Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #297
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 07 May 99       Volume 16 : Issue 297

Today's Topics:

      (Q) At Ease replacements?
      (Q) DVD drive for G3 Powerbook?
      (Q) HP inkjet printer and scanner for Mac use?
      7200 a second class citizen
      [a] MacPPP 2.0.1 connect script followed by PAP
      [A] PowerBook 160 Problem
      [Q]Audiovision 14" monitor strangeness
      [Q]Cross platform screensaver maker
      ancient supermac monitor
      DVD woes
      DVD woes
      Group Mailings & OE 4? HELP?
      modamn trouble
      NT 4.0 and Mac os 8.1 folder limitation when saving!
      Powerbook G3 Ethernet (C)
      Unix talk client for OpenTalk?
      Who produces the following message?

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Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 09:26:47 -0700
From: Mark Allen <>
Subject: (Q) At Ease replacements?

While I encourage my sons to make use of our Mac at home, I've protected
the system from being messed with by using Apple's At Ease product. I want
to upgrade my OS to 8.5.1, but I've read that Apple does not recommend
using At Ease with 8.5.x.

Does anyone have any recommendations for freeware/shareware/commercial
alternatives to At Ease? I would assume with all the new Macs out in public
places (schools, etc.) that something functionally equivalent to At Ease
exists. In particular, I'm looking for an application that would allow me
to protect the System Folder and folders in which the applications are
installed. Also, I would like to make sure that each son could only open
documents in and save documents to a specific folder assigned to him.




Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 12:29:37 -0700
From: Paul Brians <>
Subject: (Q) DVD drive for G3 Powerbook?

I just got the basic G3 Powerbook. Does anybody make an add-on DVD drive
for this model?

Paul Brians, Department of English
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 22:54:15 -0700
From: Mark Allen <>
Subject: (Q) HP inkjet printer and scanner for Mac use?

The computer folks around here only want to allow me to buy HP peripherals.
For an inkjet printer, they offer the HP Deskjet 895cxi that now has ver.
1.0 for the Mac driver. For a scanner, they offer the HP Scanjet 6250cxi
"with Scantastic Mac." Does anyone have any experience using one or both
devices on a Mac system, in particular, an iMac or b/w G3? Does anyone have
any specific information on the performance of these HP peripherals
vis-a-vis designed-for-Mac peripherals, the Epson inkjet printers and Astra
(?) scanner? If our computer folks are making a bad decision--the
alternative products are more compatible with Macs or in general provide
better performance, I would be very interested in getting specific details
that I can pass back to them.


Mark Allen

* Mark Allen                               *
* Earth and Planetary Atmospheres Research Element                          *
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Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 20:49:44 -0400
From: a brody <>
Subject: 7200 a second class citizen

Dear Info-mac readers,
It has been many years now since the PowerMac 7200 was released (1995), and
every PowerMac except the 7200 is now upgradable to the G3.    Some via
Cache slots very similar to the 7200s own cache slot, some via PDS, some
that have no PCI slots, whereas the 7200 has 3 PCI slots.    I would like
y'all to show your upset at the upgrade industry for making the 7200 a
second class citizen by telling your friends not to buy upgrades, and you
yourself not buying upgrades.    Maybe then some 50,000 7200 owners will
finally be able to say they weren't singled out for not being able to
afford machines over $2000 back in 1995.  Maybe then PowerMac 7200 owners
wouldn't be tempted to move over to the dark side.    Surely you don't want
this to happen to Apple.

A 7600 processor card is an option, but costs $500 alone.   For another
$400 for the G3 upgrade one might as well buy an iMac.     There is no
reason why

xlr8, Newer, vimage, Daystar, and all the upgrade industry companies
shouldn't make a direct upgrade to the 7200.  None.    I have written to
each of them, and none will make one.

I have been chastized on the chat rooms for suggesting people shouldn't
upgrade their Mac processors, but I think that I am not the only one of the
50,000 PowerMac 7200 owners who feels put upon, and want to make a point
that the industry should not make money until it can provide upgrades to
all the people who have PowerPC and PCI technology.

I did end up buying a Powerbook G3, but would really like to have a G3
processor on my 7200.

Thank you.


Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 00:15:51 +0200
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: [a] MacPPP 2.0.1 connect script followed by PAP

Yesterday I wrote:

>[snip] ...the following problem with MacPPP 2.0.1... [snip] ...MacPPP
>displays how the connect script runs just OK but after this there is a PAP
>authentication dialog... [snip] ...but the PPP session never starts.

I tried MacPPP 2.1.2SD and it seems to be OK.

This is somewhat weird because I've been using for years plain vanilla
2.0.1 and 2.0.1cm4 without these kind of problems with my previous ISP.

<> it seems that MacPPP 2.1.2SD should be recommended as a first choice
for 68000 macs. (MacPPP 2.0.1cm4 supports background dialing which 2.1.2SD
lacks, however).

p.s. 68000-mac-faq at <>

Matti Haveri <> <>


Date: 	Fri, 30 Apr 1999 15:43:55 -1000
From: Jerry Levinson <>
Subject: [A] PowerBook 160 Problem

My PB160 wouldn't boot, just beeped a few times. I followed a couple of
suggestions (tested AC adapter, zapped the PRAM), no luck. So I opened it
up and started removing parts. Disconnected the HD, removed a RAM card and
the modem card. It then booted from a floppy. Put each piece back and
rebooted after. Booted fine. Now all the parts are back in and it's fine

My guess: the RAM card had worked loose and the start-up sequence was
being interrupted during the RAM test.

Anyway, it now works. Thanks for the ideas.



Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 02:02:37 +0100
Subject: [Q]Audiovision 14" monitor strangeness

I have an Audiovision Mac monitor that use to emit a high pitched whining
sound. Now, it doesn't do that, but when I turn it on cold, it displays a
black screen unless I let it warm up for a minute and then switch it off
and on again. Even then, sometimes it will black out , or the screen will
stretch or expand in size until it has completely warmed up.

Anyone know what this is? Is it worth fixing? It's not that old...


Jarome Matthew
Dimension Arc Media


Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 02:05:30 +0100
Subject: [Q]Cross platform screensaver maker

Does anyone know Is there such a thing as a Mac program that will allow you
to make cross platform screensavers?
Maybe I should just use director?

Jarome Matthew
Dimension Arc Media


Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 18:13:08 -0400
From: dead nancy <>
Subject: ancient supermac monitor

hi, everybody.

i recently acquired a 1992 supermac monitor (model STD 9782.) plugging
it straight into a current mac results in distortion that looks like
frequency problems. do i need some new hardware to support this monitor,
or can i try and find updated drivers?

a company called griffin technology makes a product called macsync that
sounds like it does the job, but i can't find much information on it. anyone?


dead nancy


Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 11:29:08 -0700
From: Dave Del Torto <>
Subject: DVD woes

At 9:33 AM -0500 1999-05-04, Mark Geerdes wrote:
>  [...]  to you question about how to get
>the DVD on a TV/VCR or whatever. I do this all the time and know it
>works, what you need to do is have the S-video cable plugged in when you
>startup the PowerBook, this is very important! If the cable is plugged in
>when the PowerBook starts up, the computer will sense that the cable is
>plugged in and will give you more options in the monitors control panel
>and control strip as far as resolutions are concerned.


Thanks very much for your kind reply and the helpful observations. I 
did have the S-Video cable plugged in properly on startup (I've used 
projectors/etc with my PowerBooks for years).

The problem turned out to be VERY simple: a defective (albeit new and 
very expensive) S-Video cable! once I returned that for a new one 
(which I tested before leaving the store this time ;), everything 
worked perfectly, as we'd both expect.

>>Q4: Has anyone else upgraded the Apple DVD Player from 1.0 to 1.1 and
>>    found that it did not play ANY DVDs, then had to backgrade to 1.0?
This one still bothers me: if you or anyone you know has experienced 
problems upgrading to DVD Player v1.1, I'd be interested to know 
about it.



Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 09:33:09 -0500
From: Mark Geerdes <>
Subject: DVD woes

Don't know if anyone has answered your question yet, but here goes. 

The simulsync as I understand it is meant more for when you plug in an 
external monitor, or a presentation video projector. If you do that and 
choose say 640x 480 in the monitors control panel, the powerbook will go 
blank, but if you choose one of the simulsync, then you can see it on the 
projector/external monitor and the computer at the same time.

Now you aren't looking for that, so on to you question about how to get 
the DVD on a TV/VCR or whatever. I do this all the time and know it 
works, what you need to do is have the S-video cable plugged in when you 
startup the PowerBook, this is very important! If the cable is plugged in 
when the PowerBook starts up, the computer will sense that the cable is 
plugged in and will give you more options in the monitors control panel 
and control strip as far as resolutions are concerned. If you look in 
either one after restarting with the cable plugged in, you will see 
options for different resolutions followed by the word NTSC or PAL. If 
you are in North America, you would want to choose one of the NTSC 
settings, usually 640x480 is standard for video, but you can use some of 
the other one to experiment, and see what works best for you. At this 
point, your Powerbook will go blank, and you will see the picture on the 
TV/Monitor that you have plugged into the other end of the S-Video cable. 
A dialogue will pop up on the TV asking if you can see everything okay 
with an OK and a cancel, hit okay within a certain time, and everything 
will be fine, if you can't see it and don't hit okay within a certain 
time, the computer will switch back to the PowerBook monitor and let you 
try again.

Any Questions, Let me know

>I've got a PowerBook G3 Series 300Mhz machine with a DVD player and 
>S-Video output, and I cannot seem to cause the TV Mirroring control 
>strip to load properly, nor can I get any image (DVD or otherwise) to 
>display on my 27" Sony Trinitron. On the (very) bright side, I can 
>play DVDs (at least the ones in the right encoding formats) on the 
>14.1" Mac LCD screen and they look great.
>I've looked at the numerous documents, done extensive web-searches on 
>"TV Mirroring", "DVD" and "S-Video" using the Sherlock plugins for 
>Apple's various software update and TILs, and I'm not coming up with 
>much except for a few readmes that seem to imply that this is a a 
>"simple" plug'n'play process.
>Well, it's not always a plug'n'play thing: I believe I have all 
>the necessary equipment (4MB VRAM, $40 S-Video cable) and have set 
>things as well as I can according to the conflicting docs (e.g.: I'm
>at 1024x768 simulsync resolution: don't see how to set it at 720x480) 
>without TV Mirroring, which seems to make the TV resolution and other 
>settings accessible only via the control strip(?).
>Here are some questions, if anyone can answer one (or all):
>Q1: Has anyone had similar problems displaying DVD or S-Video on a TV
>     and if so, how did you get it to work?
>Q2: Does anyone know of an app or CDEV that affects the same settings
>     as the "TV Mirroring" c-strip module?
>Q3: Could "Video Mirroring" or "SystemAV" be conflicting with
>     "TV Mirroring"?
>Q4: Has anyone else upgraded the Apple DVD Player from 1.0 to 1.1 and
>     found that it did not play ANY DVDs, then had to backgrade to 1.0?
>Q5: Is there a possibility that (even though TechTool Pro 211 doesn't
>     think so) my S-Video output port is somehow defective?
>Q6: Does this just fail on larger than 20" TV's, even with 4MB VRAM?
>    dave

Mark Geerdes
Duplication/Audio Engineer  BGEA
Multimedia Director         BPEFC
Personal e-mail should go to:


Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 02:33:49 -0600
From: Kevin Daly/Ian Blackford <>
Subject: Group Mailings & OE 4? HELP?

Is there any way to prevent OE from stopping in the middle of a bulk
mailing when it comes upon an address it doesn't like? You can imagine
waiting for OE to process 800 or 900 names only to stop when it comes
across a bad address at 901, and then you have to start all over again...

I realize OE (and Emailer) are not really designed to process large
mailing lists, but the same problems must crop up for smaller lists,
too? I haven't gone to a listserve because I haven't found a reliable
server that didn't mess up my mailings, and LetterRip seems to work best
with dedicated lines. If anyone has a suggestion I am overlooking --
some way to maintain the size of mailing list I have on my own system
(which I use for many other projects), and/or can recommend a server
that provides inexpensive and reliable (heavy on the reliable)
listserves, I'm all ears...

Kevin J. Daly
Mountain Sun Pub & Brewery
1535 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302


Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 08:11:07 -0500
From: "Robert P. Lenk" <>
Subject: modamn trouble

I wonder if anyone can help me. I recently bought a G3 (putty) with an
internal GV 56k modem and am running 8.5.1. Frequently ARA reports that the
modem is not behaving itself properly while those mysterious oblations take
place after I push "Connect." Sometimes it connects properly upon a second
try, but quite often it can't seem to find the modem. The word "connecting"
comes up, but it fails to dial. TechTool Pro tells me it can't find the
The  only way I know to reset the modem is to reboot. Sometimes two or
three times is a row. I have been unable to find any help in the usual
places, but that may say more about my eptitude than I care to admit.
TIA, Bob


Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 10:57:15 -0400
From: Doug Zeman <>
Subject: NT 4.0 and Mac os 8.1 folder limitation when saving!

To Whom it may concern,
HELP!!  I have set up home directories on the NT server which house 900
users or more.
After logging in  I open this home directory from desktop and see all
But when going to save from various applications it gives me warning
that it can't open all folders and I can't get to several of the users
folders mostly folders at the begining of alphabet!!  Can some please
get back to me A.S.A.P.

Thanks A Bunch   Doug      E_Mail =


Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 17:58:49 -0500
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: Powerbook G3 Ethernet (C)

Last weekend being the end of the month, or at least the last
weekend of the month, I essayed to back up our home ethernetlet.
Not totally successful. Leslye's internal and external HD's went
fine, so did my desktop's HD. The backup (Retrospect 4.1) died on
the new Powerbook G3. Network failure reported by my desktop
host machine. Total freeze exhibited on the Powerbook.

Had I not initially loaded the new Powerbook from a backup of the
old PB5300, I'd have been better able to cope. Hey! It worked once.
Why isn't it working now? I tried everything I knew how to do, and
a few things that no sane person would try. Leslye worried about
what the neighbors would say about burying the chicken entrails
under the northeast eave at midnight. Two weekends running I
couldn't put the PB/G3's HD contents onto backup tape. Finally
this past Sunday morning I allowed as how the initial reload was
a fluke, and God did not intend a PB/G3 to actually link into our
home ethernetlet with a Dayna PCMCIA Communicard and March 98
driver which will never be updated because Dayna is out of business.

Last month I asked if anyone knew of a relatively cheap transceiver
that'd convert the PB/G3's 10baseT builtin port to the thin-net we
use in our home ethernetlet. No go on that score, but one respondent
suggested a 10baseT hub that also had a thin-net (10base2) jack.
I'd kiss that critter if I could remember his or her name.

Just for the hallibut I took the PB/G3 into the office, which is
purely 10baseT. I backed it up from my office host. Fast as grass
through a goose. OK. I'm encouraged. So I hit my DatacomWarehouse
catalog, found a box like the respondent recommended, and
ordered it yesterday. It fedex'd in this morning. I tried it when I
got home this evening. Yee haw! Works admirably. Forty-five bucks
plus shipping? Cheap.

Maybe one or more of y'all can benefit from my experience.



Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 11:06:39 -0700
From: Michael Khaw <>
Subject: Unix talk client for OpenTalk?

Where can I find a Unix "talk" compatible client program that works
under OpenTalk (MacOS 8.x)? The info-mac archives has Talk 1.1.1, but
it's a MacTCP program. and TUCOWS don't show any relevant
matches for "talk".

Michael Khaw <>


Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 02:10:32 +0100
Subject: Who produces the following message?

>The Fax Manager could not find your fax/modem on the
>Modem Port.  Fax receiving has been turned off.
>I get this most often at restart time.  Is this done by some fax extension,
>or the Mac 8.1?
>Michael B. Luskin

In case no one else who uses MaComCenter answers this, it's the faxing
software for your USR modem. Simply delete the Fax Manager extension.

Jarome Matthew
Dimension Arc Media



End of Info-Mac Digest