Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #99
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 29 May 97       Volume 15 : Issue 99

Today's Topics:

      [*] Ben Jonson's Volpone
      [*] Charles Dickens
      [*] Curvus Pro 1.3.1 E
      [*] Jerome's Idle Thoughts...
      [*] Litterature francaise
      [*] Market Minder 1.8 (update)
      [*] Marlowe's Dr Faustus
      [*] Moby Edition of Shakespeare's Works
      AppleScript & Excel 4
      appletalk on a duo
      Is my 3400 too hot?
      MS IE 3.01 on 7.6.1 on a IIci DayStar Turbo 040 - Quits Immediately
      Pointer Freezes
      Pointer Freezes
      Problems reading digests with Easy View 2.62
      Rhapsody's User Interface
      zip vs. syquest drives--another opinion

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Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 16:25:11 -0700
Subject: [*] Ben Jonson's Volpone

This archive contains the text of "Volpone" (from the 1607 quarto), a
play by the English Renassaince playwright Ben Jonson, in setext format.

The text is in 8-bit Mac encoding, without line endings: a carriage
return indicates the end of a paragraph or end of a line of verse.

Setext is a slightly enhanced text format. It can be read with any text
editor/word processor, but looks best when viewed with a
setext-compatible browser, such as Akif Eyler's EasyView

This archive is free for non-commercial uses and may be included on CD-ROMs.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/volpone.hqx; 91K]


Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 16:24:58 -0700
Subject: [*] Charles Dickens

This archive contains a selection of texts by Charles Dickens, in setext
format, as follows:

	A Christmas Carol
	Great Expectations
	Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
	Our Mutual Friend
	Sketches by Boz

The text is in 8-bit Mac encoding, without line endings: a carriage
return indicates the end of a paragraph.

Setext is a slightly enhanced text format. It can be read with any text
editor/word processor, but looks best when viewed with a
setext-compatible browser, such as Akif Eyler's EasyView

The original electronic texts are from the public section of the Oxford
Text Archive and from the Gutenberg Project. This archive is free for
non-commercial uses and may be included on CD-ROMs.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/dickens.hqx; 2398K]


Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 16:25:13 -0700
Subject: [*] Curvus Pro 1.3.1 E

Curvus Pro is an application which permits you to draw all kinds of 2D and
3D mathematical curves. Several vectorial drawing options are included to
improve your graphics

Here are some features of Curvus Pro:

- Rectangular, polar, parametric or complex, 2D or 3D curves (in the same
- Intuitive syntax for expressions (2x, sinx, 2x^2, ln^2|x|, etc.).
- User's defined constants and functions.
- Plug-ins, that allow you to write any kind of function, by programming it
in Pascal or C.
- Derivatives.
- Complex calculations (z=3Dx+iy).
- Conditionnal tests.
- Sums and products (e.g. sinx+sin2x+...+sinkx, x*(x+1)*(x+2)*...*(x+k)).
- Over 66 functions and 19 recognized constants, including I, J, K and Y
Bessel functions, Gamma, min, max, rnd (random), etc.
- Easy navigation in the real plane (forward and backward zoom, enlargement
of a portion of the curve, adjustment, etc.).
- Value, tangent, osculating circle of whatever point of a curve.
- Integrals of a curve (methods: Romberg, Gauss, Simpson, excess, default,
etc.) and of the difference of two curves.
- Search for the intersection of functions. Search for zeros, points with
horizontal tangent,inflection points (methods: Newton, Bolzano, etc.).
- Linear or logarithmic scale of the axes (basis 10, e or 2=BC).
- Intuitive scale units (for ex. 1 cm =3D 1 unit).
- All kinds of graduations.
- Rectangular or polar square pattern.
- Printing with optimal quality.
- Exportating in PICT files.
- Suffix and exponent styles.
- Complex algebrical calculator.
- Optimized for Power Macintosh.

System requirements:
* System 7.0
* Mac or PowerMac with at least 8 Mb RAM
* 2 Mb of hard disk space
* Work faster with PowerPC processor

=46or more information, please visit our Web page:


Jean Bovet

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/curvus-pro-131e.hqx; 1400K]


Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 16:25:01 -0700
Subject: [*] Jerome's Idle Thoughts...

This archive contains the text of Jerome K. Jerome's "Idle Thoughts of an
Idle Fellow".

The text is in 8-bit Mac encoding, without line endings: a carriage
return indicates the end of a paragraph.

Setext is a slightly enhanced text format. It can be read with any text
editor/word processor, but looks best when viewed with a
setext-compatible browser, such as Akif Eyler's EasyView

This archive is free for non-commercial uses and may be included on CD-ROMs.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/jerome.hqx; 139K]


Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 16:25:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Litterature francaise

This archive contains a small selection of French literary texts (in
French) in setext format, as follows:

    xxx . . . . . . . . Declaration des Droits &c.
    Corneille . . . . . Le Cid
    Cyrano. . . . . . . Voyage dans la Lune &c.
    Anatole France. . . Barbe Bleue
    La Rochefoucault. . Maximes
    Laclos. . . . . .   Liaisons dangereuses
    Mallarme. . . . . . Poesies
    Moliere . . . . . . L'Avare
            . . . . . . Dom Juan
            . . . . . . L'Ecole des femmes
            . . . . . . Scapin
            . . . . . . Tartuffe
    Rabelais. . . . . . Gargantua
    Rostand. . . . . .  Cyrano de Bergerac
    Tallemant. . . . .  Historiettes
    Voltaire. . . . . . Candide
    Zola. . . . . . . . J'accuse

The text is in 8-bit Mac encoding, without line endings: a carriage
return indicates the end of a paragraph (or the end of a line of verse).

Setext is a slightly enhanced text format. It can be read with any text
editor/word processor, but looks best when viewed with a
setext-compatible browser, such as Akif Eyler's EasyView
<info-mac/text/easy-view-262.hqx>. The included EasyView view files are
set up to use the Espy Sans and Espy Serif fonts; but any other font
with a full complement of diacriticals (e.g. Helvetica, Times, etc.) can
be used.

The original electronic texts are public domain texts from the
Association des Bibliophiles Universels <>. This
archive is free for non-commercial uses and may be included on CD-ROMs.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/lit-francaise.hqx; 1796K]


Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 16:25:15 -0700
From: rodrig02@MCRCR6.MED.NYU.EDU
Subject: [*] Market Minder 1.8 (update)

Market Minder is a stock market timing tool. It considers a number of
economic and market indicators to determine whether one should be
investing in the stock market at any given moment.  Market Minder
provides buy or sell recommendations based on current data on the prime
rate, discount rate,  installment debt and the weekly close of the Value
Line Composite index. This calculation is based on a model outlined by
Martin Zweig in his book "Winning  on Wall Street".  Market Minder is

Version 1.8 of Market Minder introduces a new 3D-like interface and now
requires System 7.0 or higher.

Gerry Rodrigues

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/market-minder-18.hqx; 162K]


Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 16:24:59 -0700
Subject: [*] Marlowe's Dr Faustus

This archive contains the text of "Dr Faustus" (from the 1616 quarto), a
play by the English Renaissance playwright Christopher Marlowe, in setext

The text is in 8-bit Mac encoding, without line endings: a carriage
return indicates the end of a paragraph or end of a line of verse.

Setext is a slightly enhanced text format. It can be read with any text
editor/word processor, but looks best when viewed with a
setext-compatible browser, such as Akif Eyler's EasyView

This archive is free for non-commercial uses and may be included on CD-ROMs.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/faust.hqx; 82K]


Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 16:25:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Moby Edition of Shakespeare's Works

This archive contains the public domain text of the Moby edition of the
complete works of William Shakespeare, in setext format.

The text is in 8-bit Mac encoding, without line endings: a carriage
return indicates the end of a paragraph or end of a line of verse.

Setext is a slightly enhanced text format. It can be read with any text
editor/word processor, but looks best when viewed with a
setext-compatible browser, such as Akif Eyler's EasyView

The original electronic text is in the public domain. This archive is
free for non-commercial uses and may be included on CD-ROMs.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/book/moby-shakespeare.hqx; 2954K]


Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 10:49:54 -0600
From: (Tim Brogdon)
Subject: AppleScript & Excel 4

I need to run an Excel 4 macro on 84 files that are all in the same folder
on my hard disk.

I would like to be able to automate the process using AppleScript.

Basically, I need to figure out how to open each document, one at a time,
in Excel, run the macro, and then give me a "Save As" dialog box.

I'm really frustrated because this is for reasearch I am doing and I am
absolutely sure that if I could figure out how to automate the process I
could cut my time expenditure in half if not more.

The big problem is that although I am AppleScript aware, I am FAR from savvy.

Any and all suggestions and/or help is greatly appreciated.

Please email me privately at

Thank you very much



Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 02:27:46 -0500
From: "Norm D'Allura" <>
Subject: appletalk on a duo

I realize that this is not what your want to hear, but I have the same
crashing problem with my Duo 2300 and 7.6 whenever I go from my dock at
work (ethernet) to my home localtalk.  Whenever I put my duo to sleep, out
of the dock it crashes. A reboot usually fixes things.

>>>At 9:21 PM -0500 5/19/97, wrote:

|hi all
|ive been needing to ask this for awhile but first info mac was down :( and
|then well...
|i just got a used duo 280 (24 meg) with a 14.4 apple express modem. it
|complements my work on my centris 650 very nicely thank you.
|first question - i use appletalk alot to transfer files - but as i
|understand appletalk drains the battery i tend to turn appletalk on and
|off. fine. however if i restart when appletalk is off, i need to restart
|again to turn it back on. this seems strange to me - not to mention that
|its a pain. especially since i rarely restart without bombing (i dont
|restart much in general as i use sleep - but i have one buggy program that
|i need to run) so by the time i get home most days i need to restart.
|annoying. say it aint so. is there a way to set it up so that appletalk is
|always available - even if that means that the modem is not available?
|next - as i bought this used i did not get the complete docs or even a
|system 7.11. i am running system 7.1 (im not interested in 7.5+ - if it
|aint broke...) on both my centris and duo. is there anything someone with
|lots of experience with a duo thinks i should know? is there a way to get
|7.11 (not through apple as far as i can tell) with the control strip et al.
|is there documentation available? is it worth getting - or is the stuff in
|the "getting started" manual (that i do have) along with the mac bible
|as always tia


Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 15:27:25 -0700
From: Julius Friede <>
Subject: Is my 3400 too hot?

Hello out there,

Has anybody else run across this problem?
<fontfamily><param>Times</param><bigger>A few times my 3400 has crashed
and would not restart until a period of time has elapsed. Last night it
crashed again and would not restart the 

whole evening. Four hours after the crash, and after unplugging the
unit from the AC power source (4 hours earlier), the bottom of the 3400
was still pretty warm, almost hot, and the computer was dead. Nothing
could get it fired up. I was going to bring it in for service. This
morning it started up, but only under AC. The battery was drained.
Being that the computer stayed hot hours after unplugging it, I'm
wondering if; 

a) Heat problems are causing the crashes/freezes in the first place,

b) if when a freeze occurs the computer isn't locked in some sleep mode
because it stays warm, indicating use, but nothing will activate it. 

Other times after a crash I would reset and pressing the power button
causes the start chime to sound but the computer doesn't start up. The
problem is intermittent and can't be created on demand.

Any ideas anyone? I'm running system 7.6.1 and neither Norton Utilities
nor Disk First Aid indicates any problem.

TIA, Julius



Date: Wed, 28 May 97 06:52:50 PDT
From: "Peter H. Lipman" <>
Subject: MS IE 3.01 on 7.6.1 on a IIci DayStar Turbo 040 - Quits Immediately

Reposting ... got lost? Original Date: 17 May 1997 14:51:41 -0700

Hello Everyone,

I have a IIci with a DayStar Turbo 040.  This machine would not run 7.6
according to Apple's documentation because of the 040 accelerator and its
use of cache, and I figured I was at the end of the line for this machine.
But Apple fixed the conflict in 7.6.1.  I followed Apple's directions and
removed the accelerator card, upgraded to 7.6, upgraded to 7.6.1, and
reinstalled the acclerator.  Everything works fine.  I have a nice stable

In the following paragraphs I talk about the testing I did with IE
3.01 beta.  Please note that I subsequently did most of these tests on
the official IE 3.01 release.  See the comments specific to the
official release at the end.

A couple of weeks ago I installed the Internet Explorer 3.01 beta.  I was
just so tired of crashing Netscape 3.01.  Why I have even seen Netscape
3.01 abort on my Unix WorkStation (SGI Irix 5.3), and once - I swear this
is true - I saw the Unix workstation auto-restart.  I have NEVER seen that
before ... but I digress.

I found that IE 3.01 beta would come up using no home page or a local file
as a home page, but any attempt at referencing a page on the Network would
result in the application quitting.

I backed off to 7.5.5 and IE 3.01 beta worked fine.

Then I took the DayStar accelerator out and ran 7.6.1 and IE 3.01 beta
worked fine.

It was still possible that this was a problem in the new CFM-68K Runtime
Enabler, so I next downloaded Open Doc 1.1.2 and CyberDog 2.0 (because I
knew CyberDog needed the  CFM-68K Runtime Enabler as well).  CyberDog runs
fine.  I actually think it is a pretty nice product.  It has more than a
few rough edges though ... but I digress.

Now I know full well that even though CyberDog runs OK, CFM 68K could still
be the source of the problem  with IE 3.01 beta, but at this point it seems
a little more likely that the problem is with IE itself.  I could have
tried AOL 3.0 (it uses CFM 68K too) to see if it would run OK, but I

I just got the official release of IE 3.01 and it works on 7.5.5, but not
on 7.6.1.  I have not bothered to take out the acclerator card to verify
that it works without it.  I'm virtually certain that it will.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Is there anyone else out there
experiencing a similar problem?

Peter or


Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 21:16:33 -0500
From: Dave Lorand <>
Subject: Pointer Freezes

>Date: Thu, 22 May 97 19:40:22 -0400
>From: Bill Greene <>
>Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #93
>>Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 08:26:52 -1000
>>From: (cesar)
>>Subject: Pointer Freezes
>>I'm having difficulty with frequent pointer freezes sticking in the upper
>>left hand corner of my screen on startups.  Also, sometimes it happens
>>when I try to scroll down an attached Microsoft Word file.
>>When I restart it usually clears up for awhile.  I've done all the usual
>>things like checking the mouse cable connection to my keyboard and the
>>keyboard connection to the CPU, rebuilding my desktop, allocating more
>>memory to programs I use heavily, and even did a complete clean reinstall
>>recently.  Using Conflict Catcher and disabling half of my extensions
>>then moving them back, then disabling the other half didn't help me find
>>the culptit either.
>>Restarting with extensions off doesn't help because I never know when a
>>pointer freeze is going to happen.
>Try going to your System folder to the Preference folder and trash the
>Finder Preferences file. It sounds as though file might be corrupted.
>Bill Greene

I had trouble with this for a while, too.  The pointer would freeze in the
upper left after startup.  Conflict Catcher couldn't find anything
consistent.  I think I finally found the link, though - the pointer would
freeze as Stickies would launch from the Startup Items folder.  I stopped
having anything in Startup Items and the problem went away.  Last week I
put an alias to Vremya in the Startup Items folder, and *boom*, it happened

This all started when I upgraded my PB 520 with a NuPowr board so that it
now has a PPC 603 instead of a 68040, so I suspect it's a PPC-related
problem.  A bug in some native code?

For the record, I'm using MacOS 7.6.1 on a PB 520 with a 166 MHz 603 and 40
mb of RAM.  I haven't tried deleting the Finder Preferences.

Dave Lorand


Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 13:18:16 -0700
From: Chris Schram <>
Subject: Pointer Freezes

On Mon, 26 May 1997, "cesar" <> wrote:
>I'm having difficulty with frequent pointer freezes in the upper left hand
>corner of my screen on startups.  Sometimes it happens when I try to go
>to another program like Microsoft Word.
>When I restart it usually clears up for awhile.

You didn't provide any information about what your hardware or System
software environment is. This renders any diagnosis no better than a
wild guess, which is what I am about to provide...

I had a similar problem on my SE/30 w/System 7.5.5. Conflict Catcher
was of no help due to the intermittent nature of the problem, but
trashing Speed Doubler 1.3.2 made the problem "mostly" go away. YMMV.

Chris Schram -- --


Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 13:49:49 +0200
From: Peter Van Avermaet <>
Subject: Problems reading digests with Easy View 2.62

I remember that I had to switch my subscription to 'shorthdr' and
'nomime' mode by sending the right commands to the ListServ.
I you subscribe through the subscription web-page at starnine (or though
its mail-robot counterpart), there is a shorthdr option that corresponds
to this.


Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 11:23:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: Sterling Augustine <>
Subject: Rhapsody's User Interface

Some of you may recall a discussion we had when Apple first bought NeXT about 
whether the new OS would look more like OpenStep or System 7. Most people, I 
think, settled on a "wait and see" attitude.

Well, we waited, and at Apple's World Wide Developers Conference we saw. Check 
out the following URL and scroll down to the section on advanced look and feel:

It is a summary of WWDC by John Norstad, the author of Disinfectant and 

He has a fairly detailed discussion, but here are two relevant paragraphs:

> The human interface of Rhapsody will be based primarily on the Mac human 
> with new ideas incorporated from the NeXT human interface. Contrast this to
> the internal "guts" of Rhapsody, the yellow box and the core OS, where the 
> situation is the opposite: the foundation is NeXT technology, 
> with additional elementsincorporated from Apple technology. 

> Rhapsody will have the familiar Mac menu bar across the top of the screen. 
> When we saw the first demo with a menu bar at the conference, the audience 
> cheered loudly and let out a collective sigh of relief - 
> Yes, it WILL be a Mac! 



Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 21:59:29 +0000
From: (Peter Grundy)
Subject: TechTools

In article <5mcofu$lho$>, (The Info-Mac Moderators) wrote:

:I'm desperately tring to get hold of TechTools. I was told i could get
:it at the Infomac Archive at
:But i can't find it!

Archived as /info-mac/cfg/tech-tool-112.hqx

If you have web access, check out more info and screen shots of TechTool
Pro at



Date: Wed, 28 May 97 10:10:08 -0800
From: "B.J. Major & Dennis J. Gorin" <>
Subject: zip vs. syquest drives--another opinion

In reply to:

>I have both systems in place in my office.  I originally bought the 
>SyQuest because of the speed and the capacity.  However, I have ended up 
>using the ZIP for virtually everything while the SyQuest sits idle - It's 
>for sale if you want it!  :-)
>I REALLY like the way the ZIP drive mounts almost immediately after 
>pushing in the disk. 

The Syquest carts do this as well.  Especially if you have Silverlining 
Lite control panel configured correctly (to mount on insert and startup).

> I like the price of the ZIP cartridges (and the 
>rebates they typically offer on purchases of 10 packs, etc).  I have also 
>NEVER had a problem with a ZIP disk while the SyQuest will occasionally 
>refuse to mount for some reason.  While that reason is very likely my OS 
>and not the drive, it is just another reason for me to use the ZIP.

I've read and heard about nothing but problems with ZIP drives and their 
cartridges; and especially, non-support from Iomega.  Syquest has been 
absolutely stellar in their support.  Of all the carts I've bought, only 
one failed (brand new); all I had to supply was postage and a new one was 
sent to me within a week's time.

Another plus for Syquest:  it's a true hard drive mechanism, where ZIP is 
not.  It's more like a large floppy mechanism.  I'm so impressed with my 
EZ135, I bought an EZ Flyer as well for my PowerBook usage.  I'd 
recommend Syquest.

Apple //-///-Macintosh user, supporter, and collector.



End of Info-Mac Digest