW-based GIF compression code.  Unisys and CompuServe
can't sue me anymore, THANKS to Hutchison Avenue Software.


Important Features:
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/cgi/countwebula-plugin-cgi142.hqx; 273K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:45:06 -0700
Subject: [*] MailKanjiFixer 1.31

MailKanjiFixer is a small utility program which can fix and
convert corrupted (and unreadbale) Japanese Kanji characters
in the e-mail or in the normal text file into readable
Shift-JIS kanji characters.

Because of the nature of this program, it's only useful for
those who can read/write Japanese.

System Requirements:
* Any system and any Macintosh
* System 7.0 or later

For more information, please read the documents enclosed.

- What's new with v1.31 -

v1.31 has added the capability of fixing undecoded Japanese
MIME header which is encoded with "Shit_JIS" charset.

Also, now MailKanjiFixer is FAT binary application.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/mail-kanji-fixer-131.hqx; 149K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 14:00:24 -0700
Subject: [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.2 and 2.2J

Have you ever thought these thoughts?

* "I wish I could see the type and creator of a file easily."
* "I wish I could change the type and creator of multiple files easily."
* "I wish I could know the pure image size of a graphic file such as JPEG,
GIF..., the size that does not include any resource data like thumbnail
* "I wish I could get the information on the graphic files, or wanted to
view them quickly."
* "It's a bit troublesome to open and close the 'Get Info' dialog to see
the infomation of a file."
* "I wish I could change the lock status of multiple files easily."
* "I wish I could know the size of a big file in KB or MB rather than
lengthy byte size."
* "I wish I could restore the original memory requirements for an
application that you have already changed before."
* "I wish I could play the QuickTime movie right from the Finder without
starting Movie player."

More File Info CMM Plug-in is the MacOS 8 Contextual Menu Plug-in that
realize such things. Main feature of this plug-in is to show the detailed
information on the selected file to the contextual menu. However, it also
allow users to set or change the following settings.

  * File's Type and Creator
  * FIle's lock status (ON/OFF)
  * Memory requirements for an application program
  * File's creation and modification date
  * Zap file's resource fork

- What's new with v2.2 -

v2.2 has added the following new features:

* Capability of changing file's creation/modification date
* Capability of zapping file's resource fork
* Three new functions are added to the view image window
  (1) Copy image to the clipboard
  (2) Save image as a PICT file
  (3) Move image to the trash

- Shareware ($10) -

System Requirements:
* OS: MacOS 8
* Hardware: PowerMac
* Software: Contextual Menu Extension, SOM Objects for Mac OS
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/more-file-info-cmm-22.hqx; 198K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 14:00:26 -0700
Subject: [*] Navi iRae 1.1.3

Navi iRae is a control panel that implements command-click and now click
and hold in window's nameregion like in the Finder.
It looks for one or several opened document with the same name, and if
found, lists the pathes in a menu.
You can open a folder from the file path, get some information about the
file, or open the Finder information window for complete info.

system requirements : OS 8 and PPC

v1.1.3 :	solved the Code Fragment Error that occured at startup on
some machines
v1.1.2 :	solved a big bug that caused crashes at startup on some
	new feature : hold & click. No more Command key needed, just click
and wait...
v1.1.1 :	fixed some incompatibilities.
v1.0 :	initial release

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/navi-irae-113.hqx; 63K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 14:00:29 -0700
Subject: [*] On-Line Joke Book Volume 3

The On-Line Joke Book Volume 3 is a collection  of  jokes and stories
sent to me. The OLJB V3.0 is created in DOCMaker format and can be read
by  any Macintosh using System 6.08 or later.Updated twice yearly with
all-new jokes, you  can join a mailing list for future editions. Thanks
- Edward Goss -

[Archived as /info-mac/art/on-line-joke-book-30.hqx; 148K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:45:16 -0700
Subject: [*] OneApp Address Book 1.0 Italian Version - Manages Phone and Add

1) English

OneApp Address Book is a practical telephone and address program for
Macintosh that allows to quickly and easily manage addresses, phone
numbers, URLs and Email addresses. All this information, previously
scattered on notes, notepads, diaries, phone books and also in various
Email programs, Internet browsers and database, is now stored in a single
place. With OneApp Address Book you can quickly find what you are looking
for. OneApp Address Book helps you in your daily work at the office or at
home and  can follow you everywhere together with your PowerBook.

OneApp Address Book is integrated with Internet, allowing to connect with
Web pages and send Email using your favourite Email and browser software.
The program also helps you dialing phone numbers by reading them out loud
(through the speaker)  and has a most useful calendar that appears in a
small separate window.

OneApp Address Book lets you easy import addresses from the principal Email
client like Claris Emailer, Eudora Light, Eudora Pro, Microsoft Outlook
Express and from text files exported from Claris Works, Microsoft Works and
=46ileMaker Pro. In addition you can export all OneApp Address Book database
or its selected parts.

OneApp Address Book is shareware. If you use it for more than a week or
two, please register your copy using the Register program that accompanies
the program or, if you have an Internet connection and want to pay by
credit card, you can register OneApp Address Book online using a web form.
Once you have registered, you are considered registered for all future
versions of OneApp Address Book, so you do not need to pay any additional
fees when you upgrade to a new version.

OneApp Address Book can be freely distributed, either online or on CD-ROM
without restrictions, provided that the original package is included.

OneApp Address Book needs Mac OS 7.1 or later and at least 1600K of
available RAM. It works on Macintosh with 68000 series processors and runs
native on PowerPC Macs.

The phone numbers dictation feature requires Apple Speech Manager (not
included in this program). Opening Internet connections requires Internet
Config extension (not included); version 1.4 is recommended.

=46or more information, please read the enclosed documentation.

OneApp Address Book Home page:

2) Italiano

OneApp Address Book =E8 una praticissima rubrica per Macintosh che ti
consente di gestire in modo pratico e veloce indirizzi, numeri di telefono,
nomi e indirizzi Internet. In un unico posto potrai trovare tutte le
informazioni che prima erano distribuite in block notes, bigliettini,
agende, rubriche telefoniche ed anche in vari programmi per la posta
elettronica, browser Internet e database. Con OneApp Address Book
finalmente potrai trovare rapidamente quello che cerchi. OneApp Address
Book pu=F2 aiutarti nel tuo lavoro quotidiano alla scrivania o pu=F2 seguirt=
insieme al tuo PowerBook.

OneApp Address Book =E8 integrato con Internet, dall'interno del programma
puoi aprire collegamenti con pagine Web e inviare messaggi Email
utilizzando i tuoi programmi preferiti per la posta e per la consultazione
Web. Il programma, inoltre, ti assiste con la funzionalit=E0 di dettatura de=
numeri telefonici. Dispone inoltre di un praticissimo calendario che si
apre in una piccola finestra separata.

OneApp Address Book ti consente di importare facilmente indirizzi dai
principali programmi per la posta elettronica: Claris Emailer, Eudora
Light, Eudora Pro, Microsoft Outlook Express e da file di testo esportati
da Claris Works, Microsoft Works e FileMaker Pro, inoltre puoi esportare
l'intero database di OneApp Address Book o parti selezionate di esso.

OneApp Address Book richiede Mac OS versione 7.1 o successiva e almeno
1600K di memoria RAM disponibile. OneApp Address Book funziona su computer
Macintosh con processori della serie 68000 e in modo nativo su computer
Power Macintosh con processori PowerPC.

OneApp Address Book Home page:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/oneapp-address-book-10-ita.hqx; 1588K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:45:14 -0700
Subject: [*] People Lister 1.0.1

People Lister 1.01 - is an easy-to-use addressbook that helps you remember
everything about the people you know: phone numbers, birthdays, email addresses,
or anything else.  It automatically reminds you when someone has a birthday
coming up, so you'll never forget a birthday again!  People Lister also makes it
easy to send email to anyone. If you have trouble remembering birthdays and
numbers, then People Lister can help you out! People Lister is shareware.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/people-lister-101.hqx; 206K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:45:13 -0700
Subject: [*] Santa Cruz Sunset

This is a ver colorful digital picture of Twin Lakes State Beach in Santa
Cruz, CA - taken 3/8/98, with an AGFA ePhoto 1280 digital camera. 1024x 768
pixels in JPEG format. Makes a GREAT desktop picture!
Permisson granted to include this file on the commercially available CD-ROM
of the Info-Mac archives.

Dave Hollen

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/sc-sunset-twin-lakes.hqx; 777K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 14:00:28 -0700
Subject: [*] SimplePPP Scripts

	These 2 very simple scripts were written by me for use on a launcher
like palette on a shared computer. They are saved as applications rather
than compiled scripts. They were designed very simply to either open or
close a FreePPP connection. They do nothing fancy, but they served my
purposes. So I decided to share them with anyone who might find them at
all useful.

In order to use these scripts, you must have the following installed:

1. Applescript=81  -part of the MacOS since system 7.5
2. FreePPP 2.6 (version 2.6.2 available at the time these were made) and
available from <> and other locations.
3. FreePPP control scripting addition version 1.1 available in the
info-mac archives <info-mac/comm/inet/conn/ppp>

These scripts may be freely distributed by anyone who so desires.

Scott Horton

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/simple-ppp-scripts.hqx; 10K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 21:43:28 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#432/01-Jun-98


Wondering about the best way to back up your data? Don't miss the start of
Adam's multi-part examination of the where, when, what, why, and how of
backups. This week's issue also has the scoop on 3Com's upcoming Palm
Organizer (based on Claris Organizer), plus more details on searching the
Web for images and news of a significant reorganization at BYTE, Nitro
PowerPlug 1.0, free copies of SurfDoubler for Ricochet owners, and
Mailsmith 1.0.1.

    Palm Organizer for Macintosh: Details Emerge
    Image Searching on the Web, Part 2: Image Search Engines
    Have You Backed Up Today? Part 1


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-432.etx; 29K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 14:00:18 -0700
Subject: [*] YaCalculator 1.2

YaCalculator 1.2 - works like most real calculators. Requires - System 7.0
or later, any mac with at least a 68020 processor, 160k of free ram. Hold
down the <shift> key while you click on a button to get the function shown
above the button. The calculator can be driven from the keyboard. As with
the buttons, the <shift> key is used to access the alternative functions.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/ya-calculator-12.hqx; 55K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 14:00:16 -0700
Subject: [*] YP Slider Crank 1.0.5

A slider crank mechanism simulator.

Updated: May 1998

Author:  Yves Pelletier
         Email:     or

Price (Shareware):  $15 US

Keywords:  Physics teaching, sciences,  kinematics, rotation, mechanism
mechanical engineering, simulation, animation, vectors, graphs.

Program description:
YP Slider Crank simulates the motion of a piston activated by a slider
crank mechanism.    The crank is in uniform rotational motion (constant
angular velocity), causing the piston to move with a variable acceleration.
Relative lengths of the crank arm and the connecting rod may be changed
easily.  During the simulation, it is possible to display the following
vectors:  acceleration, velocity and position, and the following graphs:
acceleration, velocity and position versus time.

Bugs fixed in this version:
- Older versions required too much RAM when they were used on big screens
(larger than 15 inches).  This bug has been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/yp-slider-crank-105.hqx; 221K]



End of Info-Mac Digest