01/30/02 rev 01/31/02
This page shows how to access Internet email with one 800K floppy
drive, no hard drive, 4MB RAM and two floppy disks with Mac SE or PLUS.
Disk_1 contents: (after accessing Internet)
System Folder
.*Config PPP 2.0.1 control panel.l21K
.*DA Handler.......................6K
.*Eudora Folder................... 2K
..Finder 6.1.5...................109K
..Finder Startup...................1K..(created by OS)
.*General control panel...........14K
.*MacTCP 2.0.6 control panel.....119K
..MacTCP DNR......................18K..(created by OS)
..MacTCP Prep......................1K..(created by OS)
.*Mouse control panel..............4K
.*PPP 2.0.1 system extension......28K
..PPP Preferences................0.7K..(created by OS)
.*RamDisk+ 3.2.4a control panel...57K
..System 6.0.5 suitcase..........200K
The Disk_1 System Folder was built as follows:
1..A minimum install of OS 6.0.5 was done for both SE and Plus.
2..Files marked above with asterisk (*) were manually added.
Disk_2 contents:
Eudora 1.3.1 application........350K
1..Hold SHIFT key while Booting from Disk_1.
2..Open Control Panel, set up MacTCP, close Control Panel.
3..Open Control Panel, set up Config PPP, close Control Panel.
4..Perform a dial-up, then Hard Close connection.
5..In Disk_1 System Folder create a new folder and name it "Eudora Folder" (no quotes).
6..Setting up RamDisk+:
....Open Control Panel and select RamDisk+.
....Click on "Selections..."
......Remove the "X" in box for "Use file folder"
......Click on "System Folder" then click on "Include".
......Click on "OK"
....Click on "Setup..."
......In the "Your Name?" box enter name followed by 3 spaces.
......Set "Size of RAM disk:" to 1200K.
......Click "OK".
....Check the following boxes:
......Show startup icon
......Create RAMdisk
......Arm Restart button
......Copy to RAMdisk
......Switch to RAMdisk
......Enter MultiFinder
......Eject Floppies
...Close Control Panel.
7..Setting up Eudora 1.3.1:
....Reboot from Disk_1, (Disk_1 should eject)
....Insert Disk_2, copy Eudora application to RAMdisk.
....Eject Disk_2.
....Launch Eudora, set up Configuration and Switches.
....(Optionally) Dial-up and check email.
8..How to Shut Down:
.....Quit Eudora, then Hard Close connection.
.....Insert Disk_1.
.....Copy Eudora Folder from RAMdisk System Folder to Disk_1 System Folder.
.....NOTE: Eudora email copied back to Disk_1 is limited to about 150K.
.....Shut Down
1..Boot from Disk_1, (Disk_1 should eject)
2..Insert Disk_2, copy Eudora application to RAMdisk.
3..Eject Disk_2.
4..Launch Eudora
5..Dial-up and check email.
6..How to Shut Down:
.....Quit Eudora, then Hard Close connection.
.....Insert Disk_1.
.....Copy Eudora Folder from RAMdisk System Folder to Disk_1 System Folder.
.....NOTE: Eudora email copied back to Disk_1 is limited to about 110K.
.....Shut Down
List of Software Downloads:
System 6.0.5 800K Install Disks (4).
MacTCP 2.0.6.
Config PPP 2.0.1 control panel & PPP 2.0.1 system extension.
RamDisk+ 3.2.4a.
Eudora 1.3.1.
Revision history:
01/31/02 was OS 6.0.8, 110K available.