Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #150 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Thu, 24 Jul 97 Volume 15 : Issue 150 Today's Topics: [*] 07-97 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial [*] AliasCrony 2.0.2; Alias management. [*] Celest 1.01 [*] Convert Romanian TrueType Fonts [*] eLetter 2.00-68k [*] eLetter 2.00ppc [*] graphicconverter_2.91_us.hqx [*] Jive Toalk [*] Jon's Commands 2.0.1 [*] Lines of Action 2.0.1 [*] Mac CallerID Update [*] MacGzip 1.1.1 sources [*] MacGzip_FAT_1.1.1 [*] Make Icelandic TrueType Fonts 2.0 [*] Mazeworld Abyss 1.1 PPC [*] Moon Tool 1.0.1 [*] MotionRecorder PPC 1.0 [*] Okey Dokey Pro 2.0.3 [*] PowerReplace 6.2.2; a text conversion utility [*] q-emulator-lite-096.hqx [*] quizz-anglais-2.5.1 [*] QuizzAllemand 2.5.1 [*] Sloop (68K) 1.0.2J - Japanese Version [*] Sloop (PPC) 1.0.2J - Japanese Version [*] Star-Fox-64-Icons [*] Steve's NexXT Folders Set #5 [*] Storeys-68k [*] Storeys-ppc [*] The MacLocksmith 2.0.0; file-disk protection [*] TidBITS#389/21-Jul-97 [*] URL Manager Pro (FAT) 1.4v8J - Japanese Version [*] UtilScript (tm) 1.0 [*] Whoops 1.0 [*] 1.00 Netscape Global History Stack [*] Xtension Overload 2.1 The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of: Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, Matt Bauer, Liam Breck The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try: <> Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/. Administrative queries & info: <> Articles for digest publication: <> Files for inclusion: <> To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to <> and upload it to: <> -- username/password macgifts/macgifts at As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed. See our new WWW site: <>, where you can find all of this info and more! The Info-Mac digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Quarterdeck corporation. StarNine develops Internet server software for the Macintosh, including World Wide Web and e-mail publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL, who has supplied the hardware the main info-mac machine runs on. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #150" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:19 -0700 From: macasst@MIS.Net Subject: [*] 07-97 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial This is the July issue of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial. Over the last two years we have covered many topics relating to becoming more productive with your Mac. Also, literally hundreds of tips have been published to assist our members. Some of the other benefits of the newsletter are: - Membership in the private MacTalk Mailing List - Membership in the MacAssistant Online User Group - Great offers and discounts on hardware and software - Monthly OneClick Tutorial written by WestCode Software - Monthly HTML Tip of the Month - Special pricing for User Group Newsletter Editors - Members favorite web sites Past tutorials have included Clarisworks, Launcher, Arranging your Hard Disk, Formatting of Hard Disks, Fonts, Apple Menu Options, The Black Art of SCSI and many more. Future tutorials will include Mac OS8, Setting up a network at home, Using PlainTalk, Hard Disk Partitioning, Using the Scrapbook, Claris Emailer, and others at members requests. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information for those that register. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a DocMaker application. No other software is needed. [Archived as /info-mac/per/mass/07-97-mac-asst-tips.hqx; 722K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:09:02 -0700 From: Subject: [*] AliasCrony 2.0.2; Alias management. AliasCrony is the ultimate alias manager.It has several features: - Since aliases of applications lose the capability to have files dropped on, when the original is on a different volume, AliasCrony can create SuperAlias, a new alias kind, having drag capability always active. - It can create aliases or SuperAliases and put them into specific folders with one keystroke, if you're using the Drag&Drop mode. From its menus, instead, you can select the destination folders by using a speedy way. - It can update aliases (also as SuperAliases) on the fly or else through its menus. - It can add, to aliases, some useful custom icon, freeing a bit of space on desktop (as before: you can add the custom icons on the fly or else by using the proper menu). - It can scan all on-line volumes to create lists of: a) attached aliases, b) unattached aliases, c) aliases and originals on different volumes. The created lists return useful infos about the aliases found, moreover, from these lists, AliasCrony can do several actions: -It can retrieve and show aliases and originals. -It can link/update/delete/move aliases. -It can show the Finder's Info window, about aliases and originals. -It can update aliases of applications to SuperAliases. -It can trash the whole aliases list. The AliasCrony 2.0.2 package contains two versions of the application: AliasCrony 2.0.2 (68K) for 68K Macs or, in emulation, for Power Macs. AliasCrony 2.0.2 (PPC) for Power Macs. It's Internet Config aware and requires at least System Seven to run. Author: Rocco Moliterno [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/alias-crony-202.hqx; 195K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:36 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Celest 1.01 Celest is a very accurate, yet fun orbital simulation game. The player flies a ship around an accurately simulated stellar system going from place to place with the minimum amount of fuel usage. Celest can also be used to see the consequences of various stellar configurations on planetary orbital dynamics: see the weird orbits resulting froma binary or trinary star system! Version 1.01 fixes some problem with PowerPC Macintoshes. Celest requires: A color monitor with at least 640x480 resolution. Preferably a 68030 or above. System 7.1 or later. Celest is $10 shareware. Mike Ash -- HeghmoH the CodeWarrior Mike Ash - Use the Dvorak keyboard layout: easier, faster and less painful [Archived as /info-mac/game/celest-101.hqx; 157K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:20 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Convert Romanian TrueType Fonts This documentation describes in detail how to convert TrueType fonts from MS Windows to MacOS Romanian. Andreas Prilop [Archived as /info-mac/info/convert-romanian-fonts.hqx; 6K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:56 -0700 From: Subject: [*] eLetter 2.00-68k This is to announce the release of version 2.0 of eLetter, the shareware email/fax application. This version represents a major upgrade with many new and revised features. Overview eLetter is a Macintosh utility that provides facilities for the creation and editing of a template letter that may then be merged with data from database records and/or files and then despatched either via email or fax. eLetter achieves this by providing a software interface between the database product FileMaker Pro and either the email program Eudora or one of the Fax programs FaxSTF, Fax Express, 4-Sight Fax or Faxcilitate. eLetter allows the maintenance of any number of template letters, each of which has fourteen operational parameters associated with it. The parameters define such details as the name of the database and layout from which data is to be taken to generate the outgoing letters and the name of the database fields from which data is to be taken to address the outgoing email or fax transmissions. The template letter itself consists of styled text with an upper limit of 32,000 characters. The letter may contain any number of 2 different types of text constructs. The first type consists of '<' a database field name and '>'. These constructs are recognised and replaced by the appropriate data from each database record. For instance, the following line... Dear <Customer Title> <Customer Surname>, ...would be replaced by the associated data from the 'Customer Title' and 'Customer Surname' fields of each record of the database, to produce, for example... Dear Mr George, The second type of construct consists of '<' a text file reference '>'. When letters are compiled, these constructs are recognised and replaced with the data from the appropriate text files. For instance, the following line... Author Contact [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/eletter-20-68k.hqx; 674K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:58 -0700 From: Subject: [*] eLetter 2.00ppc This is to announce the release of version 2.0 of eLetter, the shareware email/fax application. This version represents a major upgrade with many new and revised features. Overview eLetter is a Macintosh utility that provides facilities for the creation and editing of a template letter that may then be merged with data from database records and/or files and then despatched either via email or fax. eLetter achieves this by providing a software interface between the database product FileMaker Pro and either the email program Eudora or one of the Fax programs FaxSTF, Fax Express, 4-Sight Fax or Faxcilitate. eLetter allows the maintenance of any number of template letters, each of which has fourteen operational parameters associated with it. The parameters define such details as the name of the database and layout from which data is to be taken to generate the outgoing letters and the name of the database fields from which data is to be taken to address the outgoing email or fax transmissions. The template letter itself consists of styled text with an upper limit of 32,000 characters. The letter may contain any number of 2 different types of text constructs. The first type consists of '<' a database field name and '>'. These constructs are recognised and replaced by the appropriate data from each database record. For instance, the following line... Dear <Customer Title> <Customer Surname>, ...would be replaced by the associated data from the 'Customer Title' and 'Customer Surname' fields of each record of the database, to produce, for example... Dear Mr George, The second type of construct consists of '<' a text file reference '>'. When letters are compiled, these constructs are recognised and replaced with the data from the appropriate text files. For instance, the following line... Author Contact [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/eletter-20-ppc.hqx; 984K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:34 -0700 From: Subject: [*] graphicconverter_2.91_us.hqx GraphicConverter 2.91 (US) FAT Description: GraphicConverter converts about 90 graphic file formats to other formats. There are a lot of functions for picture manipulation, slide show and convert more for batch conversion. Also, GraphicConverter can build animated GIFs easily. Please look at: for a detailed description of the features. GraphicConverter is shareware. This archives was scanned with SAM 4.5.1. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphic-converter-291-us.hqx; 1844K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:39 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Jive Toalk This application turns standard English into Jive Toalk. It uses a translation library as a source. The translation library is a simple text file and can be edited and added too, as long as the format is respected. Nigel Edwards [Archived as /info-mac/game/txm.hqx; 24K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:48 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Jon's Commands 2.0.1 Here's a new release of Jon's Commands which fixes a crashing bug in the "screen list" and "set screens to" commands on machines which support more than 15 resolution settings for a single multiscan monitor. I also added the versions for Open Transport and the Display Manager to the "machine environment" command. Jon's Commands is one of the premier AppleScript scripting additions. It includes over 30 commands and coercions which are added to the AppleScript language (and any other AppleEvent based languages) when installed. Jon's Commands includes HTML and Apple Guide documentation. The guide file allows you to have access to all of the documentation, including samples and examples, directly in your script editor. The latest version of Jon's Commands, as well as my other software, can be found on my web site: <>. Jon's Commands is free for noncommercial use and only $25 for a commercial distribution licence. Contact me for details. Share and enjoy. Jon [Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/jons-commands-201.hqx; 175K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:37 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Lines of Action 2.0.1 (Lines of Action 2.0.1 is a board game for two players.) (Each player's pieces begin as separated groups and the object) (of the game is to connect your forces. Pieces can move as many) (squares as there are total pieces in that direction, except) (that one cannot jump over enemy pieces. This implementation) (of Claude Soucie's game was written by Andrew McDaniel and) (Michael Dickman. It is shareware, and should run on any Mac) (with System 6.0.5 or greater, although System 7.x or greater) (is recommended.) [Archived as /info-mac/game/lines-of-action-201.hqx; 43K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:51 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Mac CallerID Update Mac CallerID 1.1.9 captures Caller ID information from your local telephone company. Once the information is received it can speak the caller's name, page you via numeric or alphanumeric pager, open a database(AppleScript) and find the calling parties record. Features: Display single or list of calls (up to 9999) SubstituteCaller SoundAssign - attach sounds to specificphone numbers Speak name of caller AppleScript Shrink or Hide application when in the background Preferences SoundAssign (assign sound to a particular telephone number) Pop to the front when receiving a call PageMe (with Pro version ONLY) (numeric and alphanumeric paging using TAP protocol) Works in the US, Canada, Sweden, England, Puerto Rico and many other features Requirements: Color Desktop Macintosh running system 7 or greater Modem supporting CallerID Subscribe to local telephone company's "Caller ID" service Shareware $20-30 U.S. depending on version. See "Registration Information" and "Read Me" files for more information. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/mac-caller-id-119.hqx; 634K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:46 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MacGzip 1.1.1 sources Source code for MacGzip 1.1.1 (C sources for Symantec C 8.0 and MW CW 11) -- When the sunsets glow drifts away from you You'll no longer know if any of this was really true at all (The Cure) J.A. Gutierrez E. | finger for PGP public key [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/mac-gzip-111-src.hqx; 599K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:09:00 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MacGzip_FAT_1.1.1 MacGzip 1.1.1 FAT The application which you use to deal with those .gz files. This version fixes a couple of small bugs in 1.0 When the sunsets glow drifts away from you You'll no longer know if any of this was really true at all (The Cure) J.A. Gutierrez E. | finger for PGP public key [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/mac-gzip-111.hqx; 275K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:22 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Make Icelandic TrueType Fonts 2.0 This documentation describes in detail how to access the special Icelandic characters, which are contained in all of Apple's Roman TrueType fonts and in all of Adobe's PostScript fonts. Version 2.0 lets you patch also LaserWriter 8.x. Only ResEdit is required. Andreas Prilop [Archived as /info-mac/info/make-icelandic-fonts-20.hqx; 41K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:40 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Mazeworld Abyss 1.1 PPC Mazeworld Abyss is a real-time 3D point of view game inspired by the classic arcade games of the past. It features beautiful texture-mapped graphics rendered at up to 60 frames per second. Version 1.1 sees the addition of a new and improved game scenario for arcade game fans; there are now three very different scenarios to chose from. 'Death Maze' (the new scenario) is a simplified, faster-paced version of Abyss. The premise of Death Maze is very simple: the monsters are coming to get you; either you kill them or they kill you. Zapping monsters scores points. If you zap all the monsters on a level then you go on to the next level. It's pure, back-to-basics arcade action. Because we like it so much, Death Maze is now the default scenario. 'The Abyss' scenario is 'Death Maze' with more adventure game-like puzzle elements thrown in. In addition to fighting off monsters, you must light lava lamps and follow rune paths to reach your destination. 'Mega Mash' is a hyper-arcade game with some strategic elements thrown in. It's a simulation where two or more opposing groups of creatures try to take over a maze level. Creatures attack creatures on opposing teams to try to 'assimilate' or 'convert' them to their own team. Be sure to check out Mega Mash in demo mode; it makes a great screen display. Use "Choose Scenario..." in the File Menu. Mazeworld Abyss also supports two players playing on the same Mac. In 'Death Maze' and 'Abyss' players work together; in 'Mega Mash' they can compete. Mazeworld Abyss is shareware, $10. Once you register, your maximum shields are 100% as opposed to 50%, and you'll be able to play the Mega Mash scenarios. For Mazeworld Abyss screenshots and news, visit our web page at <>. Mazeworld Abyss requires a Power Macintosh with 256-color or better graphics, 4.5 Megs of free RAM and System 7 or later. Requires Apple's ObjectSupportLib library (already installed on most Power Macs). [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/mazeworld-abyss-11-ppc.hqx; 1311K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:11 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Moon Tool 1.0.1 I recently found to my surprise that the Info-Mac archive doesn't have a copy of this wonderful program. Please note that Richard Knuckey ( the author of Moon Tool. I am merely submitting it to the archive. A description of Moon Tool, from its About Box: "This application displays the moon in its current phase along with detailed information on the Moon's phase cycle, subtends and distance from the Earth. To display this information, your Macintosh needs to have its time zone information set up correctly. This can be done using the Map Control Panel." Moon Tool is freeware. Enjoy! - Stefan Anthony [Archived as /info-mac/sci/moon-tool-101.hqx; 82K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:32 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MotionRecorder PPC 1.0 MotionRecorder is a really simple QuickTime movie recorder that only records a frame when something changes in the video image. Possible uses: * time lapse movies * security camera or monitoring * record yourself tossing and turning in bed while you sleep This version of MotionRecorder is freeware. This may change in the future. Basically, i wrote this one (long) night and it turned out to be a lot more useful than i anticipated. Frankly, I was surprised it worked at all. j Knife-the-Mac geagan [Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/motion-recorder-ppc.hqx; 148K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:27 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Okey Dokey Pro 2.0.3 This new version of Okey Dokey will now handle dialogs that happen to come up in the background. It may or may not solve any problems. :) (It just seemed like a good idea) Thanks and enjoy, Dan Walkowski Troublemaker [Archived as /info-mac/gui/okey-dokey-pro-203.hqx; 39K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:08 -0700 From: Subject: [*] PowerReplace 6.2.2; a text conversion utility Announcing the release of PowerReplace 6.2.2! PowerReplace is a powerful text conversion utility. It does the conversion using a small file called "Filter". The syntax of filter is very easy to understand. PowerReplace is also an utility to build text conversion application. It can create small stand-alone daughter-application called "SelfReplace", who makes your favorite conversion more easily and efficiently. PowerReplace can replace character (including NULL, CR, LF, TAB) or string by any other string. By use of the asterisk-sign(*) representing any indeterminate string, it can replace also a string only whose two extremities are known. It supports all character set, hexadecimal string and regular expression(pattern) for find/replace. New features since 6.1: - Fixed the cursor color bug. (ver 6.2.1 -> 6.2.2) - Added Unanchor/Anchor Toolbar command in the Control menu. - Added preferences for the window position, toolbar status, text font. - Extract filter from SelfReplace using PowerReplace. - protect filter by setting password in SelfReplace. - Added author name and filter version number in filter information. System requirements: - System 7.1 - Any Macintosh For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit my Web page: Thanks, Guoniu Han [Archived as /info-mac/text/power-replace-622.hqx; 823K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:09:11 -0700 From: Subject: [*] q-emulator-lite-096.hqx Q-emuLator Lite is a reduced and freeware version of Q-emuLator, the Sinclair QL emulator for the Mac OS. Current Q-emuLator Lite version (July 1997) is 0.9.6, which replaces all previous releases. The emulator is actually a virtual QL with up to 4M of RAM and access to the video (in a Mac OS window), keyboard, Mac's file system, QL floppy disks, sound, serial ports. Other features include mouse emulation under the Pointer Environment, built-in ram disk, and compatibility with Sinclair and Minerva ROMs. Q-emuLator Lite's minimum requirements are system 6.0.7 and 2M RAM. A 68030 processor or better is recommended. Although version 0.9.6 is slightly faster than previous versions, the Q-emuLator Lite's speed is limited to about 30% QL's speed. To use the emulator you need a copy of the QL ROM which you can get from the World Wide Web or from a QL with 3.5" floppy disk drive (detailed instructions in the documentation). Feel free to include Q-emuLator Lite in the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Daniele Terdina Daniele Terdina e-mail: Feedback is always welcome! [Archived as /info-mac/app/q-emulator-lite-096.hqx; 516K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:43 -0700 From: Subject: [*] quizz-anglais-2.5.1 This application allows french-speaking persons to learn the english irregular verbs. QuizzAnglais propose a french verb in the infinitive mood, and you have to translate it into english, and to conjugate it in different tenses. Then, QuizzAnglais correct you if you are wrong. 170 irregular english verbs distributed in three dictionaries with three different difficulty levels. System requirements: * System 7.0.1 * 300 ko of RAM * 300 ko of hard drive space For more information, please visit our Web page: Thanks, Marc Honnorat Chamane eMedia [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/quizz-anglais-251.hqx; 141K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:42 -0700 From: Subject: [*] QuizzAllemand 2.5.1 This application allows french-speaking persons to learn the german irregular verbs. QuizzAllemand propose a french verb in the infinitive mood, and you have to translate it into german, and to conjugate it in different tenses. Then, QuizzAllemand correct you if you are wrong. 201 irregular german verbs distributed in three dictionaries with three different difficulty levels. System requirements: * System 7.0.1 * 300 ko of RAM * 300 ko of hard drive space For more information, please visit our Web page: Thanks, Marc Honnorat Chamane eMedia [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/quizz-allemand-251.hqx; 155K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:09:03 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Sloop (68K) 1.0.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Sloop package for 68K MacOS computers. Sloop is a MacOS extension that implements a unique window navigation strategy: cursor focusing. With cursor focusing, whatever window or application the mouse is over comes to the foreground without the need to click the mouse button. Sloop increases productivity, may reduce some repetitive strain, is customizable, stable, and small. Sloop requires MacOS 7.1 or higher, comes in separate versions for 680x0 Macs and PowerMacs, and is also available in several languages. WHAT'S NEW IN 1.0.2 Sloop now recognizes MacOS 8 Appearence-savvy applications as well as the MacOS 8 Finder. All Sloop users who plan to upgrade to MacOS 8 should also upgrade to Sloop 1.0.2. RAM requirements for the version 1.0.2 "Sloop Sail" are almost half of what they were in previous versions. The user interface now uses Kaleidoscope background colors if you have Kaleidoscope installed. In addition, the full source code for Quadratic's beta "PopApp" extension is now included with the Sloop distribution. Christopher Li Bridge 1 Software English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management <> [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/sloop-102-68k-jp.hqx; 227K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:09:05 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Sloop (PPC) 1.0.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Sloop package for PPC MacOS computers. Sloop is a MacOS extension that implements a unique window navigation strategy: cursor focusing. With cursor focusing, whatever window or application the mouse is over comes to the foreground without the need to click the mouse button. Sloop increases productivity, may reduce some repetitive strain, is customizable, stable, and small. Sloop requires MacOS 7.1 or higher, comes in separate versions for 680x0 Macs and PowerMacs, and is also available in several languages. WHAT'S NEW IN 1.0.2 Sloop now recognizes MacOS 8 Appearence-savvy applications as well as the MacOS 8 Finder. All Sloop users who plan to upgrade to MacOS 8 should also upgrade to Sloop 1.0.2. RAM requirements for the version 1.0.2 "Sloop Sail" are almost half of what they were in previous versions. The user interface now uses Kaleidoscope background colors if you have Kaleidoscope installed. In addition, the full source code for Quadratic's beta "PopApp" extension is now included with the Sloop distribution. Christopher Li Bridge 1 Software English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management <> [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/sloop-102-ppc-jp.hqx; 241K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:28 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Star-Fox-64-Icons Guess whoose coming to town! That's right, following the release of Star =46ox 64 for the Nintendo 64 system, this icon set has all the characters, planets, vehicles, and more right from the game. Star Fox 64 is =A9Nintendo 1997, and I take no credit for design. I just bring them to YOU! Get these icons and more at Epoch Icons...: Brought to you by Jason Wohlstadter: [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/star-fox-64.hqx; 96K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:30 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Steve's NexXT Folders Set #5 Steve's NexXT Folders Set #5 System Requirements: Any Mac Size : 442.9KB These 157 icons are to simulate the look of NeXT folders. Which were inspired by Michael's NeXT folders. I got tired of looking at the same old folders and decided to make some of my own to enhance the look of my desk top. These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as long as the readme file is included! If you have any questions direct them to my email address: [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/steves-next-folders-set-5.hqx; 382K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:09:12 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Storeys-68k here is two versions of storeys. Regards Mikkel Pedersb=E6k Medical Student, IT Specialist and kite designer. [Archived as /info-mac/app/storeys-68k.hqx; 1344K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:09:15 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Storeys-ppc here is two versions of storeys. Regards Mikkel Pedersb=E6k Medical Student, IT Specialist and kite designer. [Archived as /info-mac/app/storeys-ppc.hqx; 1580K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:09:07 -0700 From: Subject: [*] The MacLocksmith 2.0.0; file-disk protection The MacLocksmith 2.0.0 is an useful application to save your files from indiscreet eyes. It protects your files quickly by using a strong encryption method and a password. Also it locks/unlocks disks by software flag . By using Special Keys you can activate some its extra ability: you can set/unset lock bit of files, lock/unlock names and, finally, show/hide files, folders and (with some precautions) disks. The MacLocksmith works very fast and can scan your folders/disks looking for files to treat. It's Macintosh Drag and Drop aware and requires at least System 7 to run. The MacLocksmith 2.0.0 package contains both 68K and PowerPc versions. Author: Rocco Moliterno New since version 1.3.2: Added file encryption/decryption. Added password protection. Drag Manager support. Added more special keys. Added ability to use menus. Added ability to hide/show files. Added ability to lock/unlock names. Spin Cursor. Disk locking by software flags. Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.6. Added 'aete' resource. Movable modal dialogs can switch in background. Increased the number of infos returned by Status Window. Updated e-mail address. Changed web page address. Changed application name. Minor changes. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/the-mac-locksmith-20.hqx; 170K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 19:40:11 -0700 From: TidBITS Editors <> Subject: [*] TidBITS#389/21-Jul-97 TidBITS#389/21-Jul-97 Apple can shine with pride this week as it releases Mac OS 8, and in this issue, Geoff covers its many new features. We also have news about juiced-up PowerBook 1400s, an Internet-based encryption challenge in which Macintosh users can participate, and Apple's lower-than-expected quarterly loss. Tonya rounds out the issue by exploring a new Frontier in Web publishing and site management. Topics: MailBITS/21-Jul-97 Apple Powers Up the PowerBook 1400 Apple Double-Clicks Mac OS 8 Spinning the Web Part 5: New Frontiers <> <> [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-389.etx; 30K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:53 -0700 From: Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro (FAT) 1.4v8J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package. URL Manager is a repository for your favorite Internet addresses or URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). URL Manager allows you to organize and collect URLs in a hierarchical structure. Organizing bookmarks between and within folders is easy with Drag & Drop. Drag HyperText links from your Web Browser to the URL Manager window to add a URL to the repository. To access a URL on the Web, Drag & Drop a bookmark to the window of a Web browser or double click. URL Manager is Internet Config savvy. URL Manager Pro adds tight integration with Navigator, Explorer, Anarchie, Fetch, Claris Emailer and Eudora. With URL Manager Pro you can add bookmark menus to the menubar of these applications. Also, URL Manager Pro adds the URL Manager shared icon menu to the menubar. With this menu you can create bookmarks for Web Pages from --within-- Navigator/Explorer, Add Notes, Grab All URLs on a Web Page or in an E-Mail message, Explore the Internet with a predefined set of Search Engines or start you PPP session with the Open PPP menu command. URL Manager Pro remembers the last 1000 Web Pages you visited. URL Manager Pro can validate the URLs of your bookmarks. URL Manager Pro imports and exports HTML, TEXT and MCF format. About Revision 1.4v8 * Support for Communicator 3.01 * NetHelp support for Explorer * Add Bookmark shortcut for Explorer * Translucent dragging of bookmarks * New preference: "Act On One Click" Christopher Li Bridge 1 Software English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management <> [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/url-manager-pro-14v8-jp.hqx; 833K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:50 -0700 From: Subject: [*] UtilScript (tm) 1.0 UtilScript 1.0 Seven Scripts to make things easier. System Requirements: System 7.5(7.1 with some restrictions) AppleScript (C)1997 High Density Software [Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/utls-scrpt.hqx; 87K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:09:09 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Whoops 1.0 Whoops 1.O is what your computer has to say. Double-click to start or stop it. Miltos Manetas 1997 [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/whoops.hqx; 15K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:55 -0700 From: Subject: [*] 1.00 Netscape Global History Stack WWW.Where .com is an Hypercard stack that can read the Netscape Global History file to extract all the url that it contains, and then store them, classified by site. So you can remind any visited URL even if you did not bookmark it. Once stored, the URL can be activated by a simple click that tell Netscape to open them. It is distributed as shareware, with both English/French interface. Requirements : HyperCard 2.3 or player, System 7.1 or greater. (Le Ralle) =46ran=E7ois Le Ralle (Near Paris, France) Hobbyware : Macintosh, HyperCard, Glossarys, Web publishing Job : Intranet, Messaging systems, X.500, X.400, Gateways E-Mail : Home Page : See my photo there :-) some parts in engish now :-} =90 Hope for love, understanding, consciousness and freedom =90 [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/www-where-com-10-hc.hqx; 58K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:08:24 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Xtension Overload 2.1 Announcing the release of Xtension Overload 2.1 (Formerly known as Extension Overload) ! Xtension Overload reviews 471 extensions and 163 control panels that are commonly found in the Extensions Folder & Control Panel Folder on every Mac. For those who do not know much about extensions & Control Panel, this program gives you some insight so you can decide which ones are necessary for your computer and which are not. Extensions & Control Panels perform a number of activities on your Mac to make it more functional. However, some Extensions & Control Panels will do NOTHING but EAT UP MEMORY and it is sometimes difficult to know how much memory an extension will use (25K ? 105K ? 88K ? 800K ? .... ) because Extensions & Control Panels memory usage is volatile: They increase their memory when they are in use and shrink back when they are not. An Extension & Control Panel may take up only a little DISK SPACE, (maybe 13k) or as high as 1 MB or more. Worse, BUGS in an Extension & Control Panel can also crash and SLOW DOWN your computer. The best way of dealing with problematic Extensions & Control Panels is to drag them into the trash and dispose of them. But how do you know which ones are helping and which are hindering your machine's performance? Enter Xtension Overload, a helpful database that provides valuable information at your fingertips about some of the more common extensions you may have on your machine. It can help you if you are unsure of what a particular Extensions or Control Panels is for or what it does, and will help you decide whether you want it on your machine or not. Apple provides many Extensions & Control Panels that you don't always need as an option and service to the customer. For example, if your machine is not on a network, then you may not want the Network Extension installed on your machine. If you've disposed of the extension and connect to a local network at a later date, you can always recover that extension from the original system disk. Version 2.1 is a stand-alone application. Extension Overload can be download from: Thanks, Teng Chou Ming [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/xtension-overload-21.hqx; 253K] -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************