Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #4
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 08 Jan 98       Volume 16 : Issue 4

Today's Topics:

          Batteries in Keyboards
      [*] "Styles" Bunnies for Kaleidoscope 1.8
      [*] Conbelin - knotwork clip art
      [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.0.3 automated website maintenance via FTP
      [*] Hyperize v2
      [*] IC 1.2 (updated)
      [*] India Ink 1.4 - stylized Photoshop halftones
      [*] Mac INIT Strings (mis.sea)
      [*] RoyalOrchid+ 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope
      [*] TidBITS#411/05-Jan-98
      [A] Files Directories
      [A] further questions on networking to NT
      [A] Os8 CMM
      [A] PPC Microphone
      [A]: Print  preview in Netscape
      [Q] OS8 CMM
      [Q] print missing under Netscape 3.0
      [Q] Ti-35 Problem
      Battery in IIci
      Beware of NewerTech (A)
      Cd-ROM Drive problem...
      Cd-ROM Drive problem...
      Claris Folder missing in MacLinkPlus 9.0
      CM help needed......
      Desktop Patterns?
      Filemaker Pro: text file input to specific field?
      Files Directories
      further questions on networking to NT
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #3
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #3
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #3
      mpw available for free?
      Navigator 4.0.4
      Performa 6116CD question
      Personal LaserWriter LS & Ram
      Personal LaserWriter LS & Ram (A)
      PM 7500 & 21" Colour Display
      PPP Connect Problems
      Quicken 98 R2
      rhapsody SCSI
      SAM 4.5 and "big" apps
      switching printers epson 600 <-> LW Select
      Web  Page Maker 

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 17:05:28 CST
From: "Tom Kirke (312) 413-5539" <U33515@UICVM.UIC.EDU>
Subject:     Batteries in Keyboards

If keyboards have batteries how come I've never had to replace one?

Note: I've been in computers since the time we could refuse to go to
  staff meetings.



Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 11:04:37 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Bunnies for Kaleidoscope 1.8

Bunnies has a softer-colored menu, the added resources new to Kaleidoscope
1.8, such as larger grow boxes, barber-pole progress bar, added texture,
written-in trash and folders.  Shareware. Email:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/styles-bunnies.hqx; 104K]


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 11:05:07 -0700
Subject: [*] Conbelin - knotwork clip art

Conbelin is a selection of clip art inspired by knotwork patterns on the
"Great Wheel Cross of Conbelin" at Margam Abbey in Wales. The images are
all 300 dpi b/w TIFFs suitable for laser printing, and compatible with
most DTP packages.



[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/conbelin.hqx; 336K]


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 11:04:57 -0700
Subject: [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.0.3 automated website maintenance via FTP

Fetch-O-Matic is a new approach to automated website maintenance via FTP.
Fetch-O-Matic allows web authors to freely create and update files locally
without needing to keep track of their work, and then automatically catalog
the alterations and update the website.

Fetch-O-Matic differs from other available synchronization and maintenance
schemes in that it does not require any local machine to have a complete
site copy. For example, one might decide to grab a few pages and change
them (and/or add some new files) from a Powerbook. Later, the site copy on
the primary machine can be quickly brought up-to-date with just two clicks
- without having to remember what was changed or open the Powerbook.

Fetch-O-Matic is extremely easy to use. Novice web authors in search of a
simple way to update a personal web page won't be intimidated by its power.
Experienced hands will find that previously dreaded operations such as
multi-file search and replace, with the subsequent headache of tracking
down and uploading scattered altered files, are rendered painless. Transfer
errors such as uploading/downloading to the wrong directory are a thing of
the past. If several people are maintaining a site they are protected from
treading on each other's updates.

Fetch-O-Matic was conceived and developed to fill a need in servicing a
large site ( Uploads and downloads of thousands
of files at once have been performed with ease. But even on a site with
just a few pages, Fetch-O-Matic will ease the updating chores.

Fetch-O-Matic requires Dartmouth's FTP client "Fetch", AppleScript, the
scripting addition Jon's Commands, and, optionally, Alessandro Levi
Montalcini's "List Files" (providing a significant speed improvement for
large sites), all of which are readily available online. Fetch-O-Matic runs
on any Mac OS machine with reasonable (8mb+) RAM running System 7 or 8. It
runs in the background. It is shareware with a single-user license fee of
$20. There is a free 30-day trial period.

The complete documentation is available online at the Fetch-O-Matic home

*** Version note: v. 2.0.3 incorporates new features, bug fixes and
improvements to the User Guide.**

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/fetch-o-matic-203.hqx; 513K]


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 11:04:25 -0700
Subject: [*] Hyperize v2

Hyperize2 is a standalone drag-and-drop application that converts plain
text documents into HTML. Hyperize2 does what is required to duplicate, as
far as practicable, the structure and appearance of your text on a Web

Hyperize2 creates pages, frames, or fragments of HTML code from files that are
dropped on it or opened interactively, or from text on the Clipboard. It
arranges for HTML formatting commands that reproduce your document's structure
in terms of paragraphs, lines, indents and, to some extent, columns. It also
translates characters which are special either to HTML or to the Macintosh into
HTML-acceptable equivalents.

If you've used Hyperize 1.1 before, you'll notice the following new features:
        Hyperize2 runs native on a PowerPC.
        Hyperize2 can now create whole pages, frames, or fragments of
        HTML-encoded text.
        Hyperize2 can now read from and/or write to the Clipboard.
        Hyperize2 is much smarter than its predecessor about indentation, and
        somewhat smarter about columnar layouts.
        Hyperize2 has two new formatting options. They concern whether leading
        white space on a line is intended to introduce new paragraphs or new
        column-aligned list items, and the distance between column stops.
        Hyperize2 stores its default preferences in a preferences file, and
        allows the user to create secondary settings files for particular types
        of task, such as hyperizing justified text fragments or whole program
        listings. These files can be opened from within the application or
        double-clicked to launch the application with their settings.
        Hyperize2 lets you browse for documents and applications when setting
        the File Creator for its output files. It also allows you to choose an
        output file name and location that's different from the default.
Hyperize2 works on any type of Macintosh with System 7 or later. It can run in
about 128Kb of memory, in which any number of files of any size can be
processed. Operations involving the Clipboard require more, according to
the size of its contents.
The (fat binary) application itself is about 64k.
Freeware. Feedback is appreciated.

Dr Jason Johnston
fax: +61 2 9519 6184

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/hyperize-2.hqx; 51K]


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 11:04:27 -0700
Subject: [*] IC 1.2 (updated)

Intelligent Chaos (IC) is a simple tool which allows You to study the
emergence of chaotic behaviour in the logistic equation and related
iterations. Of course there already exist plenty of programs that makes
beautiful chaotic graphs, but You will never understand chaos theory
without looking at the actual numbers. That is what You can do with IC,
in great detail. The equation used is a*x*(1-x), but in future versions,
you will be able to change this. The chaotic parameter (a) is given the
default value 3.5699, that is just below the point where chaos sets in,
but the idea is of course that You should let i vary from 2 to 4. Use
Balloon help to get info about the controls.

The included CrossBasic sourcecode shows how the execution of the
formula works.

This version is about 100% better than 1.1, and has many bugfixes,
together with a lot of new features.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/ic-12ppc.hqx; 170K]


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 11:04:45 -0700
Subject: [*] India Ink 1.4 - stylized Photoshop halftones

India Ink is a filter for Photoshop that gives you over a dozen exotic
ways to convert color or greyscale images to unusual black-and-white
halftones. Suitable for image stylization or black-and-white printers,
most styles offer variable line weight, warping, gamma, and scaling.

Version 1.4 adds special modes that work in color, as well as a zoomable
preview, saveble presets, and a randomizer.

India Ink is shareware for Macintosh. To see the results, and to check
for updates, visit .

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/india-ink-14.hqx; 256K]


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 11:04:55 -0700
Subject: [*] Mac INIT Strings (mis.sea)

Mac INIT Strings 2.0

Mac INIT Strings is a freeware utility that displays a list of modem
INITialization strings categorized by manufacturer and model. All of the
strings are meant for use with a Macintosh computer. Version 2.0 now
allows you to test an INITialization string with the modem currently
connected to your Macintosh computer.

This requires the use of the Apple Serial Tool which is part of the
Apple Communications ToolBox (CTB). The installer will place a copy of
the Serial Tool in your Extensions Folder requiring you to restart your
machine after the installation process is complete.

Mac INIT Strings was built with Mac OS 8 and is therefore, Mac OS
8-compatible. You will need at least System 7.1 and 4 MB of physical
(installed) memory in order to use Mac INIT Strings.

Since Mac INIT Strings is freeware, you agree to use the utility at your
own risk by reading this document. MRD offers no technical support for
this utility by e-mail, facsimile nor telephone. If you do however, have
comments on Mac INIT Strings, please feel free to e-mail MRD at

* If you find an INITialization string that does not work correctly,
please send an e-mail to

* If you know of an INITialization string that is missing from the Mac
INIT Strings database, please send an e-mail to

Thanks and most of all - have fun. That's what the Mac's all about.

Long live Apple!

Mountain Ridge Dataworks
North Vancouver, BC, Canada



[Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/mis.hqx; 312K]


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 11:04:34 -0700
Subject: [*] RoyalOrchid+ 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope


Version 1.5.6 for Kaleidoscope 1.8

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/royal-orchid-plus.hqx; 43K]


Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 22:53:48 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#411/05-Jan-98


Looking forward to Macworld Expo? Keep reading to find out about parties
and other events at the Expo, and to get a preview of Photoshop plug-ins
likely to be demoed. We have details about new versions of Conflict
Catcher, Mac OS Runtime for Java, Virtual PC, and two new products billed
as boosting Web browsing speed. This week also marks the beginning of a
multi-part review of 3Com's PalmPilot Personal.

    Macworld Expo Events
    Plug into Macworld
    PalmPilot, Part 1: Hopelessly Devoted


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-411.etx; 30K]


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 09:23:03 -0700
From: Sailen Black <>
Subject: [A] Files Directories

>Please tell me how I can create a file containing a list of the files in a
>directory or folder, using 7.5.5.

Use BBEdit. Open a new file, and under the Edit menu is the Insert command
which lets you put a folder listing into your text file.


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 98 09:57:46 -0600
From: Andrew Minuhin <>
Subject: [A] further questions on networking to NT

	Ken, first make sure that you have an NTFS partition. Use File
Manager to create a new directory, call it McAndrew (or give it any other
name you'll remember).  Select it.  From MacFile menu select Create Volume,
when it comes up it will have the McAndrew information in it.  At this
point you may hit OK, beware that this will make that volume available to
all, or you can play with permissions, volume security and user limits.
Note, you may also change the volume name from McAndrew to McKen, ot
anything else you desire, and that's the name your Mac users will see in
their chooser (IN ALL CAPS).
	  From then on setting up a subdirectory within your Mac Volume is
a snap.
(File Manager is part of your "administrator" tools.

At 3:35 PM -0500 1/6/1998, Ken Laskey wrote:
>First, thanks to all who answered my original post in early December.
>Activating SFM worked fine except that the only thing visible to me on the
>NT server is the Microsoft UAM Volume with an AppleShare folder and some
>UAM info.  The volume is write-protected.  The sys admin hasn't quite
>figured this out yet.  How do I get access to all the other NT files?  Is
>writing to the server possible?
>Thanks again,
>Ken Laskey
>SAIC   M/S 2-3-1
>1710 Goodridge Drive
>McLean, VA 22102
>(703) 827-4940
>(703) 821-1134 (fax)

--Andrew Minuhin (Analyst/Programmer)
University of MN, Medical School, USA


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 98 19:28:46 -0000
From: Patrik Montgomery <>
Subject: [A] Os8 CMM

On 98-01-06 10:30, Info-Mac used quantum mechanics and the General Theory 
of Relativity to draw the conclusion that:

>I don't know if anyone plays 'Creatures' but I do. It's a wonderful little 
>artificial life program, even though it's a bit of a lumpy port to the Mac 
>There is one wee problem - to move certain things like the first creature 
>egg to the incubator, you have to control-click to pick it up.
>Guess what that conflicts with on a G3? Contextual menus.
>Is there a program or a resedit hack that can be used to reassign the 
>contextual menu key? Or, is anyone familiar with the 'Creatures' program 
>enough to know if a fix or something is forthcoming?

There are several ways, but the (IMHO) best is to get Apple Data 
Detectors 1.0.2 from Apples website. That version includes a command for 
turning off the Contextual menus in an application - you find it in the 
help menu.

Patrik Montgomery        

multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 98 19:28:48 -0000
From: Patrik Montgomery <>
Subject: [A] PPC Microphone

On 98-01-06 21:31, Info-Mac used quantum mechanics and the General Theory 
of Relativity to draw the conclusion that:

>The microphone that came with my Mac LC III does not seem to work with my
>Performa 6116.  Do I need a different microphone?  Thanks in advance for
>any helpful responses.

Yes, you need a special microphone called the PlainTalk Microphone. You 
can order it from Apple. LC III uses the old version of the microphone 
that is incompatible with PowerMacs (among others).

Patrik Montgomery        

multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia


Date: Thu, 8 Jan 98 02:34:11 -0000
From: Jan Bjorn Taranrod <>
Subject: [A]: Print  preview in Netscape

Print preview is printer sofware dependant - on Macs and on PCs too.
I have a HP printer and it has a <Preview> button under the Print and =
Cancel button in the Print dialog box.
HOT TIP/Workaround: You can use fax software with support for =
preveiws. You have to switch between your ordinary printer and the =
fax via Chooser=B4s awkward interface thoug.
Jan Bj=F8rn Taranr=F8d, Norway.


Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 01:40:14 -0600
Subject: [Q] OS8 CMM

I don't know if anyone plays 'Creatures' but I do. It's a wonderful little 
artificial life program, even though it's a bit of a lumpy port to the Mac 

There is one wee problem - to move certain things like the first creature 
egg to the incubator, you have to control-click to pick it up.

Guess what that conflicts with on a G3? Contextual menus.

Is there a program or a resedit hack that can be used to reassign the 
contextual menu key? Or, is anyone familiar with the 'Creatures' program 
enough to know if a fix or something is forthcoming?



Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 15:08:31 -0500
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [Q] print missing under Netscape 3.0

I have unpredictable but reoccurring (and reproducible) print problems from
Netscape.  At times, I will be printing a multi-page document and it will
print fine, print a number of pages at about 1/10th scale (an impressive
demonstration of the printer resolution), and then back to full scale.  At
other times, the bottom part of a page will be blank (dropping those lines)
and the next page will start printing fine.  In either case, if I download
the HTML source, delete the HTML for the surrounding pages, save the file,
reopen in Netscape (looks like the original), and then print again, I get
the whole page at full scale.  Any suggestions?

Ken Laskey
SAIC   M/S 2-3-1
1710 Goodridge Drive
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 827-4940
(703) 821-1134 (fax)


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 09:24:04 -0600 (CST)
From: William Arsenault <>
Subject: [Q] Ti-35 Problem

My brother just got a new 266 G3 (lucky him!). He has a TI-35 laser printer.
However, the new Mac with OS 8.0.1 can not see the printer. Any suggestions.
The printer does not show up in the chooser at all.
All connections are good and all cabling can be used on his old Mac to use the 
printer without a problem. I also have a TI-35 on an older Mac with OS 8 with 
no problems using it. It uses the standard Laser Writer driver.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

Bill Arsenault


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 21:00:03 -0700
From: Robert Zimmerman <>
Subject: Battery in IIci

Where is the battery in the IIci?  When I pop the lid off the box, I can
see lots of parts, but I don't see where the battery is.  Is it under the
drives, and if so, how hard is it to remove them to get access to the
battery?  For that matter, do I need to unsolder the old one to put a new
one in?


Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 16:52:25 -0600
From: (Bryan Walls)
Subject: Beware of NewerTech (A)

(A copy of this message has also been posted to the following newsgroups:
comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc, comp.sys.mac.misc)

In article <68rg1q$1ga$>, wrote:

>>     Power Computing PowerWave, PowerTower, PowerTower
>>     Pro, PowerCurve, PowerCenter, & PowerCenter Pro
Note that the PowerCurve was only ever shipped in the Low Profile format.
They didn't start shipping full-size desktop or mini-towers till after
they'd renamed the PowerCurve the PowerCenter.

And yeah, lots of cards will work in the processor slot with the top off.
I agree, that's not what they said. That's like saying Marathon Infinitity
will run on a Windows machine -- if there is a Mac sitting on the Windows

>That's the end of my Christmas story. Oh, one more thing. Has anyone
>out there ever found a fast 604e upgrade card that fits in the
>low-profile PowerCenter's case (and doesn't cost as much as a whole new
Check out OtherWorld at
<>. They have
higher speed PCC cards. I'm not sure which ones (if any) are low profile,
though. I think some are. 

Also, at least one of the card manufacturers make a card that is full
height, but has a perferation you can break off so it will fit in a low
profile case. I've lost track of which.

I currently have a 150MHz 604 in my PowerCurve, making it a PowerCenter
150. I'd like a 200e or so, if the card would fit and the price is right.
It's already tempting, at ~$200.

Bryan Walls                    My Words are not NASA Policy
EB12 MSFC, AL 35812


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 20:47:10 -0700
From: Robert Zimmerman <>
Subject: Cd-ROM Drive problem...

>I have a Performa 630 CD with 32 Meg of RAM and System 7.5.5.
>Inserted CD-ROM does not appear on the desktop.
>SCSI Probe is showing the internal drive as present.
>I tried to rebuild the desktop and clean the drive with a lens cleaner CD,
>all without results.
>Is there anything else I could/should do before replacing the CD-ROM drive?

Make sure you have the CD-ROM Extensions (Apple CD-ROM, Apple Photo Access,
Audio CD Access, ISO 9660 File Access, and Foreign File Access) loaded at
startup.  If the CD-ROM is a Mac CD-ROM, all you really need is the Apple
CD-ROM extension.



Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 22:49:20 -0400
From: Mustafa Ziyalan <>
Subject: Cd-ROM Drive problem...

I have a Performa 630 CD with 32 Meg of RAM and System 7.5.5.
Inserted CD-ROM does not appear on the desktop.
SCSI Probe is showing the internal drive as present.
I tried to rebuild the desktop and clean the drive with a lens cleaner CD,
all without results.
Is there anything else I could/should do before replacing the CD-ROM drive?


Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 16:22:21 +0200 (EET)
From: (Paula Autio)
Subject: Claris Folder missing in MacLinkPlus 9.0

According to DataViz WWW-pages MacLinkPlus9.0 should install (on 68k
-computers)"MacLinkPlus Bridge 68k" that is placed in "Claris Translators
Folder" that is placed in "Claris Folder" that is placed in System Folder.
My MacLinkPlus 9.0 does not do this.

I found MacLinkPlus 68k on the last installing disk and created  the above
mentioned folders for it and placed them all in System Folder.

This did not make MacLinkPlus 9.0 work.
I have Mac Color Classic (68030, 4/40) + System 7.1.



Date: Tue, 6 Jan 98 08:48:30 -0800
From: "B.J. Major" <>
Subject: CM help needed......

I have been trying to add 3rd party contextual menu plug-ins.  They are 
in the correct place within the "Contextual Menu Items" in the System 
Folder and I also have the SOMobjects extension for the 3rd party items 
installed in my Extensions Folder.  The problem is, none of these new 
plug-ins ever show up when I go to use contextual menus--only the Apple 
OS 8 default ones are there.  Am I still missing something that needs to 
be added to the System Folder?  Any help would be appreciated--thanks.



Date: 	Tue, 6 Jan 1998 17:55:09 -0500
From: "Fraser J. Goodmurphy" <>
Subject: Desktop Patterns?

A couple of months ago I grabbed q REALLY NICE set of Desktop Patterns from
the Hyperarchive.  The set included three or four shades of a grey marble
and some great antique and handmade papers.  I looked through the
hyperarchive but I couldn't find this specific set.  Has anyone seen it?



Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 17:16:49 +0200
From: ELB <>
Subject: Filemaker Pro: text file input to specific field?

This may not be the best forum for this question, but I was wondering if
anyone knows if it's possible to import a text file into a specific field
of a given record in FileMaker Pro 4.0?

In case you're curious: I've got scanned text which needs to go into a
specific field of a record- while other fields of that record describe
where this text came from (this info is entered manually).  If I can't find
a solution, good old "copy & paste" and/or "drag and drop" will have to
suffice- but I was hoping to be able to automate this a little...

E. Blasberg


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 20:08:02 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Files Directories

>Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 15:22:56 -0600
>From: (Ted Logan)
>Subject: Files Directories
>Please tell me how I can create a file containing a list of the files in a
>directory or folder, using 7.5.5.  I have File Buddy but can't figure out
>how to do this.
>In the old days "at the prompt" it was just >dir filename but now I dunno.
I know two ways, and there are many more, such as using utilities like Disk
Wizard (a favorite of mine).

But the easy way is to open a folder and select all, then Command-C (to
copy the names of the enclosed items) and then open a text editor and
Command-V to paste the names. That will give you a list of the top-level
items in a folder.

To get a complete listing of folders and subfolders and files within it,
you can fire up BBEdit Lite, and click the third icon to the right of the
pencil icon. Just see what's there. If you haven't seen this before, it may
be a pleasant surprise!



Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 20:08:03 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: further questions on networking to NT

Ken Laskey asked:

>First, thanks to all who answered my original post in early December.
>Activating SFM worked fine except that the only thing visible to me on the
>NT server is the Microsoft UAM Volume with an AppleShare folder and some
>UAM info.  The volume is write-protected.  The sys admin hasn't quite
>figured this out yet.  How do I get access to all the other NT files?  Is
>writing to the server possible?

Someone tell me if I'm wrong, but I think I read recently that access to
all the files on the server will be a feature of the next version of NT.

Daly Jessup


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 10:14:16 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Info

>I have a NuDesign external hard drive and just recently moved it from
>one Mac to another.  I am unable to find the software that came with the
>hard drive so I am unable to install onto the new Mac.

If this is a standard SCSI hard disk, you shouldn't need to do any software
installation to get it to work on another Mac.  Can you be more specific as
to the nature of the disk and the specific circumstances of it's failure to

chazl     - 1.6.1998 -


Date: Sun, 04 Jan 1998 17:32:52 -0700
From: Susan Foster <>
Subject: Info

I have a NuDesign external hard drive and just recently moved it from
one Mac to another.  I am unable to find the software that came with the
hard drive so I am unable to install onto the new Mac.  I have searched
the internet looking for NuDesign, but have not been able to locate a
company, only product reviews etc.  If you know how I can access
NuDesign on the net, please send the address to


Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 22:36:43 -0400
From: "John E. Murphy" <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #3

Hi Eric;

    Can you use OS8? When I read your question, I pressed print and it
priviewed quite nicely, thank you!!

John E. Murphy


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 98 19:28:51 -0000
From: Patrik Montgomery <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #3

On 98-01-06 21:31, Art used quantum mechanics and the General Theory of 
Relativity to draw the conclusion that:

>I am running MacOS 8.0 on a Performa 5200.  I have noted the following
>(1) Certain settings are not being retained if the computer is powered
>    down for a while.  These settings include the Date and Time
>    (including the Time Zone), the Mouse speed (including double-click
>    speed), the highlight color (in the Appearances control panel).
>(2) When I start up, a totally blank (other than containing an "OK"
>    button) dialog box appears on the screen after all the System
>    Extensions have loaded.  This box eventually goes away (after
>    about 30 seconds or so).  Clicking the OK button seems to have no
>    effect.
>Given the symptoms in (1) above, I replaced the battery.  This changed
>Does anybody have any suggestions here?  Thanks.

I think you'll have to reinstall the system. What you're describing 
sounds like a corrupt System file.

Patrik Montgomery        

multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 98 19:28:49 -0000
From: Patrik Montgomery <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #3

On 98-01-06 21:31, Jenny used quantum mechanics and the General Theory of 
Relativity to draw the conclusion that:

> So, Sunday, when I went to turn on the computer (using the manual
>button) I got the start-up chime and a blank screen.  I waited a few
>minutes, then tried to shut it off with the power-off key, but got no
>response.  So I then turned on the computer again manually, and this time
>got a normal startup scree for two seconds, then it restarted (just as if
>I were zapping the PRAM).  This time, it started up normally, but sure
>enough, the PRAM had been reset.  I scanned the hard drive with Norton
>Disk Doctor and Disk First Aid, and it came up clean.  If I restart the
>computer from the Special menu, it starts up normally, and my settings are
>preserved, so I don't think it's a dying battery. 

It might very well be a dying battery - that's my guess. You see, when 
you restart from the Special menu, your computer doesn't turn off the 
power to your RAM circuits (this is the reason you can start from a RAM 
disk) so your battery is not involved in such a restart. On a cold start, 
however, there is no power to your RAM circuits (including the PRAM) and 
your computer relies on the battery to store your settings. A dead 
battery will result in a PRAM reset like you describe.

Patrik Montgomery        

multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 03:03:09 +0000
From: Phil McIntosh <>
Subject: mpw available for free?

I have read recently in several places that Apple had made MPW programming
environment available for free, but each time I go to the URL mentioned, it
either does not exist or does not lead to anything which looks like the
complete package.  Can anyone clarify this for me?  Is it necessary to
download a number of separate files, and if so, what are the filenames?  O
r was the info about it being free incorrect?

Phil McIntosh


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 98 19:28:23 -0700
From: David Zhong <>
Subject: Navigator 4.0.4

Hi all,

Has anyone experience problem with Navigator's Preference file?  
Navigator locked out every time whenever it reads Preference file in the 
startup screen.   My only solution is trash preference file every time 
before I launch Navigator.  

I did not have this problem until two weeks ago, I have no clue what 
causes this.  I tried Clean Install System, zap PRAM, rebuild desktop, 
run Norton Utilities, none of those seem to worked for me.  My system is 
configured in the following way if it helps:  

OS  7.5.5
40 MB RAM(no virtual memory, RAM Doubler)
PPC 7100/80
no SCSI devices



Date: Sun, 04 Jan 1998 23:40:20 -0500
From: Jennifer Deason <>
Subject: Performa 6116CD question

You may very well have a bad/loose/dead battery. Although you bought
your 6116 in '95 it may have been manufactured much earlier. I would
check the battery, after all it will only cost a few bucks and the
machine doesn't have to leave your desk. Also, you WILL eventually need
a battery so it won't be money down the drain.

Good luck


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 17:23:58 -0800
From: Douglas Anderson <>
Subject: Personal LaserWriter LS & Ram

Hi everyone!

I've got a Personal LaserWriter LS.

I hope this is not a dumb question,

I have an extra 4mg simm (72 pin SIMM  80 ns) can I put that into my
Personal LaserWriter LS?

It says in the (User's Guide) that I can upgrade the ram to a meg, but
if the 4mg simm (72 pin SIMM  80 ns) will fit why can't I do that? and
is it a hard thing to do?



P.S. please don't come down on me to hard if this is a dumb question. I
have learnt a lot from asking dumb questions ;-)

P.S.S. If the 4mg simm won't fit does anyone know where I can get one
of those 1mg simms? I've asked around and can't seem to find one


Doug Anderson


Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 16:42:55 -0600
From: (Bryan Walls)
Subject: Personal LaserWriter LS & Ram (A)

In article <68stjl$dl7$>, wrote:

>I have an extra 4mg simm (72 pin SIMM  80 ns) can I put that into my
>Personal LaserWriter LS?
>It says in the (User's Guide) that I can upgrade the ram to a meg, but
>if the 4mg simm (72 pin SIMM  80 ns) will fit why can't I do that? and
>is it a hard thing to do?
Nope. The memory upgrade doesn't take any kind of SIMM at all. It takes a
chip. Or maybe four chips. But they are just ram chips, like the little
chips on your SIMM. 

If you poke around on DejaNews, I think you could find the specifics.
Installation is not a breeze, but isn't terrible, either. I posted how to
do it once, but have sort of forgotten.

I don't think it really buys you anything, though. If you're using the
current driver (for PLW and LW300), I don't think it takes advantage of
the extra memory anyway. And that driver is much better than any of the
older ones, even so. If it helped me when I added it, I could never tell.

Bryan Walls                    My Words are not NASA Policy
EB12 MSFC, AL 35812


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 15:30:10 -0500
From: Mike Craymer <>
Subject: PM 7500 & 21" Colour Display

I will soon be inheriting a Power Mac 7500/100 with the AppleVision 1710AV
display. I also have an old Apple 21" Color Display (Model No. M3502). I
tried getting the specs for the 21" display from the "Apple Facts Online"
web page but couldn't find anything on monitors this old. Before I try
hooking it up, can someone tell me: (1) if the 21" display is compatible
with the 7500, (2) the technical specs for the 21" display, and (3)
opinions as to any practical pros and cons of one display over the other.
For example, is higher resolution generally better than absolute size? (I
do a lot of scientific plotting and some photo scanning and retouching.) I
already have external speakers so the built-in AV speakers aren't of any
concern. I also wouldn't use the built-in microphone much.

Mike Craymer


Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 16:53:11 +0000
From: (Mike)
Subject: PPP Connect Problems

Hello there Info-Mac People

I am having a slight problem with my ppp server.  I have just recently
moved and am now using a different ppp server.  The problem is with the PPP
connecting script.  The server,  once you connect,  sends a message:

        CONNECT 2400

And then you have to wait about 5-10 seconds and then send a carriage
return.  That is where the problem lies.  I have no way to tell my connect
script to wait 10 seconds before sending a carriage return.  Any
Currently I'm doing the connecting manually which gets QUITE annoying!!!

I'm using MacPPP 2.0.1
2400 Baud modem   (yeah kinda slow!)
PowerBook 180

Merci Beaucoup,

Mike Nolet

"Only 56% of all French men use Deodorant"


Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 15:58:33 -0800
From: Buzz Bennetts <>
Subject: Quicken 98 R2

Weeelll, the long awaited fix for memorized Quickfill and Report
transactions is out, and it’s a complete failure on my PPC 7100/66,
running OS 8. 

I ran the updater with extensions off, as directed, and it updated the
application. Then, assuming everything would operate properly, I
memorized about 50 transactions. 

Next, I quit the application and restarted it. As before, all but a few
of the memorized transactions had disappeared, and those which remained
were in multiples of five each. 

The only improvement was when I deleted the multiple transactions; this
time the computer didn’t crash. Progress?

I then declined to try to memorize any reports. It takes too long to
select them. 

As before, there is no way to give this feedback directly to Intuit,
except via telephone at my expense. And this inability to memorize
transactions continues to be a major problem in my business.

I hope you can post enough to get some attention.


Buzz Bennetts


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 11:37:20 -0800
From: Rick Sutcliffe <>
Subject: rhapsody SCSI

Rhapsody (and therefore the Blude Box) does not recognize my Adaptec card
and the drive attached to it. Anyone have any suggestions?


Rick Sutcliffe Math/Cmpt Trinity Western University <>
CDN Chair WG13, FAQ maintainer comp.lang.modula-2
<> <Not speaking officially>


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 22:54:57 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: SAM 4.5 and "big" apps

sjwright <> wrote:

> if anyone else has had it happen with SAM 4.5 that when it comes upon =
> a big (read: 100K+) application program during a scan, let's say, of =
> a whole disk, HD or partition, it puts an Error in the scan list =
> window with the Description "Unable to read all the code in this =
> file".  Is that simply a quirk with SAM? Would increasing _its memory =
> partition make any difference?

Yes it does. The default memory size is too small in my opinion. It
works for me when I increase it (SAM 4.5.1).

> (on devrait tomber les lettres extras pour r=E9pliquer)

quelles "lettres extras"? J'en ai rien vu! ;-))

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)      
Look at <>


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 11:18:23 -0600 (CST)
From: Julius Rahmandar <>
Subject: switching printers epson 600 <-> LW Select

In my home setup I have two printers available, an Epson Stylus Color 600 
and a LW Select 360. As you can guess I'd like to be able to switch 
printers back and forth easily, but there are problems;
The Epson does not support Appletalk, and the LW expect Appletalk. Using 
a serial switch box doesn't is not optimal since I have to 1.) 
turnoff /turn appletalk depending which printer will be used, 2.)and select 
the proper printer in chooser, and of course 3.) the port switcher  
Does anyone have  a better scheme?


Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 10:36:06 +1100
From: (#remove spam#) (Keith Ryding)
Subject: Web  Page Maker 

Hello from australia
I am looking for a public domain application that will create web pages
incorporating aminated gifs.
I just want to include some of those nifty MacBadges ones on my web page.
Thanks in anticipation
Keith Ryding


If you go through life with a smile on your face your probably not paying

to return mail remove the (#####)



End of Info-Mac Digest