Lido 7 SCSI formatter
Surf City Software went out of business end of 1997. They once produced a very good Macintosh SCSI formatter called Lido 7. Their home page states:
Lido 7 is the ultimate in easy to use hard disk formatting. Complete with extensive partitioning features and unbeatable removable media support, and is no longer supported.
Surf City Software has terminated the ongoing development and support for its products.
Lido 7 is available for general redistribution under the GNU General Public License.
(See note below.)
This means it may be redistributed freely with our terms attached to it. The terms are simple.
Lido 7 may not: be sold for profit or included as part of a commercial hard disk bundle. If you choose to bundle it with your system for resale, the license fee is $1.00 per copy sold.
Lido 7 may: be included as shareware and freely redistributed by individuals, not-for-profit organizations and schools as long as no profit is made from the sale of this software.
To download Lido 7 click here.
Lido 7 worked fine for me. I am in no way affiliated with Surf City Software. They grant redistribution rights and since they stopped distributing it, the software is available here. Do not expect any support. There are no quarantees that it will work on anything later then System 7.5.3 but for older systems and/or drives it is fine.
The Lido 7 page on Surf City Software's home page mentions that Lido 7 is available for redistribution under the "GNU General Protection License". No such license exists, I guess they refer to the GNU General Public License.
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